
ChatGPT is very popular these days, have you been "cut leeks" by these four means?

author:Sister Worry Entertainment

What is the hottest tech tool during this time? That is ChatGPT, if you don't know what it is, simply put, you can think of it as a new intelligent question-and-answer robot, which can answer any questions you ask, and can even help you write articles and programs, etc., in just a few months of global popularity, it is possible that programmers, artists, self-media, etc. must be prioritized for unemployment.

ChatGPT is very popular these days, have you been "cut leeks" by these four means?

For many people who work on computers, ChatGPT has become a powerful production tool, in addition to being able to learn and adapt to new knowledge and continuously improve their performance over time. However, this technology was developed by OpenAI in the United States, which was originally provided for free to users, and only the latest version of ChatGPT4 needs to be paid to use, but it is not expensive, a dozen dollars a month.

ChatGPT is very popular these days, have you been "cut leeks" by these four means?

However, ChatGPT websites need to be registered with a US mobile phone number to use, and many places in China still restrict access. Many black and gray industry organizations have taken a fancy to ChatGPT's potential huge user market in the mainland and are also trying to solve these problems and provide services to domestic users.

In order to make money, these black and gray industry organizations or individuals do everything they can, and they have to admire the keen eyes and business acumen of the countrymen. Whether it is selling accounts or other mirror websites, it seems reasonable to collect money, but there are many risks hidden in it, and in many cases leeks are harvested by these black and gray production organizations.

1. Sell ChatGPT accounts

If domestic users want to use the ChatGPT website, in addition to solving the problem of normal network access, they must first register with a foreign mobile phone number on this website, which restricts the vast majority of users from registering.

As a result, a large number of dealers selling accounts have appeared on major e-commerce websites, forums, chat groups, etc., and it is impossible to distinguish between true and false. Scammers must be widespread, but there are also individual traffickers selling real platform accounts.

ChatGPT is very popular these days, have you been "cut leeks" by these four means?

However, in recent days, ChatGPT has been banned on a large scale, and the affected domestic accounts have reached millions, and the reason is simple, this platform has not opened services in the mainland. Therefore, the purchase of these accounts can only be temporarily experienced, and it is basically impossible to use them for a long time.

2. Sell registration tools

There are also some people, especially friends and programmers who do foreign trade, and often visit foreign websites due to their work. However, this platform is all in English, the registration process is still relatively complicated, and there are recharge steps, which is still very inconvenient for domestic users.

There are also many Chinese people who take a fancy to the huge user market of ChatGPT in China, and also want to register a batch of accounts to sell, and it is no problem to get rich in a short time.

So it spawned a large number of platform account registration tools, in fact, as long as you use your brain a little, you know, the platform is so powerful AI capabilities, how can it not recognize the automatic registration of robots?

3. Copycat ChatGPT

Cottage ChatGPT is more pitted, especially most of the domestic netizens are Xiaobai, and they just heard that the AI capabilities of this platform are very powerful and want to experience it.

There are many domestic intelligent robots themselves, and they are basically free. These profiteers apply the interface of free intelligent bots to impersonate ChatGPT. This is also the most hidden and common, it is difficult to distinguish, and there is no way to be pitted.

ChatGPT is very popular these days, have you been "cut leeks" by these four means?

There is also a kind of cottage ChatGPT is a mirror website built in China, behind the call or the official interface, as for whether it is good to use and stability is really not certain.

4. ChatGPT tutorial sales

This is more common, from registering an account to recharging to how to use AI models, the full set of tutorials is complete. It was originally a tutorial that could be found by searching online, and these people began to sell it in a grand manner, and it was of little use.

However, even if you do have an account on the official platform, you can access the experience normally. But it's not so easy to use this platform well.

It is true that it is a simple input question, and the platform can answer it, but this answer is often not what you want, which requires your questioning skills.

ChatGPT is very popular these days, have you been "cut leeks" by these four means?

If you ask, can ChatGPT really replace human labor? For example, can you really ask him to help me write programs and articles? It really can't, it's not that it can't write it, it's that the articles it writes are very official, and it needs to be reorganized in human language itself.

In terms of answering small questions, this platform is really powerful, such as you ask it how to cook a certain dish, how to write a certain program fragment, how to evaluate a person, etc., it is still quite good. According to his answer, just organize it a little more in your own words.

So whether this ChatGPT platform is useful or not, it is best to experience it yourself before buying it to see if it can meet your work needs. If you really find it useful, it is best to buy it for a short time, because you may be blocked at some point.