
The Standing Committee of the Sinan County People's Congress conducted in-depth research on the work of township people's congresses

author:Guizhou People's Congress
The Standing Committee of the Sinan County People's Congress conducted in-depth research on the work of township people's congresses

Over the past few days, Chen Hong and Li Jianghua, vice chairmen of the Standing Committee of the Sinan County People's Congress, have led teams to go deep into all townships and towns throughout the county to investigate the work and construction of grass-roots people's congresses.

The investigation group successively went to more than 10 townships, towns, and some villages and communities, including Qingbanpo, Tingziba, Kuanping, Hujiawan, Wenjiadian, Sandaoshui, Tangtou, and Shaojiaqiao, inspected the office environment of township and town people's congresses, and the liaison stations of people's congress deputies; consulted relevant materials to understand the basic situation of the work of township and town people's congresses, including organizational construction, position construction, personnel allocation, funding guarantees, and the establishment and operation of mechanisms, as well as the implementation of the "Regulations on the Work of Township people's congresses in Guizhou Province" and other laws and regulations.

The research group held a forum to listen to the opinions and suggestions of the township and town party committees, government and people's congress cadres, people's congress deputies, and the masses of the people on the work of the people's congress, and to guide the township and town streets to do a good job in all aspects of the work of the people's congress according to law.

The Standing Committee of the Sinan County People's Congress conducted in-depth research on the work of township people's congresses

The research group pointed out that General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on upholding and improving the people's congress system, especially the important speech at the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the people's congress, provides scientific guidance and important guidelines for upholding and improving the people's congress system in the new era. Township and town people's congresses are the most grass-roots and most directly linked organs of state power, as well as the grass-roots organs of state power that know the most about and best reflect the will of the people. Strengthening the work and construction of township and town people's congresses is an inherent requirement for consolidating the party's ruling foundation, adhering to the people's dominant position, giving full play to the role of grass-roots state power organs, improving the grass-roots state power system, and realizing the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities.

The Standing Committee of the Sinan County People's Congress conducted in-depth research on the work of township people's congresses

The research group stressed that under the new situation, the township party committees should further strengthen their leadership over the work of the people's congresses, resolutely unify their thinking and actions with General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on upholding and improving the people's congress system, give full play to the role of the people's congress system as a fundamental political system, and better organize and mobilize the vast number of cadres and the masses to strive for the colorful new future of Guizhou that is rich and ecologically beautiful. All township and town people's congresses should further enhance their sense of responsibility and mission in doing a good job in the work of the people's congresses in the new era, consciously accept the leadership of the party committees, resolutely implement the spirit of the work documents of the central, provincial, municipal, and county party committees on strengthening the work of the county and township people's congresses, especially strictly implement the "Regulations on the Work of the Township and Township People's Congresses of Guizhou Province," standardize the work of township and town people's congresses according to law, such as holding good congresses and presidium meetings, organizing investigations, inspections, law enforcement inspections, and appraisals, and so on, and earnestly grasp the work of tracking and supervising the suggestions and opinions of the people's congress deputies, and carry out in depth the work of following up and supervising the suggestions and opinions of the people's congress deputies Theme activities such as "Rural Revitalization, Deputies in Action" and other theme activities, build and make good use of liaison stations (rooms) for people's congress deputies, give full play to the enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of people's congress deputies at all levels, and strive to do a good job in the people's livelihood. It is necessary to earnestly strengthen self-construction, maintain close ties with the masses of the people, continuously improve the ability and level of performing duties according to law, ground the people, observe the people's feelings, gather the wisdom of the people, and relieve the people's worries, enhance the overall effectiveness of the work, and use the rule of law to protect the people's rights and interests and enhance the people's livelihood and well-being. At the same time, it is necessary to make arrangements in accordance with the unified arrangements of the central, provincial, municipal, and county party committees, and under the guidance of the standing committees of the people's congresses at higher levels, and do a good job in the election of county and township people's congresses according to law.

Contributed by: Sinan County People's Congress Chen Yalan

Editor: Yang Meng

Editor: Lü Yue


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