
If the tongue has spirit, the stomach is full of energy, and if the tongue has no spirit, the stomach is weak! 1 minute to teach you to read your tongue and know your health

author:Jia Yajun in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine Internal Medicine

Do you usually observe your tongue? Then do you know that from a person's tongue, you can see his physical condition? Today, Dr. Jia will teach you to read the tongue in one minute, know the rise and fall of stomach qi, and learn not to take detours!

If the tongue has spirit, the stomach is full of energy, and if the tongue has no spirit, the stomach is weak! 1 minute to teach you to read your tongue and know your health

We have a saying in Chinese medicine called "if you have stomach qi, you will live, and if you have no stomach qi, you will die". To take the simplest example, those who are sick, if he can still eat, it means that the situation is optimistic, but if he can't even eat, eat and vomit, then the whole person's spirit will decline. Because the spleen and stomach are the source of qi and blood biochemistry, it is the "gas station" of our body, if even this gas station is out of oil, then how to provide a source of power for the body? So we look at the rise and fall of a person's qi and blood, and see whether his stomach is vigorous, so how to look at it?

If the tongue has spirit, the stomach is full of energy, and if the tongue has no spirit, the stomach is weak! 1 minute to teach you to read your tongue and know your health

There is a very simple and direct way, that is, to look at our tongue, the thin layer of tongue on our tongue, is the stomach qi, so we can infer the rise and fall of stomach qi according to the shape of the tongue.

When the stomach gas is sufficient, the tongue should be a thin layer of white, and the distribution is very even, or although the tongue is relatively thick, there are still moss marks when scraped, the tongue has roots, or after falling off, there will be new tongue moss growing, which indicates that the stomach gas is still relatively sufficient. But if a person's tongue moss is very inconspicuous, seems to have nothing, or seems to float on the surface of the tongue, a scrape will fall off, can directly see the tongue surface, or even no tongue moss at all, the tongue surface is smooth as a mirror, then this means that the stomach has decayed. So clinically, how to judge the development of the disease according to the changes of the tongue?

If the tongue has spirit, the stomach is full of energy, and if the tongue has no spirit, the stomach is weak! 1 minute to teach you to read your tongue and know your health

If a person's tongue is very red, the tongue moss is yellow, and some dry, then this is real heat evidence, indicating that there is real fire in the stomach, then we can refer to a huanglian stomach clearing pill to clear the heat and ephemeral fire; Then if a person's tongue is very red, but the tongue moss is very little, or even no tongue, then this belongs to the yin deficiency fire, indicating that the yin fluid in the body is insufficient, resulting in virtual fire inflammation, then we can refer to a large yin supplement pill to nourish the yin and lower the fire;

For example, if a person's tongue is very light in color, the tongue body is fat, and the tongue is white and moist, then this is a cold certificate, indicating that the yang energy in the body is relatively deficient, we can refer to an aconite pill; If the color of the tongue is very light, but the tongue is thick and greasy, and the tongue surface is also wet with a layer of water, then this may be that the phlegm in the body is relatively wet, and we can refer to a six-gentleman pill to dry and humidify phlegm.

If the tongue has spirit, the stomach is full of energy, and if the tongue has no spirit, the stomach is weak! 1 minute to teach you to read your tongue and know your health

Well, the above is what I shared with you today, but when it comes to medication, it is recommended that you still refer to it under the guidance of a professional doctor, and do not use it arbitrarily. Thank you all for watching, and we'll see you in the next issue!