
Garfield's obsessive tramp code, the "Bottom of the Silver Lake" fragment parsing

author:Watch movie magazines

[Bottom of the Silver Lake] is known as a black crime thriller.

From the previously released trailer, and the two clips recently released in Cannes, it is indeed enough to be thrilling.

Sam, played by Andrew Garfield, is well at home and comes out to breathe.

One looked back and bumped into a beautiful girl swimming naked in her apartment.

Garfield's obsessive tramp code, the "Bottom of the Silver Lake" fragment parsing

▲ This girl is called Sarah (Played by Riley Koo) who not only swims naked, but also "dog language"

The most important thing is that the girl actually only had one night with Sam and disappeared the next day.

Garfield's obsessive tramp code, the "Bottom of the Silver Lake" fragment parsing

▲ This is to get away with it, or really can't look at Garfield

Dump Garfield? I would say that this is not a black crime thriller at all, it is a magical reality!

When Sarah mysteriously disappears, Sam embarks on an extraordinary quest in Los Angeles to unravel the secrets behind her disappearance.

Garfield's obsessive tramp code, the "Bottom of the Silver Lake" fragment parsing

▲ The girl left a mysterious symbol

Sam finds someone who understands and learns:

Garfield's obsessive tramp code, the "Bottom of the Silver Lake" fragment parsing

This is a set of "Hobo Codes"

Garfield's obsessive tramp code, the "Bottom of the Silver Lake" fragment parsing

▲ This symbol means "keep quiet"

The Tramp Code looks far ahead, much like ancient Greek script, ancient Egyptian script, and ancient Chinese oracle bones.

But the vagabond code is not as old as the hieroglyphs mentioned above, and this set of "scripts" dates back to the 1880s.

Who is the tramp

On April 12, 1861, the American Civil War (American Civil War) began.

At the beginning of the war, the United States of America in the North fought for the unity of the country, and later, it evolved into a revolutionary war to eliminate slavery.

It ended in the defeat of the Confederate States of America in the South.

After the end of the Civil War, many veterans faced homelessness and had to wander the world in search of new ways to survive.

Garfield's obsessive tramp code, the "Bottom of the Silver Lake" fragment parsing

▲ Modern tramp culture was formed from this time

After the end of the Civil War, the United States ushered in the peak of industrialization, and the demand for labor was strong. In order to attract European immigrants to the United States, in 1864, President Lincoln lobbied Congress to pass the Encourage Immigration Act.

From 1861 to 1880, the United States ushered in a second wave of immigration, with about 5 million immigrants coming to the United States.

Whether it's a veteran or a friend who immigrates, most have a hard time finding a job.

Garfield's obsessive tramp code, the "Bottom of the Silver Lake" fragment parsing

In order to survive, they had to go on American railroads and highways

Try to take a "hitchhiker" to move from the place in front of you to the next place for free.

Look for opportunities for work.

Garfield's obsessive tramp code, the "Bottom of the Silver Lake" fragment parsing

▲ Homeless people who pick up trains

Lucky people are favored by the conductor in the process of picking up the train, and they can also get a part-time job on the train.

Unfortunate people also have to continue the "journey", hiding in a small space, if found beaten and thrown off the car is good, seriously sent to prison, completely with freedom say goodbye.

When it is cold in winter, it is also common to sacrifice life to a certain carriage.

Homeless people now describe some homeless people.

In those days, as long as you were this group of people who picked up trains and trucks along the road to find jobs, even if it was only for a few days, you were a Hobo-tramp~

What is the tramp code

Although hieroglyphs, the origin of these codes, like the etymology of the term "tramp" itself, is unknown.

Garfield's obsessive tramp code, the "Bottom of the Silver Lake" fragment parsing

But the existence of these codes has become a way for the homeless people who work for short-term workers to help each other

These itinerant workers would make "homeless markes" made of chalk or charcoal on the walls or on the sides of the house.

Garfield's obsessive tramp code, the "Bottom of the Silver Lake" fragment parsing

▲ Albert M. Illustration in Colonel S. Evans' 1873 book A La California

Garfield's obsessive tramp code, the "Bottom of the Silver Lake" fragment parsing

▲ These marks are mainly lines, circles or arrows, with little detail

Many times, it's just a sign of kindness or a warning to someone who is coming to work later.

Some images have a very intuitive meaning.

Garfield's obsessive tramp code, the "Bottom of the Silver Lake" fragment parsing

▲"This is a great place to pick up trains."

And some represent free medical treatment, free food, or "kind woman, tell a poor story (she'll give you free meals)" and so on.

It is the code that the tramps care about the most.

Garfield's obsessive tramp code, the "Bottom of the Silver Lake" fragment parsing

▲ "Beautiful hostess, religious conversation for food, you can sleep in the attic"

This kind of former wanderer left a secret code after spending a stay with a certain family member in order to remind the later wanderers, it looks a lot like the prototype of today's public comments...

Although the traditional sense of the tramp culture more or less disappeared at some point in time in the 20th century.

But the homeless code is still in use today, and it still mostly appears in docks, ferries, and other places that employ migrant workers or day workers.

Because the ferry is free for pedestrians or cyclists.

Garfield's obsessive tramp code, the "Bottom of the Silver Lake" fragment parsing

▲ The symbol in this photo of the New Orleans ferry should be "a good place to go"

Of course, over time, we have lost the meaning of many symbols, even though they can still be seen in some places.

Writing this, it suddenly became clear why Garfield was going crazy for this mysterious woman.

Garfield's obsessive tramp code, the "Bottom of the Silver Lake" fragment parsing

▲ Trekking through mountains and waters, solving puzzles and exploring, just to find her

A girl who can understand the code of a tramp, maverick, too stylish.

I'm going to quickly memorize and recite the homeless password in the text, and the next person to be infatuated with Garfield is me!

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