
Before the Qingming Festival, please open the "Fuyang Detoxification" and do 5 more things to detoxify the body and enhance the yang qi

author:Yanzi has a healthy new life

In two days, it will be the Qingming Festival, these days of warm and cold rainy weather, people feel very depressed, spring rain, heavy humidity, and the wind blows on the body to feel a little cold, at this time it is easy to have wind and cold disease invading the body, the moisture in the body will also be significantly aggravated.

More importantly, many physical diseases are related to the aggravation of rheumatism, such as tracheitis, pneumonia, arthritis, etc., so in the spring when the "two evils of rheumatism" work together, we must pay attention to protecting the body.

Before the Qingming Festival, please open the "Fuyang Detoxification" and do 5 more things to detoxify the body and enhance the yang qi

Especially in the south, there is a lot of rain before and after the Qingming Festival, and after the external moisture invades the body, it is easy to appear tiredness, lethargy, poor appetite, and short temper. However, when people reach spring, the yang energy in the body will turn from Tibet to rise, and this season is also a good time to generate yang qi, drain cold and dehumidify.

If you want to get rid of dampness, you have to find a way to regulate the spleen and stomach, because the spleen is mainly transported, if the spleen and stomach function is abnormal, the phlegm in the body can not be transported normally, which will cause excessive accumulation, coupled with the decline of the digestive ability of the stomach, easy to accumulate food, abdominal pain and constipation symptoms. Therefore, before and after the Qingming Festival, please open the "Fuyang Detoxification" and do the following 5 more things, which can detoxify the body and enhance the yang qi and enhance the body's immunity.

Before the Qingming Festival, please open the "Fuyang Detoxification" and do 5 more things to detoxify the body and enhance the yang qi

The first thing: use adzuki beans, coix seeds and other ingredients to strengthen the spleen and remove moisture

The famous pharmacopoeia of traditional Chinese medicine, "New Edition of Materia Medica", records that coix seed is the best at water, will not lose true yin qi, and wet diseases are easy to dispel. Adzuki beans also have the effect of strengthening the spleen and water, stopping diarrhea and reducing swelling.

It is recommended that people with heavy humidity can use more red adzuki beans, coix seeds with potato, orange peel and other ingredients in the spring, brewed with boiling water above 95 degrees, and can drink one to two cups a day.

Before the Qingming Festival, please open the "Fuyang Detoxification" and do 5 more things to detoxify the body and enhance the yang qi

The second thing: pay attention to the cold and keep warm

Around the Qingming Festival, the yang qi began to grow but was not yet vigorous, and although the yin qi weakened, it did not decline. At this time, the temperature changes are also relatively large, even if there is the sun at noon, the temperature is relatively high, but the temperature in the morning and evening is relatively low, at this time, you must pay attention to the cold and warmth, protect your yang.

During the Qingming season, the protection of the sun should take into account the head and back. According to the daily weather conditions to increase or decrease clothing, especially middle-aged and elderly people in the morning and evening when the temperature is low, it is best to "rest" at home, if you go out to wear a hat, you can wear an extra vest to keep your shoulders and back warm, to avoid consuming yang.

Before the Qingming Festival, please open the "Fuyang Detoxification" and do 5 more things to detoxify the body and enhance the yang qi

Thing 3: Don't live in humidity for long periods of time

According to relevant scientific investigation and research, if you work or live in a humid environment for a long time, the damage to human health is very great, because after staying in a humid and cold environment for a long time, the cold and wet qi will invade the body, causing the accumulation of cold and dampness, and many rheumatism patients will have joint pain in such an environment.

In addition to not staying in a humid and cold place for a long time, you should also pay attention not to rain, dry it in time after sweating, the room should be ventilated frequently, clothes and bedding should be washed frequently and sunbathed more in the sun to keep it dry and breathable.

Before the Qingming Festival, please open the "Fuyang Detoxification" and do 5 more things to detoxify the body and enhance the yang qi

Thing 4: Soak your feet with mugwort leaves

The common way to use mugwort leaves externally is to fry water to soak the feet, the spring rainy weather, the outside is cold and wet, this time often use hot water to soak the feet, soak until the body sweats slightly, this time not only the legs feel relaxed, but also the cold and wet evil qi will be leaked out from the skin.

Mugwort leaves are fried with water with peppercorns, ginger, safflower and other materials, and then used to soak feet, which can prevent wind and cold, promote blood circulation, warm meridians and activate the meridians in spring, use hot water and herbs in medicinal properties to remove cold and dehumidification, enhance the body's yang, and can also help sleep at ease.

Before the Qingming Festival, please open the "Fuyang Detoxification" and do 5 more things to detoxify the body and enhance the yang qi

Thing 5: Exercise should not be excessive

Before and after the Qingming Festival, the organs in the human body have not fully recovered from the cold weather, and the joints and muscles have not yet stretched, and if you exercise vigorously at this time, it will deplete the yang energy of the body.

It is recommended to do some gentle exercises at this time, such as Tai Chi, Baduan Jin, etc., which can not only help unblock blood vessels, but also raise Yang Qi.

Note: The picture comes from the Internet