
China's three "unlucky wines", which were drunk by thousands of families at their peak, can only accumulate ash in supermarkets

author:Love food

As one of the oldest drinks in mainland China, the development of baijiu has always had a long history. In this process, there are many liquors that have been passed down from generation to generation and become historical famous wines, and many liquor has "sprung up" and become a regular drink on the wine table of drinkers.

China's three "unlucky wines", which were drunk by thousands of families at their peak, can only accumulate ash in supermarkets

However, while famous wines continue to emerge, there are also many former famous wines, the quality is still excellent, but for various reasons they have lost their aura and are no longer known by more people, which is really "unlucky".

China's three "unlucky wines", which were drunk by thousands of families at their peak, can only accumulate ash in supermarkets

The following 3 can be called the mainland's "unlucky wine", at its peak, they were all high-quality liquor drunk by thousands of families, and the wine quality and taste were a must, but now they have fallen to the point of collecting ash in supermarkets.

1. Lotus white

China's three "unlucky wines", which were drunk by thousands of families at their peak, can only accumulate ash in supermarkets

Nowadays, when it comes to this wine, not many people should know it. This is a special liquor produced in Changping, Beijing, which is the oldest liquor here. The Jin Yuan period was the pinnacle of the development of this wine, and it was a royal tribute wine at that time.

China's three "unlucky wines", which were drunk by thousands of families at their peak, can only accumulate ash in supermarkets

In modern times, after the official establishment of the distillery, it changed the original pure sorghum brewing and added a variety of medicinal herbs for new aging, which made this wine attract the attention of many drinkers and became a famous liquor drunk by thousands of families at that time.

The raw materials used in the brewing of this sake are very valuable medicinal herbs, so the price is relatively high. However, as cost-effective liquor is more favored by people, its fame gradually disappears from before, and it has become the liquor at the bottom of the supermarket shelf, which is very unlucky.

China's three "unlucky wines", which were drunk by thousands of families at their peak, can only accumulate ash in supermarkets

This wine has a shiny body, and when poured, it is full of aroma, and the aroma of wine and medicine is very well integrated, full of fragrance. Take a sip, the taste is mellow and soft, without a bit of spicy stimulation, very delicious. After drinking, the aroma of wine is left in the cup, and the smell makes people can't wait to drink the next one.

2. Su Dongpo wine

This wine is produced in Meishan, Sichuan Province, and is a very representative local brand of fragrant liquor. The distillery of this wine is known as a "century-old brand" in the local area, which was founded during the Qing Dynasty.

China's three "unlucky wines", which were drunk by thousands of families at their peak, can only accumulate ash in supermarkets

As early as the seventies and eighties of the last century, the winery has become famous throughout the country and is loved by many drinkers. This Su Dongpo wine was a famous liquor at that time, with a high cost performance, making it ranked at the top of the people's "ration wine" selection.

China's three "unlucky wines", which were drunk by thousands of families at their peak, can only accumulate ash in supermarkets

When this wine is made, high-quality Wuliang is selected as raw materials, and the brewing process used is to inherit the ancient techniques of the long history, which makes the finished wine mellow and the wine quality unique. Not only that, after the base wine is made, it is also cellared for three years in a "century-old cellar", which not only gives it a unique flavor, but also guarantees its outstanding quality.

China's three "unlucky wines", which were drunk by thousands of families at their peak, can only accumulate ash in supermarkets

For a long time, the distillery has taken "quality first, reputation first" as the purpose of winemaking, and quality improvement is the focus of pursuit. However, the "unfortunate" thing is that the media era in the mainland has gradually arrived, but it has not paid enough attention to wine promotion and packaging, so the reputation of this wine has gradually declined, and it has become a wine that falls on the supermarket shelves.

China's three "unlucky wines", which were drunk by thousands of families at their peak, can only accumulate ash in supermarkets

This wine is old and slightly sticky, and the whole wine is bright and clean, and it is flawless. Open the bottle and burst the fragrant, the rich and refreshing fragrance makes people's eyes shine. If you taste it carefully, you can also smell the thick charm of old wine. In the mouth, the wine aroma is prominent, the taste is sweet and refreshing, and it is very delicious.

3. Four special wines

China's three "unlucky wines", which were drunk by thousands of families at their peak, can only accumulate ash in supermarkets

Jiangxi people and locals know how famous the four special wines were once in the liquor circle. This wine is a classic special aromatic liquor, which is very special and has the characteristics of "thick, sauce, clear and rice" four aroma types. Such a unique flavor makes this wine deeply loved by drinkers and is known as the "wine king" of Jiangxi.

However, later, due to the reform of the liquor market, many famous and excellent liquor emerged one after another, coupled with the emergence of a large number of "OEM wines" under high visibility, the market share of the four special liquors gradually shrunk, and the glory became history.

China's three "unlucky wines", which were drunk by thousands of families at their peak, can only accumulate ash in supermarkets

This wine is pure and unadulterated, and the wine body is mellow and rich. When the wine is poured out, the wine line is continuous, the hops are small and dense, the aroma is mellow and elegant, and the flavors are harmonious and natural, which is very good. Take a sip, the taste is mellow and sweet, the taste is sweet and delicate, and it makes people have an aftertaste.

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