
When the enemy is a super genius with a rich enemy country and Xiang Yu's stature - such as the United States, how do you win?

author:Cutting through the thorns

Almost invincible, the most powerful country in history - the United States

Throughout history.

The United States is the first country in the history of mankind to radiate all continents and oceans by force; The first super sickle that can cut the global leek and influence the world by economy alone; The first country to lead almost all mainstream technologies and innovate at the same time; The first country with global cultural brainwashing and localization of spies and traitors.

If you use people as an analogy, a Song Renzong (P.S. Song Renzong may be the richest emperor in history) with Xiang Yu's force, Einstein brain, and Hitler's brainwashing technique, looks around, lonely and invincible!! Are you afraid!!

When the enemy is a super genius with a rich enemy country and Xiang Yu's stature - such as the United States, how do you win?

With great strength, the sharp sickle of the United States is to cut Europe and cut Asia, and more dog licking countries take the initiative to send their heads. Why does the world dare to be angry and dare not speak? Because in addition to strong military, economic, scientific and technological, and economic strength, the United States also has four death-free gold medals.

The gold medal of the United States to avoid death is a sharp scythe

Gold Medal One An unruly recruitment order, cutting off the world's talents

During the stirring of World War I, the United States cut the first wave of global top talents, and after achieving the original accumulation, the United States was in a leading position in most fields in scientific research, and finally created a closed loop of talents:

The best people → the best universities/institutes → attract the best students, and the best students grow into the best talents; After these talents are cultivated into industry leaders, they will become mentors for the next generation of talents, and so on, and finally harvest the world's talents.

According to statistics, about 25% of international students choose to settle in the United States after completing their studies, and these 25% are almost the top international students.

These newly arrived talents in the world eventually actively or passively participate in the harvesting of the motherland.

When the enemy is a super genius with a rich enemy country and Xiang Yu's stature - such as the United States, how do you win?

Gold medal two The most rogue trick, the "dollar tax" paid by the world

Under the hegemony of the dollar, the United States can make the world pay with its fingers.

Is the economy going up? ——Unlimited QE, unlimited money printing, "open the gate and release water" can be used in vain around the world;

Inflation too high? -- Raising interest rates and "closing the gates and cutting off the flow" to loot the foreign exchange reserves of various countries and plunder the wealth of the world, especially developing countries.

When the enemy is a super genius with a rich enemy country and Xiang Yu's stature - such as the United States, how do you win?

Gold medal three: The spokesperson of large-scale farming, the most terrible "pillow man"

Through its advantages in science and technology and culture, the United States has achieved large-scale and localized breeding of spokespersons around the world.

In the development of a country, it is inevitable that there will be a phased crisis; Once a crisis occurs, one thing is certain: the United States will support policies that exacerbate the crisis and oppose measures aimed at alleviating it, and the team of experts will work professionally to lure suicide and add fuel to the fire.

In the 60s and 70s of the 20th century, there were West Germany and Japan, which carried out suicidal decisions to reduce investment in fixed assets;

In the 1997 Asian financial crisis, there were the "Asian tigers", which adopted the suicide decision to abolish foreign capital control measures;

In the late 80s and early 90s of the 20th century, the Soviet Union was induced not to imitate China's economic reforms, but to adopt a policy oriented towards the complete privatization of state-owned enterprises.

Domestic and international expert forces colluded to form alliances and kill people on the pillow.

When the enemy is a super genius with a rich enemy country and Xiang Yu's stature - such as the United States, how do you win?

Gold Medal Four If you don't shout "Daddy is good", no one wants to be full, whether it is a man or a machine - a knife buried in the grain

The United States has long disrupted the Middle East and led oil theft squads that love the motherland everywhere. In 2021 alone, 8 adult oil production from Syria was stolen.

The United States, the world's largest grain producer, is poured with the blood of developing countries.

By manipulating IMF and World Bank loans, some countries are increasingly growing cash crops that the United States cannot grow, while relying on U.S. food exports, plundering other countries' natural resources and controlling their economic lifelines in the process.

Food imperialism has brought an unbearable burden to Latin America. The most typical is the transformation of countries such as Guatemala and Honduras into so-called "banana republics" – developing countries that depend on a single cash crop such as bananas.

When the enemy is a super genius with a rich enemy country and Xiang Yu's stature - such as the United States, how do you win?

Invincible, simply invincible!! It's like if you play a game and meet the opposite side of the open hanging, not only "physical immunity" but also "super blood sucking" and "money swipe", teammates and anti-bone boys, how can this win?

"Those who kill others must not aspire to the world" - 3 steps to the decline of the United States

The four scythes of the United States, cutting people sharp and defenseless, such as four death-free gold medals.

In the United States, "slave owner" is a forbidden word, but in fact the United States is still a slave owner, and other countries are leek gardens.

So how to defeat, an impossible monster?

Economic development is blocked, economic problems cannot be reversed, national welfare continues to decline, talent outflow, domestic situation is turbulent, and eventually leads to decline, and then demise - sooner or later it will have to be changed, and the script written by the United States for the Soviet Union cannot escape.

1 [Break its super blood sucking]

The United States has financial hegemony, once it encounters economic problems, it can suck blood from many developing countries to recover itself, and now even its former European allies are not spared, and people around the world are back.

In Brazil, Argentina and other countries, the economy is in severe recession, and the United States is limited in wanting to transfer contradictions to them. My rabbit is getting stronger and stronger, and I want to suck rabbit blood and lose my teeth.

The United States can suck less and less blood,.

2 [Waiting for a war of a certain scale]

Much of the reason for the demise of the Soviet Union was the arms race, and the war in Afghanistan was also a trigger.

The United States launched most of the wars in the world after World War II, and most of them were victorious, but once the United States launched such a war indiscriminately, it fell into a larger war that could not be won in the short term, detonating its domestic contradictions, which was bound to lead to accelerated decline.

3 [Accelerating its economic crisis]

300,000 US dollars of debt and industrial chain advantages will be the final killer.

When the enemy is a super genius with a rich enemy country and Xiang Yu's stature - such as the United States, how do you win?

The decline of the United States must be a long process, and it needs chance.

Compared with the United States, such as the Dalyan shipyard in Leonin in the United States, there is still a lot of [dog head] [dog head] [dog head] at the same time, and this result will inevitably happen.

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