
ChatGPT's questioning skills: Get more accurate information


ChatGPT is a large text generation model based on OpenAI that can have intelligent conversations with users. It can answer all kinds of questions, generate all kinds of content, and even mimic the style and tone of various characters. If you want to have interesting and meaningful conversations with ChatGPT, there are some tips and strategies that can help you enhance your experience.

Get answers in tabular form

Make your request and have ChatGPT respond in the form of a form. Use follow-up prompts and dialogs to let ChatGPT make changes to the tables it draws, or even generate them in a standard format that other programs, such as Microsoft Excel, can understand.

ChatGPT's questioning skills: Get more accurate information
ChatGPT's questioning skills: Get more accurate information

Output the text in the style of the author you like

With hints on details, get ChatGPT away from its rather dull, matter-of-fact default tone and into something more interesting – like the style of your favorite author.

For example, you can choose the searing simplicity of a Hemingway story, or the lyrical rhythm of a Shakespearean play. The end result does not come close to the talent of the actual author and can be creatively enlightening for personal output

ChatGPT's questioning skills: Get more accurate information

Set restrictions on answers

Will ChatGPT perform impressively when it answers within a specific range.

You can ask that four pieces of information be condensed into one paragraph, or that the answer be answered with no more than seven characters. If ChatGPT does not answer correctly as requested, it can be corrected to make it try again

Keep your audience in mind

Tell ChatGPT who its audience is.

For example, you can tell ChatGPT that you're talking to a group of 10-year-olds or a group of entrepreneurs, and it will respond accordingly. It is suitable for generating multiple outputs along the same topic.

ChatGPT's questioning skills: Get more accurate information

Generate prompts for other AI engines

ChatGPT itself is a very capable prompt engineer. If you ask it to provide creative and effective input to AI engines like Dall-E and Midjourney, you get text, which you can then input into other AI tools you're using. Hints can even be asked by prompting ChatGPT itself.

When generating prompts, the more detailed and specific you are looking for, the better:

  1. You can let the chatbot expand and add more detail to the sentence.
  2. You can role-play it as a hint generator for specific AI tools.
  3. You can tell it to refine its answer as you add more and more information.

Get the output in the form of ASCII art

While ChatGPT is text-based, you can have it generate some kind of picture by asking for ASCII art. This is art made up of characters and symbols instead of colors.

The more specific the description, the better, allowing the bot to add new elements and remove elements at any time. Keep in mind the limitations of the ASCII art format – this is not a full-fledged image editor.

Copy and paste text from other sources

When it comes to ChatGPT, you don't have to type it yourself. Copy and paste is a good helper, paste text from other sources. While the input limit is up to about 4,000 words, you can split the text you send to your bot into parts and have it remember what you said earlier.

Perhaps one of the best ways to use this approach is to have ChatGPT simplify text you don't understand – for example, the interpretation of a difficult scientific concept. You can also have it translate text into different languages to write in a more engaging or fluent style.

Provide context

Provide enough context for ChatGPT to understand the context and purpose of your problem. This helps ChatGPT process information better and give more relevant and accurate answers

Give it some data before asking questions. For example, you can give it a list of book summaries and their types, and then ask it to apply the correct type labels to the new digest. Or tell ChatGPT about activities you enjoy and get new suggestions.

Use high-level thinking

Ask challenging but relevant questions and let ChatGPT apply its advanced thinking skills to solve them. For example, you can ask "What would you do if X happened?" Or "If Y happens, what will be the consequences?" Such questions require chatGPT to reason and predict, rather than just repeating known facts.

Dig deeper into the topic

Use follow-up questions to delve deeper into a topic, or ask ChatGPT to provide evidence or explanations to support its point. For example, you can ask "Why do you think X is correct?" Or, "Can you give me some examples that support your claim?" "This gives more depth and quality to the conversation, and it also allows you to learn more about ChatGPT's thought process."

Role playing

Just as ChatGPT can mimic the style of some of the authors it knows, it can also play a role: a frustrated salesman, an excited teenager, or an iconic star.

The types of characters you can play are almost endless. These tips may not score well in terms of practical application, but they are really useful clues to understand the potential of these AI chatbots

At last

Respect ChatGPT's feelings and wishes and avoid asking questions that hurt, insult, or ridicule it. This maintains a friendly and pleasant atmosphere and also avoids causing disgust or rejection from ChatGPT.