
How can hair and dead noodles be kneaded smoothly? The chef teaches you the technique of kneading dough in a simple and effortless way

author:Vegetarian dishes

How can hair and dead noodles be kneaded smoothly? The chef teaches you the technique of kneading dough in a simple and effortless way. Everyone says that it is difficult to make noodles, you can't do pot light hand gloss, today the noodle tutorial is coming, teach you in detail and various viscosity dough, master good methods and skills, and easily become a pasta master.

How can hair and dead noodles be kneaded smoothly? The chef teaches you the technique of kneading dough in a simple and effortless way

Prepare the ingredients:

Regular flour, warm water, yeast powder, sugar, salt


How can hair and dead noodles be kneaded smoothly? The chef teaches you the technique of kneading dough in a simple and effortless way

1. When making noodles, first do a good job of yeast water, this is 120g of warm water, put 2g of yeast powder, put 3g of white sugar, put white sugar can promote yeast fermentation, melt yeast in water and then noodles, which can stimulate the activity of yeast, and the speed of our noodles is also fast.

How can hair and dead noodles be kneaded smoothly? The chef teaches you the technique of kneading dough in a simple and effortless way

2. I have 200g of ordinary flour, pour yeast water into the basin, stir it while pouring, and then take chopsticks to scrape off the flour stuck to the bottom of the basin.

How can hair and dead noodles be kneaded smoothly? The chef teaches you the technique of kneading dough in a simple and effortless way

3. Many friends will not knead the dough, we knead the dough with the bottom of the palm to force, so that it will not tire the hands, when kneading with the dough to scrape the surrounding flour, kneading dough is a manual work, recently everyone said that I lost weight, may also have something to do with this, now this dough is also kneaded, take a look, the light basin is also light, very simple, seal it, first feed for 5-10 minutes.

How can hair and dead noodles be kneaded smoothly? The chef teaches you the technique of kneading dough in a simple and effortless way

4. After the dough is loose, it becomes very soft, and then simply knead twice, the surface is easy to knead smooth, seal this basin well, where to put warm where to ferment.

How can hair and dead noodles be kneaded smoothly? The chef teaches you the technique of kneading dough in a simple and effortless way

5. Now come again and a dead dough, this is 300g of ordinary flour, put 2-3g of salt can increase the gluten of the flour, flapjacks, I generally use 60% water, 300g of flour with 180g of warm water to mix noodles, the noodles stuck to the basin are scraped off, you can start kneading.

How can hair and dead noodles be kneaded smoothly? The chef teaches you the technique of kneading dough in a simple and effortless way

6. At the beginning, you don't need to knead this dough very smoothly, because you have to knead for a long time, when there is no dry powder in the simple kneading, put it in a bag, let it feed for 5 minutes, compared to the last pot operation, directly put it in the bag, so that the sealing is better, the effect will be better, 5 to 10 minutes can be.

How can hair and dead noodles be kneaded smoothly? The chef teaches you the technique of kneading dough in a simple and effortless way

7. After loosening the dough out becomes a little sticky, and particularly soft, so that kneading is not laborious at all, kneading for about 10 seconds, see, the surface is not particularly smooth, knead it smooth, and then put it in the crisper bag to seal it, and then relax for half an hour, you can go to burn all kinds of cakes.

How can hair and dead noodles be kneaded smoothly? The chef teaches you the technique of kneading dough in a simple and effortless way

8. Finally, I will share with you a dough with relatively large water content, which is 200g of flour, plus 155g of warm water to make noodles, this noodle is more sticky, let's directly use chopsticks to stir into such a dough.

How can hair and dead noodles be kneaded smoothly? The chef teaches you the technique of kneading dough in a simple and effortless way

9. Such a soft and sticky dough, there are two ways to knead the dough, the first is directly covered with plastic wrap, feed for 30 minutes, the gluten forms by itself, it is naturally smooth, the second is to directly use the way of kneading it smooth, let's share this, prepare a bowl of water, and then dip it in it with your fist.

How can hair and dead noodles be kneaded smoothly? The chef teaches you the technique of kneading dough in a simple and effortless way

10. This is the noodles, when the noodles should be quickly up and down, so that it does not stick to the hands, a little longer, they can be put into a ball, it is particularly malleable.

How can hair and dead noodles be kneaded smoothly? The chef teaches you the technique of kneading dough in a simple and effortless way

11. This noodle has been made, let's look at the difference between these three kinds of dough, this is the hair noodle just now, its volume has become significantly larger, and swelled a lot, after the hair is good, it is in the state of silk nest, which is more suitable for making some hair buns and hair curls and the like.

How can hair and dead noodles be kneaded smoothly? The chef teaches you the technique of kneading dough in a simple and effortless way

12. Let's take a look at the dough of the second and dead noodles just now, this dough is particularly soft, a little sticky, look at its ductility, like this dough is more suitable for flapjacks.

How can hair and dead noodles be kneaded smoothly? The chef teaches you the technique of kneading dough in a simple and effortless way

13. This is the last kind of noodles we just and with, this noodles have a particularly large water content, it is also very suitable for flapjacks, that is, the difficulty of operation is slightly greater, friends with pasta foundation can try it, and finally tell you that there is a difference between our noodles and noodles, and noodles are put in yeast powder, let it expand a process, as for noodles is not to put yeast powder, let gluten form by itself, a softer process, these two must not be confused.