
Li Jianqing investigated and inspected the work of being on duty during the "May Day" period

author:Hebei News Network

On the morning of May 3, Li Jianqing, secretary of the county party committee, went to Chencun Township to investigate and inspect the work of holiday duty, petition stability, epidemic prevention and control, and safe production, and on behalf of the county party committee and the county government, he extended holiday greetings to the vast number of cadres and workers who stuck to their posts. He stressed: It is necessary to earnestly attach importance to the work of emergency duty, carry forward a strict work style, strictly abide by work discipline, ensure that the post is in place, smooth the channels for information reporting, and effectively respond to and properly handle all kinds of emergencies. It is necessary to pay close attention to all kinds of situations in the jurisdiction, do a good job in monitoring and preventing key areas such as petition stability, safe production, and epidemic prevention and control, consolidate responsibilities, conscientiously perform their duties, ensure that the overall social situation remains safe and stable, and let the people spend a safe and peaceful "May Day" holiday. County leader Lu Qingxin and the main responsible comrades of the county party committee accompanied the investigation.

In the course of the investigation and investigation, Li Jianqing held individual talks with some members of the leading body in Chencun Township on the aspects of fulfilling the responsibility of comprehensively and strictly administering the party, solemnly changing discipline, and grass-roots party building.

Li Jianqing demanded that we should persist in doing a good job in normalizing epidemic prevention and control, guard the "external prevention and import" defense line, make every effort to do a good job in vaccination work, and effectively improve the efficiency of vaccination. It is necessary to promptly investigate social contradictions and disputes, so as to achieve early investigation, early discovery, and early disposal, and make every effort to safeguard the overall situation of social harmony and stability. It is necessary to further consolidate the role of grass-roots party organizations as fighting bastions, strengthen grass-roots organizations, basic work, and basic capacity building, and make every effort to promote the implementation of various tasks and goals of the "three basics" construction year.

Source: Qiu County People's Government Website

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