
Li Jianqing presided over the meeting of the Standing Committee (expanded) of the county party committee

author:Hebei News Network

On March 15, Li Jianqing, secretary of the county party committee, presided over the 16th meeting of the standing committee of the county party committee (expanded) in 2021 in the conference room on the third floor of the training center of the party school of the county party committee. Members of the Standing Committee of the county party committee attended the meeting, and leaders of other counties and the principal responsible comrades of relevant units directly under the township and county government attended the meeting as observers.

The meeting conveyed and studied the spirit of the national "two sessions" and the spirit of Comrade Wang Dongfeng's speech at the provincial meeting of leading cadres to convey and study the spirit of the national "two sessions"; the "Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Retired Soldiers"; the "Circular of the Hebei Provincial People's Government of the CPC Hebei Provincial Committee on the Performance Appraisal of Local Units and the Evaluation Results of Leading Cadres of provincial management Leading Groups in 2020", "The Circular of the Office of the Leading Group for the Evaluation of Cadres of the Municipal Party Committee on the Completion of Key Assessment Indicators in Counties (Cities, Districts) in 2020"; the spirit of the national, The spirit of the provincial and municipal organization ministers' meetings studied the party's organizational construction, system construction, county town construction, and other work.

Li Jianqing pointed out that the "two sessions" of the National People's Congress are a very important meeting held in the year of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the beginning of a new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country, and the beginning of the 14th Five-Year Plan. Comrade Wang Dongfeng proposed based on the actual conditions of our province that it is necessary to carry out the activities of "three-fold, four-innovation, five-optimization" and "three-base" construction year as the starting point, highlight the key points, create bright spots, and embark on a high-quality development road suitable for the reality of Hebei. All levels and departments throughout the county should profoundly study and comprehend the spirit of the national "two sessions" and the spirit of Comrade Wang Dongfeng's speech, and conscientiously grasp the implementation. It is necessary to profoundly comprehend it and earnestly penetrate it into the mind; it is necessary to strengthen propaganda and quickly set off an upsurge of study; it is necessary to vigorously grasp implementation and promote the development of all work.

Li Jianqing stressed: It is necessary to do a good job in political construction. It is necessary to deeply study and comprehend the series of important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the spirit of the national, provincial and municipal organization ministers' meeting, effectively unify thoughts and actions with the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and provincial and municipal party committees, adhere to the correct direction, and continuously promote the study and implementation of the deep and solid. It is necessary to continue to deepen the study and education of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, strengthen the study and education of party history, meticulously do a good job in celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party, and strive to build a loyal and clean leadership team and cadre team. It is necessary to do a good job in organizational construction. It is necessary to closely focus on the overall situation of high-quality development in the whole county, do a good job in building grass-roots party organizations, consolidate the grass-roots foundation in rural areas (communities), and ensure that grass-roots party organizations become strong fighting fortresses. It is necessary to do a good job in building the contingent. Firmly establish the correct orientation of employing people, closely follow the requirements of high-quality development, and closely follow the strategic goal of building a green civilization, rich, strong and beautiful modern Qiu County, enhance professional capabilities, strengthen supervision and management, and strive to build a high-quality professional cadre team that is politically competent and can lead the modernization drive.

Li Jianqing stressed: The county town is our main battlefield, and the construction of the county town is even more the main engine of the county's economic development, and all departments at all levels must really attach importance to it ideologically, give prominence to the work in the position, and make great efforts to grasp this work well. All levels and departments must have a sense of urgency and the time is not waiting for me; they must strictly follow procedures, speed up the construction progress in a rhythmic manner, strictly supervise and strictly hold them accountable, and ensure the rapid advancement of key urban construction projects in the county.

Source: Qiu County People's Government Website

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