
#Have you ever wanted to go back to your childhood#I was born in a beautiful little village with clear streams, verdant hills and sweet fruit. Pears and plums there are

author:Eagle Life Essay

#你有没有哪一瞬间想回到小时候 #

I was born in a beautiful little village with clear streams, verdant hills and sweet fruits. The pears and plums there were my childhood favorites, and every time the fruit was ripe, I always rushed to the fields to pick the plump fruits and taste their sweetness and fragrance.

However, over time, I left the small village and came to the bustling city. Although I can still taste all kinds of fruits, my heart has always lacked the feelings and longing for my hometown.

When night falls, I always sit quietly in front of the window, looking at the bright city lights outside, thinking of my hometown and reminiscing about those carefree childhood times. I think of those sunny days, running around the village from morning to night, chasing the figures of my companions, picking plums and pears from the trees and tasting their sweetness.

At that time, I had not yet understood the complexity and change of the world, nor had I experienced various difficulties and setbacks. I was just a simple, happy kid enjoying the best time of my life.

Looking back now, I find myself gradually moving away from that simplicity and innocence. But I also know that no matter where I am, the emotions and thoughts of my hometown will always accompany me.

Whenever I taste the delicacy of pears and plums, those days and people that have passed away come to mind. I can feel the affection, friendship and hometown love, which give me infinite strength and courage to face the challenges and difficulties in life.

Although I am not in my hometown, the memories and emotions of my hometown are deeply imprinted in my heart. Pears and plums are not only delicious in my childhood, but also the source of my pursuit of happiness and growth.

#Have you ever wanted to go back to your childhood#I was born in a beautiful little village with clear streams, verdant hills and sweet fruit. Pears and plums there are
#Have you ever wanted to go back to your childhood#I was born in a beautiful little village with clear streams, verdant hills and sweet fruit. Pears and plums there are
#Have you ever wanted to go back to your childhood#I was born in a beautiful little village with clear streams, verdant hills and sweet fruit. Pears and plums there are

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