
Northern Myanmar, Myawaddy, the Golden Triangle, waist quacks, fraud, drug trafficking rampant

author:Miss the creation of industry enzy

Northern Myanmar, Myawaddy, the Golden Triangle, where are the places where there are a lot of Chinese pits? First of all, these three places are not the same place.

1. Northern Myanmar

As the name suggests, it should refer to the northern part of Myanmar. It is bordered by Yunnan on the mainland to the east and Tibet on the mainland to the north. Mainly including Kachin and Shan States, the region is a haven for crime because of its mountainous terrain and complex geography, and the presence of more than a dozen armed groups that are highly autonomous and not controlled by the Myanmar government. 人口买卖、诈骗以及毒品交易在这里十分猖獗,而我们常说的缅北诈骗园区,多数在‬掸邦境内的果敢和佤邦。 有很多‬中国人‬被骗‬到这里‬,经受着‬非人‬的‬折磨,所以‬大家‬千万‬不要‬到‬缅北‬去‬,就是‬在‬国内‬讨饭‬也不要‬到缅北‬,这里‬没有‬馅饼‬只有‬地狱‬。

Northern Myanmar, Myawaddy, the Golden Triangle, waist quacks, fraud, drug trafficking rampant
Northern Myanmar, Myawaddy, the Golden Triangle, waist quacks, fraud, drug trafficking rampant

2. Golden Triangle

The Golden Triangle is located at the junction of Myanmar, Laos and Thailand in Southeast Asia, and covers roughly the northern part of Myanmar in Shan State, Kachin State, Chiang Rai Province in Thailand, Chiang Mai Province in northern Chiang Mai Province and Luang Namtha Province, Phongsari, Udomxay Province in Laos, and the western part of Luang Prabang Province, with a total of more than 3,000 large and small villages and towns.

With its traffic and mountains, it's particularly difficult to manage, so Myanmar, Thailand and Laos don't care, so it's also a haven for crime. It is rich in opium poppy and produces opium, heroin and other drugs through local warlords and drug lords, and in recent years has become a haven for wire fraud and human trafficking. The power of the recent anti-gambling and anti-fraud in the Golden Triangle is here. I would like to emphasize that you must stay away from such dangerous places.

Northern Myanmar, Myawaddy, the Golden Triangle, waist quacks, fraud, drug trafficking rampant

3. Myawaddy

The Golden Triangle anti-gambling and fraud first person Hai Bo often mentions Myawaddy not in northern Myanmar, but in Kayin State in southeastern Myanmar. 也是‬不受‬缅甸‬政府军‬管辖‬的‬地‬,也是‬一个‬高度‬地方武装‬割据‬的‬地方‬。 近几年‬这里‬诈骗‬和‬人口器官‬买卖‬在这里‬更加‬猖獗‬。 千万资产的旅游公司老板幸卫林就是‬被‬骗‬到这里‬的‬,这里‬远离‬中国‬,缅甸‬地方武装‬和‬泰国‬某些‬人‬勾结‬将‬大量‬中国人‬骗到‬这里‬,很多细节‬辛卫林‬都讲过‬。 由于‬中缅泰‬三国‬联合‬执法‬,缅北‬很多‬黑势力‬集团‬感觉‬形式‬不妙‬,也开始‬将‬园区‬转移到‬这里‬。 所以‬大家‬千万‬不要‬被‬骗‬到这里‬。

Northern Myanmar, Myawaddy, the Golden Triangle, waist quacks, fraud, drug trafficking rampant

Finally, the important thing is to say it three times, stay away from the land of right and wrong, never go to these places, never go to these places, never go to these places.