
Drinking protein powder and eating eggs can supplement protein, so what is the significance of protein powder?

author:Dr. Guanghai talks

Protein powder is a nutrient supplement that improves the health of the human body. Consuming protein powder has the effect of promoting muscle growth, protecting the liver, improving immunity, promoting metabolism, regulating blood lipids and blood pressure.

For many people, they will eat some protein powder to improve their resistance, and can also make themselves healthier, so as to achieve the purpose of health.

Drinking protein powder and eating eggs can supplement protein, so what is the significance of protein powder?


What is protein powder

Protein powder It is actually a protein powder, its main use is to supplement the human body needed protein finish protein powder, generally some soy purified protein, or purified protein from milk.

Protein powder It is mainly used for trauma burns, large-scale skin ulceration, tumor radiotherapy or chemotherapy and other nutritional supplements, generally it is mainly used to treat severe protein loss, when the body is in a state of burden balance.

For these patients who are recovering from treatment or are in the postoperative recovery stage, it is impossible to ensure the diversity of food intake as normal people, protein powder and other nutritional products are a crystallization of protein supplementation.

Like some women who are pregnant or lactating, women with weak gastrointestinal tracts can take protein powder to supplement protein in the body, because it is also an essential raw material in our human body, and can also accelerate the circulation mechanism of metabolism in our body, physiological regulation and maintenance of its normal function.

Drinking protein powder and eating eggs can supplement protein, so what is the significance of protein powder?


Drinking protein powder and eating eggs can supplement protein, so what is the significance of protein powder?

Proteins can be roughly divided into: complete proteins and incomplete proteins.

Complete protein – contains all essential amino acids (9 types), and the content of each essential amino acid is sufficient, the sources include: 1. Protein of animal origin (except gelatin); 2. Quinoa protein; 3. Soy protein;

Incomplete protein – is a lack of 1 or more essential amino acids, mainly plant-derived protein (except quinoa protein and soy protein).

Drinking protein powder and eating eggs can supplement protein, so what is the significance of protein powder?

When the food we eat in life does not contain complete protein, then it is easy to cause protein, and the lack of us will cause so-called malnutrition and even induce some health problems.

Some fitness people often take some high-quality protein, then its existence is based on some scientific design and proportion, the body will be faster absorption and utilization, supplementing those who urgently need protein The significance is more significant.

In life, people like fitness or weight loss are very large white matter, because it can meet the needs of the human body, but also can speed up the metabolism rate in the body, but also prevent the entry of some fatty substances.

Therefore, the eggs we eat will also contain protein, but this protein is far from meeting the energy needs of our human body, so it is still based on protein supplementation.

Drinking protein powder and eating eggs can supplement protein, so what is the significance of protein powder?


What are the foods that contain protein


The more common beef, pork, it contains relatively rich protein, you can also choose some salmon, tuna, their protein content is also extremely high, and this time the fat content is extremely low.

If you want to quickly supplement high-quality protein, then everyone chooses such foods, but for gout patients, we should eat as little as possible, because it contains certain purine substances, which will increase the chance of gout and affect your health.


Like soybean soy milk will contain high-quality protein, but you must choose the amount that suits you, if you eat too much, it will inevitably cause a certain burden on your kidneys, affect your liver metabolism, and even induce some irreversible harm.

Eggs, milk

Whether it is eggs or dairy products, it will be rich in calcium products, but we must pay attention to hypercalcemia, lactose intolerance, patients are eating with reduced fat, if the stomach is upset, avoid eating some dairy products.

Drinking protein powder and eating eggs can supplement protein, so what is the significance of protein powder?