
It's fun and warbonded, and World of Tanks arcade mode is full of firepower!

author:No two esports said

Speaking of fighting nations, we who "offend my Chinese will be condemned from afar", and players will not miss those fun military games. No, the competitive military online game "World of Tanks" has recently ushered in a wave of peaks, what big moves have the official made? Let's check it out!

Arcade mode is back, both fun and war bonds!

Want to have a different combat experience? For example, become a sharpshooter, and there is no bullet; Or is it all left to luck, where the breakdown or ricochet is random? From March 31st to April 2nd, the arcade mode of "Rail Cannon" and "Surprise" gameplay opens our doors to play whichever we want. It should be noted that this weekend also brings combat missions that will reward war bonds, and you can easily get 400 war bonds.

It's fun and warbonded, and World of Tanks arcade mode is full of firepower!

The National Open continues, and the group stage begins Armageddon!

It's been almost a month since the World of Tanks 2023 National Open, and the group stage will be finalized this week. In last week's competition, OBG, Casual Play, 3U Twilight Morrowind, and NoCruelty became more and more courageous and secured the first place in each group (in fact, they were already advancing early). For teams such as RG, PTG, 2072 and other teams that have only scored 1 point, this week's event is about the ticket to the knockout round, and they must show 100% strength. Let's hope they can compete in style and level! Let's stay in the official live broadcast room!

It's fun and warbonded, and World of Tanks arcade mode is full of firepower!

R series TD branch, version 1.20.1 broke the news

WG revealed a lot of news in the preview of the 1.20.1 version last Friday, including the R series TD, which has been exposed several times. According to official news, the development of this new branch began with triple-gun fighting vehicles, including 5 new TDs of the V-X class. Like the "five-type tanjing" of the advance vehicle of the same division, the biggest highlight of this branch is the firepower of the naval gun class: the standard AP shell penetrates well, and the average single shot damage is also explosive. However, the maneuverability and concealment coefficient of these TDs are somewhat unsatisfactory, active shooting will basically be lit, and the risk of black guns is a bit high.

It's fun and warbonded, and World of Tanks arcade mode is full of firepower!

PS: Although the R series TD does not have a turret, the thickness and inclination of the hull armor are quite good, and it has a certain degree of damage resistance, and WG also said that it is more suitable for a support role, and I will follow up after the detailed data is released.

The M54 apostate arrives, and the players rejoice

Want to own a T1 class or higher? The car elders can't miss the M54 defectors in the special offer mall (removed at 09:59 on April 3). Objectively speaking, this is a somewhat expert level 8 car, you may feel a little unworthy when you first play, but after getting acquainted, you will definitely choose it first. God-level gun control, medium-level maneuvering, coupled with the strength of protection, the comprehensive ability of the renegade can even enter the T0 of the level 8 car, and its figure is indispensable in various lists.

It's fun and warbonded, and World of Tanks arcade mode is full of firepower!

In short, the car is a good car, the price is also very suitable, whether you enter or not depends on yourself.

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