
How to adjust sleep according to the seasons? Traditional Chinese Medicine: Teach you the tips for falling asleep in all seasons!

author:Left point regimen

You can never understand the helplessness and pain of a person with poor sleep tossing and turning in the middle of the night and listless during the day.

Once a big guy said: "I have seen the city at 4 a.m., and the insomniacs will sneer: "I have seen the city at every time period...", sleep well, this seemingly simple action, in today's fast-paced society, has become so difficult.

How to adjust sleep according to the seasons? Traditional Chinese Medicine: Teach you the tips for falling asleep in all seasons!

As the old saying goes, "3 points to eat, 7 points to sleep." This statement illustrates how important sleep really is.

A good night's sleep will bring you:

(1) Helps the body heal and repair

(2) Reduce the risk of disease

(3) Improve cognitive function

(4) Strengthen the immune system and reduce stress

(5) Reduce pain sensitivity

(6) Helps to lose weight

Conform to the changes of the four seasons, people and heaven are one, and Chinese medicine teaches you the tips for falling asleep in the four seasons!

Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to the "unity of nature and man", emphasizing that people are a part of nature, whether it is health preservation, or traditional Chinese medicine treatment, it must be combined with the right time and place, conform to natural changes, and sleep is no exception.

1. Spring (March-May)

"Lie down at night and get up early, walk widely in the court"

From the spring equinox, the days are long and the nights are short, the yang qi arises, and everything begins to grow.

Sleep in this period is best to go to bed late and get up early, and go for a walk outdoors after getting up in the morning to make the yang in the body rise to meet the natural law of spring yang qi.

How to adjust sleep according to the seasons? Traditional Chinese Medicine: Teach you the tips for falling asleep in all seasons!

2. Summer (June-August)

"Lie down at night and get up early, never get tired of the day"

People who get up early in summer will have a better mental state.

People who sleep in summer will languish throughout the day, and it is recommended that everyone try to take a lunch break in summer to ensure adequate sleep.

3. Autumn (September-November)

"Lie down early and get up early, enjoy the chicken"

The autumn equinox begins, the days are short and the nights are long, and the temperature difference between morning and evening increases, and the sleep routine at this time should be to go to bed early and get up early.

4. Winter (December-February)

"Lie down early and get up early, enjoy the chicken"

Winter nights are deep and cold, suitable for going to bed early and getting up late, sleeping more, like sleeping nature, take a good rest and rest throughout the winter, and when the spring of the next year begins, you can wake up a healthy and energetic you.

How to adjust sleep according to the seasons? Traditional Chinese Medicine: Teach you the tips for falling asleep in all seasons!

Do this and sleep better

1. Maintain a fixed work and rest time

The time to fall asleep and wake up is relatively fixed, even on holidays.

Note that sleeping more is not necessarily effective. Because the sleep cycle is divided into 5 stages: falling asleep, light sleep, deep sleep, deep sleep, and rapid eye movement. A cycle is about 90 minutes, and it is best to sleep for 4 to 5 cycles.

Studies have found that people who wake up between 5:22 and 7:21 have higher levels of a substance that can cause heart disease in their blood, so getting up after 7:21 is more beneficial to their health.

2. Establish the relationship between bedroom, bed and sleep

Try not to do irrelevant things in bed, if you can't sleep, simply get out of bed and do something else, and go to bed after falling asleep.

When you wake up, turn on the light, which will readjust the body's biological clock and adjust the pattern of sleep and wake-up. You can drink a glass of water after sleeping.

If you want to sleep during the day for professional reasons, pay attention to establishing a good sleeping environment: make sure it is quiet and dark; The bedroom temperature should not be too high; Lavender, orange scents help sleep.

How to adjust sleep according to the seasons? Traditional Chinese Medicine: Teach you the tips for falling asleep in all seasons!

3. Scientific napping

During the day, the nap time should not exceed 30 minutes; It is not advisable to take another nap after 3 p.m.

Rest, do not necessarily have to fall asleep, close your eyes to nourish the mind, sit, daze, meditation are all good rest methods, the key is to empty the brain, relax the body, do not watch videos, read books, listen to music that is easy to excited.

Avoid coffee, tea and alcohol before going to bed; Avoid smoking and strenuous exercise. #如何做健康老年人 #