
Five years of Taiping Xingguo, investigation of the marriage relationship of the elite of Jinshi

author:Oriole talks about history

With the changes in the social environment of the Song Dynasty, people's concept of marriage also began to quietly change. During the Wei and Jin dynasties, marriage attached great importance to door-to-door marriage, and the so-called door-to-door marriage was prevalent, that is, intermarriage between the Shi and the Yu ethnic group was absolutely not allowed.

In the Tang Dynasty, this custom still had a great influence, "folk marriage is practiced, regardless of official goods and reading", the family even still insists on "men and women marry, do not mix his surnames", the famous historian of the Southern Song Dynasty, Zheng Qiao, has a very incisive exposition on this: "From the Sui and Tang dynasties, the family has a genealogy." The marriage of the family will be due to genealogy. "Since the beginning of the fifth generation, although people's admiration for the family family has not disappeared, due to the dispersion of the family family, the phenomenon of "marriage without asking questions" has gradually begun to appear.

Five years of Taiping Xingguo, investigation of the marriage relationship of the elite of Jinshi

After entering the Song Dynasty, on the one hand, there was still a complex of admiration for the great family in people's psychology, and on the other hand, the rise of bureaucratic nouveau riche, so in the concept of marriage, the door-to-door pair was given a new connotation, so that the concept of marriage in ancient China began to change.

Among the elites of the Taiping Xingguo Five Years, only Su Yijian, Li Shen, Xiang Minzhong, Kou Zhun, Wang Dan, Zhang Yong, Ma Liang, Ma Hao and others have relatively rich marriage information, that is, this section will analyze their marriage situation one by one.

Su Yijian was the champion of the five-year entrance examination of the Taiping Xingguo Army, and he had been relatively smooth since entering the career path, and later became an official to participate in political affairs, but unfortunately died young due to alcoholism. Su Yijian's father married the daughter of the Shi family, Xue Shi, which undoubtedly played a very important role in the prosperity of the Su family, but the situation of Su Yijian's wife Cui is not clear.

Five years of Taiping Xingguo, investigation of the marriage relationship of the elite of Jinshi

Yi Jian and Cui had four sons, the eldest son Su Shouguan to Shuibu Langzhong, and the third son Su Suguan to Dali Commentary, and the marriage of the two is not recorded in relevant historical records. The second son, Su Province, married Wang Shi, that is, Su Yijian's second daughter of Wang Dan in the same year, and such a marriage between them in the same year not only further enhanced the friendship of the same year, but also could be described as a family pair.

Su Yijian's fourth son, Su Wen, married three wives, Zhou, Wu, and Zhang, but their family lineage is unknown. It can be seen that among the marriage partners of Su Yijian and her son, except for the marriage family of the second son Su Province, the rest are not praiseworthy, and such a thin marriage relationship is not conducive to the development of the Su family.

Li Shen was born in a family of middle- and lower-level officials, and received a good family education when he was young, and in the five years of Taiping Xingguo, he entered the Shijia Branch and Xie Brown was appointed as a supervisor and sentenced to Tanzhou, and soon after that, he immediately entered the central government, and Taiping Xingguo was destroyed as a writer in eight years, and Yongxi was removed from the right supplement net in three years, and knew the control of Hao.

Five years of Taiping Xingguo, investigation of the marriage relationship of the elite of Jinshi

In the second year, he was summoned to Hanlin as a bachelor, and in the second year of Chunhua, he joined Zaifu, worshipped the affairs and participated in political affairs, and in October of the first year of Xianping, he assisted Zhenzong in handling the imperial government, which was called "holy minister", Jingde died in July of the first year, at the age of fifty-eight, Zhenzong was very saddened by Li Shen's death, and ordered "to abolish the dynasty for five days, give the imperial lieutenant, the Zhongshu order, and overflow Wenjing".

According to the "Epitaph of Wen Jing Li Cemetery", Li Shen had married two wives successively, his former wife Zhang Shi, born in a low-level official family, his father Zhang Zhongfu was the Sima of the Yongxing Army of Jiupin, Li Shen Jinshi and the first year old, Zhang Shi should be his and the first before marriage, according to Li Keng's family lineage, Li and Zhang marriage is more right.

Married to the Zhu clan, also born in the family of official eunuchs, Zhu Dong's father Zhu Dong was one of the founders of Yuelu Academy, "Kaibao, Shang Shulang Zhu Dong Dianchangsha, left to pick up the widow Sun Fengji Tongli County affairs, in Yuelu Mountain to hold the yellow cave under the Zhaoqi Academy, Guangyan apprentice", Later Zhu Dong with the tai Chang Shaoqing to the shi, donated the Ministry of Works to the waiter.

Five years of Taiping Xingguo, investigation of the marriage relationship of the elite of Jinshi

Li Shen came from a family of middle- and lower-ranking officials, so his wife's family also belonged to this class. Li Shen Jin Shi and later, he rose rapidly in the career path and gradually entered the ranks of high-ranking officials, which obviously had a greater impact on his choice of in-laws for his children, and the sons-in-law he chose when he was alive were either Jin Shi, literate, capable, and had unlimited prospects, such as Xue Ying and Wang Zeng, or after high-ranking officials, they were in charge, such as Xiang Chuanzheng.

Even after his death, his family's choice of son-in-law still valued Jin Shi's origins, such as HD. Xiang Minzhong had married four wives. The family lineage of Yuan's wife Liang is unclear, and it is estimated that Liang was married by Minzhong and the first time, and with Minzhong's family lineage, it is likely that Liang was also from a low-level official family or a Hansu family.

Five years of Taiping Xingguo, investigation of the marriage relationship of the elite of Jinshi

Zhang Yi, the grandfather of his second wife Zhang, died since his parents were young, but he was studious and progressive, and in the Later Tang Changxing period, he was promoted to the rank of training officer of the Yaozhou regiment, and later served as an official of the Libu Langzhong, and in the early days of the Later Han Dynasty, he worshiped the people of Zhongshushe, and later died in the post of Sima of Fangzhou because he was not dependent on the magnates.

Zhang's father, Zhang Quhua, was the first person to enter the Shike in the second year of Taizu Jianlong, and the first to pay homage to the secretary Lang and Zhishi Guan, and later officials to the affairs, in the first year of Jingde, the Ministry of Works was reformed to serve as a shi, and Jingde died in the second year. Zhang Quhua is talented and talkative, and he can be regarded as a celebrity in the early Song Dynasty. Zhang Quhua's son, that is, Zhang Shide, the younger brother of the Zhang clan, was also the first to raise Jin Shi in the fourth year of Dazhong Xiangfu, and Zhang Quhua's family was heard of as a father and son. The Zhang clan was born into such a prominent family of eunuchs, if not for Xiang Minzhong Jin Shi and Di.

Five years of Taiping Xingguo, investigation of the marriage relationship of the elite of Jinshi

Their marriage was unimaginable Xiang Minzhong's third wife, Guangping Song, was the daughter of the seventh-grade military attaché and the late felt carpet envoy Song Yanzhao, and the time of marrying the Song clan should be between the fourth year of Yongxi because of his wife's father Zhang going to Hua, and the fifth year of Xianping's proposal to marry Wang Xianqi's daughter, during this period, Minzhong steadily rose in the career path, knowing that Guangzhou Yaoguang South Road transfer envoy, was a privy councillor, moved to Tongzhi Privy Council, added military attendants, participated in political affairs, until in addition to Tongzhongshu Menxia Pingzhangshi, Jixian Hall University scholars.

Reached the pinnacle of his official career. Due to the rise of the political status of the people, when marrying a wife, it is natural to consider that the wife's family must be equal to their own status, and the Guangping Song clan is a big surname in the Tang Dynasty, and there was a famous prime minister Song Xuan, to the beginning of the fifth Song Dynasty, there was Song Tinghao's father and son Guangmenting, Song Tinghao married Princess Yining, the daughter of Later Tangzhuang, and his son Song Yanya married Princess Yongning, the ancestor of Later Han Gao, and the eldest daughter was made empress by Taizuna in the early years of Kaibao, that is, Empress Xiaozhang.

Five years of Taiping Xingguo, investigation of the marriage relationship of the elite of Jinshi

Such a large family remained in the Song Dynasty, and although it was no longer possible to have the privilege of being an official for generations, its social influence and status in the minds of the early Song Dynasty doctors must be very high. Unfortunately, no information has been found that can directly explain the relationship between Minzhong's wife's father Song Yanzhao and Song Yansho, but there should be no doubt that Song Yanzhao belongs to the Guangping Song family.

Therefore, although Yanzhao was only a small low-level military attaché, Minzhong was also willing to marry his daughter. Xiang Minzhong married the Wang clan, which is a typical marriage between high-ranking officials' families. Wang Xunqi, the father of the Wang clan, was a famous martial general of the fifth dynasty and the early Song Dynasty, who had "served as a defensive envoy, Shen Yi and good strategy, and had political achievements", and later married Zhao Kuangsa, who was inspected in front of the palace at that time, as a brother of the righteous society, and together with Shi Shouxin, Gao De, Zhang Lingduo and others, he supported Zhao Kuangsa in yellow robes, and was the founding hero of Zhao and Song, and Zhao Kuang, the ancestor of Song, withdrew in recognition of their support, and added palaces and Jin knights for them in the month of the establishment of the Song Dynasty.

Five years of Taiping Xingguo, investigation of the marriage relationship of the elite of Jinshi

Among them, "Wang Xunqi was the Marquis of Yu in front of the palace and the defense envoy of Muzhou as the Taining Jiedu Envoy and the Commander in front of the palace", and later became the Jiedu Envoy, plus the Pingzhang Incident, and died in the seventh year of Kaibao, and Taizu "was fortunate and wept." He gave the order of the letter of Zhong, posthumously crowned the king of Langna County, and gave a gift. The day of the funeral is also the abolition of the dynasty." The eldest son of Xun Qi, that is, Wang Chengyan, the elder brother of the Wang clan, chose Princess Zhaoqing, the granddaughter of Shang, and the Wang family became the in-laws of the imperial family. From the perspective of Xiang Minzhong's wife's room, Minzhong paid more attention to his wife's family and political and social status in the present world when he married after Jinshi and the first day.

Kou Zhun father Kou Xiang was promoted to the Shijia branch during the Later Jin Dynasty, and Kou Zhun should also be born in Shuxiangmendi, he ascended to the rank in the fifth year of Taiping's Xingguo, Shi Lang taught Dali to comment, and successively knew that he returned to Badong County and Cheng'an County, the daimyo prefecture, and Kou Zhun showed excellent ability to govern the county as soon as he entered the army, and when he was in Cheng'an County, if he was levied for military service, "the name in the book township, the county gate of the reveal, the people have no violation."

Five years of Taiping Xingguo, investigation of the marriage relationship of the elite of Jinshi

Later, he moved to the palace and sentenced to the right zhengyan and the direct history museum, and then destroyed the Shangshu Yubu Langzhong and the Privy Council Zhi Bachelor, and the Judge Department Dong Tie, and in April of the second year of Chunhua, he moved from the Privy Council Straight Bachelor to Zuo Counsellor to remove the Privy Councillor, and was the first to be promoted to Zaifu official in the same year of his Jin Shi. Two years later, he was disagreed with his colleague Zhang Xun and disputed in front of Emperor Taizong, but he was soon reused, and in September of the fifth year of Chunhua, he was dismissed from participating in government affairs because he liked him when selecting officials, and he was dismissed from participating in politics because he was in the selection of officials, and it was not until the first year of Jingde of Zhenzong that he reached the peak of his career from the third envoy and the attendant of the Xingshang Shu Bingbu to worship the Pingzhangshi of the Zhongshu Menxia and the scholar of Jixian Temple.

The two wives that Kou Zhun married before and after had a good family background, especially his second wife Song Shi, who had a prominent family lineage and good social relations, which should be an important principle for Kou Zhun to marry a wife. This principle also applies to the marriage partners of his next generation, and his daughters are basically married to people with official family backgrounds, or they are themselves court officials.

Five years of Taiping Xingguo, investigation of the marriage relationship of the elite of Jinshi

Wang Dan's wife Zhao Shi was the daughter of Zhao Changyan, a famous minister in the early Song Dynasty. Zhao Changyan's father Zhao Liang served Emperor Taizong before he became monarch, and Emperor Taizong had a good impression of him. In the third year of Taiping Xingguo, Changyan was promoted to the rank of jinshi, and the first place in the provincial examination, but in the palace examination, because it was not as agile as Hu Dan Wensi, he failed to break the top of the list, entered the A section, was awarded the post of supervisor and general judgment of Ezhou, and soon moved to the right collection of relics and the direct history museum, and later successively served as the right supplement net, the staff member foreign lang, and the imperial history of the middle of the line.

Five years of Taiping Xingguo, investigation of the marriage relationship of the elite of Jinshi

Yongxi joined Zaifu in April of the fourth year, and was removed from the imperial history as a deputy envoy of the privy council, but only a year later, he was deposed because he publicly formed a party with Hu Dan, Dong Jian and others in the same year, which was not tolerated by Emperor Taizong. After Zhenzong came to the throne, Changyan was appointed as a soldier and a shangshu of the Ministry of Work, and Wang Qinruo accepted bribes and degraded it, and soon began to use it again, paying homage to the squire of the criminal department and the shanglang of the household, and died in the second year of the Great Zhongxiangfu, and presented the official Shangshu and Yijingsu. Zhao Changyan "likes to push the prize and advance", Li Shen, Wang Yu and others are recommended by Changyan, which is very beneficial to himself and his son-in-law Wang Dan's career.

Five years of Taiping Xingguo, investigation of the marriage relationship of the elite of Jinshi

Wang Dan and Zhao had three sons and four daughters. The eldest son, Wang Yongguan, was transferred to Sifeng Lang of the Liangzhe Road, and he married two wives, "Former Li Shi, daughter of Dali Qingxiang, and Later Lü Shi, that is, the daughter of Wen Jing Xu Guogong", the former wife's father was the current official of Sipin, and the second wife's father was Lü Yijian, a very influential minister of Zaifu during the Renzong period.

Lü Yijian was born in the famous official family - the Lu family in Henan, and the first generation of the Lü family Lü Mengqi was a soldier in the Tang Dynasty and a deputy stayer in Beijing, and Mengqi's second son was known as Guitu and Guoxiang. Guitushi to Qi Julang, his eldest son Meng Zheng destroyed the first jinshi in the second year of the Xingguo of Taiping, and in February of the first year of Duangong, in addition to Zhongshu Shilang and Hube Shangshu, supervising the history of the country, and with Zhongshu Menxia Pingzhangshi, Mengxiu, was the second son of the first Guangda Lü clan court member Mengxiu as a jinshi during the Xianping period, and the official was in the palace.

Five years of Taiping Xingguo, investigation of the marriage relationship of the elite of Jinshi

Lü Yijian is the son of Meng Heng, Yi Jian Xianping ascended to Shidi in three years, and was appointed as a military officer of Jiangzhou, and also tested his knowledge and Maoming in the physical use department during the year of Dazhong Xiangfu, and then his career was smooth, in July of the first year of Qianxing, in addition to participating in political affairs, he began to enter Zaifu, and in February of the seventh year of Tiansheng, he worshiped the prime minister, and in April of the second year of Ming Dao, Renzong, who was in charge of the great government, was instigated by Empress Guo, suspecting that Yijian was dependent on the empress dowager and resigned, in fact, Renzong still appreciated Yijian very much, so he summoned him back to the dynasty in October of the same year, and then paid homage to the prime minister again, and later because he had several disputes with the same Wang in front of Renzong, Yu Jingyu was deposed again in April of the fourth year.

Five years of Taiping Xingguo, investigation of the marriage relationship of the elite of Jinshi

However, three years later, in May of the first year of Kangding, Yi Jian paid homage to the prime minister for the third time, which shows that Emperor Renzong's deep belief in his favor was resigned in March of the second year of the calendar, and Yi Jian was praised by the imperial court, and he died and presented the imperial master and Zhongshu Ling, known as Wenjing. Wang Dan was married to such a family. Judging from the marriage situation of Wang Dan and his children, when Wang Dan's family chooses a marriage partner, it pays attention to the other party's family background and his own talents.

Five years of Taiping Xingguo, investigation of the marriage relationship of the elite of Jinshi

Although there are also typical Hansu family originators like Han Yi who have been selected as in-laws of the Wang family, compared with other more in-laws, after all, it is a minority, not to mention that Han Yi himself has both ability and integrity, so Wang Dan will like him. The proportion of the Taiping Xingguo elite choosing a marriage partner for their children shows that they first consider the family origin of the other party, which means that they are more willing to marry grandfathers and fathers, including the descendants of their outstanding people in the same year.

For example, among Xiang Minzhong's children, there are people who have marriage information to examine, and some of them are in-laws who come from high-ranking families, and among these marriage partners are the daughter of Li Shen, who is the prime minister in the same year, and the son of Prime Minister Wang Xian, the daughter of Wu Yuanfang, the second-rank military attaché, and even the great-granddaughter of Song Taizu.

Five years of Taiping Xingguo, investigation of the marriage relationship of the elite of Jinshi

Obviously, Xiang Minzhong still attaches more importance to the other party's family lineage on the issue of children's marriage. Even Wang Dan, who declared that "marriage does not seek a gate", placed family lineage in a relatively important position when choosing a marriage partner for his children.

Five years of Taiping Xingguo, investigation of the marriage relationship of the elite of Jinshi

Wang Dan's eldest son Wang Yong first married the daughter of the fourth-grade official Li Xiang, and then married the daughter of the famous minister Lü Yijian, the second son Wang Chong married the granddaughter of Prime Minister Shen Lun, and two of the three wives married by the youngest son Wang Su were from high-ranking official families, one was the daughter of the third-grade official Li Wei, and the other was the daughter of Prime Minister Zhang Shixun.

Wang Dan's four daughters, two of whom were married to high-ranking officials, two of whom were the sons of prime ministers. For example, Kou Zhun, who has been in the prime office three times, two of his four daughters have married the son of Prime Minister Bi Shi'an, and it should be said that such a marriage is closely related to the political status of the in-law Bi Shi'an.

Five years of Taiping Xingguo, investigation of the marriage relationship of the elite of Jinshi

It can be seen that in the concept of marriage of the elites of the five jinshi of the Taiping Xingguo, the style of Shang family lineage and Shang Mendi still has a greater influence. Of course, when choosing a marriage partner, their own political status is also a very important factor.

The Shi clan was formed in the Wei and Jin dynasties, and the nine-pin zhongzheng system guaranteed the hereditary privileges of the Shi clan in government, in essence, it was to ensure the hereditary privileges of the nobles of the dynasty, so the Wei and Jin noble families were the most qualified to become the Shi clan", from the research of today's people, the Shi clan on the one hand has cultural advantages, "distinguished from other surnames by family learning and etiquette", and is different from the general Yu clan with its elegant style and high cultural accomplishment.

On the other hand, it also has political privileges, and is superior to the poor family in the selection of officials. Obviously, the Wei and Jin Shi clans were the product of the combination of scholar class study and scholars, and it was also the result of the Han and Wei dynasty official selection system focusing on talent, morality and origin.

Five years of Taiping Xingguo, investigation of the marriage relationship of the elite of Jinshi

In order to maintain the purity and nobility of its bloodline, this class generally does not marry with the cold family, that is, the so-called "love and marriage, as for the separation between the noble and the low, it is common to take it for granted", thus forming a typical family marriage.

Although the Wei and Jin clans themselves had begun to decline, and the Sui and Tang imperial examination system had contributed to the gradual loss of its political advantages, in terms of family education and family background, its descendants still occupied a relatively important position in the political life of the Li and Tang dynasties. In terms of the influence of the family background on the concept of marriage in the Tang Dynasty, it is still "folk marriage cultivation, regardless of official goods."

Five years of Taiping Xingguo, investigation of the marriage relationship of the elite of Jinshi

Even the Li and Tang royal families, which suppressed the Shi clan, had a strong concept of the door in the principle of marriage, and when Emperor Dezong lost the marriage of some clan women, Emperor Dezong specially issued an edict "Ordering those who have a division to take the gate valve to be deserved."

Obviously, the concept of marriage in the Tang Dynasty advocating the door is still very popular, and their so-called "door-to-door pair" is still a traditional door-to-door marriage. In the early Northern Song Dynasty, door-to-door pairs were still an important principle for people to choose in-laws, and the analysis of the marital status of the elites in the five years of Taiping Xingguo is very illustrative, but there have been some new changes in the connotation of door-to-door pairs.

Five years of Taiping Xingguo, investigation of the marriage relationship of the elite of Jinshi

In the past, after the continuous suppression of the Southern Dynasty to the five generations of autocratic dynasties, coupled with the heavy blow of peasant uprisings and wars, by the time the Zhao and Song Dynasties were established, many had disappeared, just as it was said that "the old clans of the old clothes left the countryside, or the knighthood was destined to die, and the lineage was not examined", under such circumstances, the traditional marriage of the family also lost the object.

People can only "marry without asking questions", but the desire for everyone's surname in people's minds still exists. Zhenzongzhang dedicated Empress Su Liu, originally a Shu person, from a slightly cold background, "good rattle, Shu people palace beauty brought it into Beijing." At that time, Zhenzong was in the capacity of the crown prince Yin Kaifeng, and after seeing the Liu family, "Great joy, favor the special room", Zhenzong succeeded to the throne, and he favored the Liu family more and more, and during the Xianping period, Li Shen was the face, and Zhenzong wanted to make the Liu family a noble concubine, and sent the envoy in advance to ask Yu Li Shen with his own codex, Li Shen immediately burned the codex and said to the messenger, "But Daohang thought it was impossible." ”

Five years of Taiping Xingguo, investigation of the marriage relationship of the elite of Jinshi

To sum up, among the people who have recorded their marital status among the elites of the Taiping Xingguo Five-Year Jingshi, whether it is their own marriage or their choice of marriage partners for their children, they are very particular about the right person. The wives of the jinshi and the first were all of the same origin as their own, and the second wives were generally the daughters of high-ranking officials of their status, and they chose wives for their sons.

The first thing to pay attention to is the other party's family lineage, and if you choose a son-in-law, you will value the other party's family lineage while also considering the other party's own talents. In addition, there is also a phenomenon of in-laws between them, but unlike the situation of mutual assistance between the two parties in the previous marriage, this in-law relationship between the same year is more of a manifestation of their friendship in the same year.