
Ah Yuan: Floating flowers

author:Spring and autumn
Ah Yuan: Floating flowers

Vermilion likes to go shopping at Auchan in the European Valley on weekends.

They live in the University Apartment in Paris East, there are a few stops to the European Valley, you need to take the subway, the one-way fare of the subway is three euros, six or seven euros round trip, seven euros converted into yuan, that is, more than fifty, Sun Anfu is not happy, just buy a dish, go to the nearby super U can be, walking is only ten minutes, why spend this unjust money?

Zhu Foil sank his face. It has been half a year since they came here, and he still has the habit of converting for more than half a year. A cauliflower is more than two euros, equivalent to 20 yuan; A box of enoki mushrooms, one hundred grams, is two taels, but it costs two euros, equivalent to more than a dozen yuan. If in China, this money can buy a pound of enoki mushrooms, he muttered. She ignored him and put the small box of enoki mushrooms in her shopping basket.

When she was in China, she actually never bought enoki mushrooms, she always bought oyster mushrooms. When she came to France, she liked to buy enoki mushrooms again, and never bought oyster mushrooms. She herself didn't know why. Because enoki mushrooms are more expensive than oyster mushrooms, don't you like to pick expensive things to buy! Listening to Sun Anfu say this, she herself was shocked, she seemed to really have this problem, as soon as the dish was cheap, she didn't want to eat it, and she didn't want to make it; As soon as the dish was expensive, she wanted to eat it and made it. Her attitude of making enoki mushrooms or lotus root here is really meticulous (lotus root here is even more expensive), and the solemn look is not like treating vegetables, but like treating a person with status who cannot be slow. She herself felt snobbish.

In the past, when Sun Anfu was in China, he liked to eat the oyster mushrooms she made, add a few slices of bacon, a few leeks, stir-fried over high heat, and it was very fragrant. Every time this dish was on the table, Sun Anfu would drink. He soaked a large glass jar of winter wine with goji berries cooked and rock sugar, and when the dishes were good or when he was in a good mood, he would drink two or three cups of wine, as long as two or three cups were in his stomach, his cheeks and ears would turn red, and then he would turn his head sideways to look at her with a slight smile. This means that he wants to have sex.

She would generally cling to him. The frequency of their intercourse is actually not diligent, I don't know because they are old and have passed the stage of lust; Or because their relationship was not good enough - they met through introductions, and after a short time of acquaintance, they got married.

At the beginning of his marriage, he was not very satisfactory, although not very enthusiastic, but occasionally coveted the bed for a while. Especially in the morning. Whenever there was a class in the morning, he always showed a little bit of chagrin about the bitterness of the Spring Festival. She didn't know at that time that this chagrin was just a flash in the pan, and it should be cherished, and she was quite impatient with his grinding. She was used to sleeping in the morning, but she couldn't sleep, but she was alone with the quilt together, lying on her side, thinking about some messy things like running water, and slowly waiting for the sky outside the window to brighten. But Sun Anfu is different, he doesn't like to wake up and lie down - unless there is something else to do, otherwise, he simply gets up.

If you want to think, it's better to be in the study, he said. Sun Anfu is a rule-abiding person, and he has a lot of attention to where he can do things, especially where he cannot do things. Once, it was still at the stage when he would be annoyed, and their relationship was still a little hot when men and women were together, she was reading a novel, which should be Pamuk's "Museum of Innocence", which had the description of the hero and heroine cheating in the apartment, which reminded her of the past, remembered the good thing with Du Jieying, and for a while she couldn't help it, and wanted to sit on his lap. What she didn't expect was that he wouldn't let her, and he gently but resolutely pushed her down. "Xiao Zhu, Xiao Zhu, this is not good." He had always called her "Xiao Zhu", and from the first time they met until after marriage, he called her that, like her colleagues.

She felt awkward. But you can't imagine him calling her "baby" like Du Jieying. "Baby, baby", Du Jieying would call her so in her ear every time the two were entangled, and the voice still made her tremble physically and mentally when she thought about it now. It had been years since they broke up, but she still thought of him from time to time, and there was nothing she could do about it herself. "Xiao Zhu, Xiao Zhu, this is not good." Sun Anfu said. Why is it bad? She didn't understand that they were already a natural couple, what else was bad? But he has his reasons, the study is full of books, these books are authors, and they are all authors he respects, so making out in the study, he feels that he is affectionate with those authors he respects, he doesn't like this, it's too profane. No, "blasphemy" is not his original words, he said as if it were "disrespectful", yes, "disrespectful", "too disrespectful", he frowned and said, as if with a toothache.

She thought it was ridiculous, and if it was true, wouldn't it be the same in the bedroom? And the furniture in the bedroom, and those furniture also have the author's, carpenters, painters, blacksmiths, isn't that more crowded? But this Sun Anfu didn't care, he seemed to only want to pay tribute to those who wrote the book, and it didn't matter if he was disrespectful to those carpenters, painters, blacksmiths. Zhu Fang said that he was classism, and just as she treated vegetables differently, he was also a snob—she still had a bit of a woman's coquettishness and willfulness in front of him at that time, thinking that she could do whatever she wanted. Man! Or a man like Sun Anfu - at the beginning of the fight, Zhu Fang was a little contemptuous of Sun Anfu, Xu is because of Sun Anfu's appearance and personality, Sun Anfu looks extremely simple, there is no place that does not grow well, but there is no place that grows well, flat and stable, without edges and corners.

The personality is also like this, at least it seems to be honest at will, which is one of the reasons why Zhu Foil will marry Sun Anfu, Zhu Foil has made his heart and courage smaller because he has experienced a man as fierce as Du Jiejie, so he will despise a man like Sun Anfu on the one hand, and feel that he can be trusted for life on the other. But later I learned that Sun Anfu is not a soft persimmon that can be held at will, and he also has his toughness. For example, he refused to make out with Zhu Foil in the study. She had actually tried more than once, with a mischievous mentality, to destroy his ridiculous persistence, but he paid tribute to the study authors in a more thorough way—he didn't even lift it.

In fact, except in the bedroom, Sun Anfu is often not lifted anywhere else. Not only places, but also time, if the time is not right, Sun Anfu is also not good. For example, in broad daylight, Zhu Fang sometimes deliberately teased him, and Sun Anfu would also say "Xiao Zhu, Xiao Zhu, this is not good". Why is it bad? Because Sun Anfu has the habit of "never sleeping". Although Sun Anfu was a science and engineering man, he had also read the Analects, and he agreed with Confucius's criticism of the students who slept in the day, "You must not carve decaying wood, and you must not carve a wall of dung." In order not to be a "wall of decaying wood" and "dung", Sun Anfu hardly went into the bedroom during the day, and even if he was tired, he just sat and took a nap in the study, and after a few minutes or ten minutes, he continued to read his book and prepare for his class.

Zhu Foil didn't mind much either. Originally, her intercourse with Sun Anfu also tasted the same chicken. The reason why he occasionally took the initiative is to tease the honest Sun Anfu - just like Du Jiejie used to tease her; It also means trying to live a married life. For marriage, she did not doubt Sun Anfu, but she couldn't believe herself, she never believed herself, so she would be so overkill and good to Sun Anfu. At that time, if something goes wrong in her marriage, she can also account for it - no matter what, she has tried.

But since Sun Anfu did not appreciate it, she was also interested.

Sun Anfu didn't know that every time Zhu Foil went to Europe Valley, he made an appointment with He Yin.

This apartment also lived in a few Chinese, in addition to Sun Anfu and Zhu Feng, there was also a couple on the third floor, and He Yin.

That couple, like Sun Anfu, also came to Paris East University for a visiting study, and they have been here for nearly a year, and they are visiting for two years; He Yin, studying for a PhD here.

It was said that Zhu Fang should have been closer to the couple, at least to the woman named Su, and when they first met and introduced each other, the woman said, My surname is Su, just call me Su. Zhu Fang thought that this was a French fashion, and later parroted himself in the language class, "My surname is Zhu, everyone can just call me Zhu." "Zu, zu", those foreigners, always can't pronounce the upturned tongue of "zhu", have been calling her with the fourth tone "zu, zu", there is a Spanish man named Juan, who has studied Chinese for a year, and his favorite thing to find vermilion foil to practice saying Chinese between classes, zu, your name is pig?"

He not only wrote the word pig crookedly, but also drew a grinning pig's head on the paper, Zhu Fang cried and laughed, so he had to write to him, I am this "Zhu", not this "pig". Zhu means red, and in ancient Chinese culture, "Zhu" represented nobility. Juan invited Zhu Foil to a cup of coffee because Zhu Foil taught him "Chinese culture." In the corridor outside the classroom, there is a red vending machine, where some students will buy a cup of coffee during recess. This was already good, and later Zhu Foil knew. These Western men, when they are with women, even if they talk very happily, when it comes time to spend money, they each pay their own.

Would you like to go to "Vermilion" for a cup of coffee? Juan later called all the red things "vermilion".

Your surname is Zhu, does that mean that your grandfather, or grandfather's grandfather, is a Chinese nobleman? Juan asked seriously.

Zhu Fang was noncommittal, she liked the innocent ignorance of foreign men.

In fact, Zhu Fang wanted to be friends with Su at the beginning, they were both women, and they were the same age, in this foreign country, there was no reason not to be friends.

But it didn't. For some reason, when the Chinese of them had dinner for the first time in the apartment, Zhu Fang felt that Su did not like her. Several times when Zhu Fang raised her hand to do something, she had the action of covering her nose. "Sue, you've been in Paris for so long, aren't you used to smelling perfume?" Zhu Fang hid his displeasure and asked.

No. Your perfume smells too strong! In Paris, only blacks generally wear such strong perfumes. Sue said.

Vermilion was so choked that he couldn't speak.

Maybe not malicious, right? A woman who studies topology may be talking like this - when Su told Zhu Foil that she studied topology, Zhu Foil was really a little scared to hear it, a woman, studying topology? Vermilion didn't even know what "topology" was.

Think about it. There were many blacks living in their apartments, and every time I passed them in the corridor, I would indeed smell a stronger fragrance. If Su hadn't said this, Zhu Fang wouldn't have noticed this.

Good medicine is good for illness, and Zhu Feng, who understands Su, who studies topology, is rude to her words.

Sue lives in Area A of this apartment. This apartment is divided into three arrondissements A, B and C, and area A is on the third floor, with the largest area, more than 40 square meters - this is already a very large area in the university apartment in Paris; Area C is on the ground floor, less than 20 square meters. Zhu Fang and He Yin both live in Area C.

When she was in China, the room was rented, C12, when Sun Anfu told her this, she almost shook her heart, thinking that in the dream of Paris, there was a room waiting for her to move in, she really couldn't suppress the happiness and dizziness that rose from her heart. "Yes, I'm going to leave soon, the rooms in Paris are rented, it costs six hundred euros, it's really no way." Before going abroad, she, who had never spoken much, actually rapped and complained to many people like this.

For so many years, in the eyes of relatives and colleagues, she has been living a very failed life. It was during that time that she raised her eyebrows.

When she went to Shanghai for a visa, Zhu Fang thought for the first time that she might really be able to grow old with Sun Anfu - her form was required to fill in "scientist's spouse." In other words, Sun Anfu is a scientist at the French embassy. She stared at the black and white paper for a long time.

Although it was only a visa status, it still made Zhu Fang impressed Sun Anfu.

In those days, her attitude towards Sun Anfu had a tenderness that she had never felt before.

It wasn't until he moved into this apartment, no, it should be said that it wasn't until after dinner in Su's room that Zhu Feng's mood became bad.

Mr. and Mrs. Su's room, on the easternmost side of the third floor, is a "room with a view". Outside the window is a large green meadow mixed with yellow and purple flowers, and several oak trees with pink pink and white flowers - it was He Yin who told her that it was an oak tree, and she had always called this tree "Woody's tree" before, because she had seen this incomparably beautiful tree in Woody Allen's movie "Midnight in Paris", and she liked Woody's movies, not ordinary likes, and also liked Woody, not ordinary likes.

In Sun Anfu's opinion, this bald and neurotic old man - not so much an old man as an old woman, because he not only has an old woman's face, but also an old woman's mouth, always chattering - what is there to like? Zhu Fang was too lazy to theorize with Sun Anfu, and she couldn't theorize, and she later found that she and Sun Anfu were really two men and women who contradicted everything, and none of them could piano and ming. Is this the case for couples under the sun? She did get along with Du Jiejie, but so what? They can't become husband and wife.

Later, Vermilion Foil saw oak trees on both sides of many streets in Paris, and it turned out that oak trees were street trees in Paris.

Sitting in such a room and looking at the scenery outside the window is in Paris.

Not like their room. On the left side of their room lived a black couple from Nigeria, the black woman in a golden robe and painted with purple nails seemed to be always reprimanding children, and there were several black children in their family, all crammed into a room of more than ten square meters, chattering all day; An Indian couple in the right room is quiet, but always cooking curry. Vermilion foil can't open the door, as soon as the door is opened, there is a strong curry smell, mixed with other strange spices smell. Zhu Fang felt that he was not in Paris, but in India. I can't stand it.

Not to mention outside the window, let alone the oak trees with pink and white flowers so poetically, there are no trees, and at a glance, there are only rusty iron fences and a few large dark gray garbage cans.

The garbage cans in Paris are clean, but no matter how clean they are, they can't be seen as scenery.

Thinking of his heart swinging with C12 when he was in China, Zhu Fang felt funny.

However, this is her old problem - she always yearns for things far away. When I got closer, I realized its ugliness.

She also knew that Sun Anfu couldn't be blamed for this, the rent of their room in Area C was six hundred euros, while Su's Area A room cost eight hundred. Sun Anfu's living expenses from the China Scholarship Council are only 1,000 a month, and this 1,000 3 is too stretched to solve all their expenses for food, clothing, housing and transportation in Paris.

Sue's situation is different, she did not come as a "scientist's spouse", but as a "scientist", so the living expenses of the two of them added up, there were two thousand six, of course, they could live in a "room with a view".

When Zhu Fang and them first moved into the apartment, they still had frequent dinners in these Chinese, and they would get together every one or two weeks.

The way of dinner, different from in China, there are always people in China who rush to do the hosting, that is China's social way and etiquette, but when it comes here, everyone will go to the countryside and AA, one person brings a dish, put it together, you can do it.

So simple, the old beetle said - the old beetle is Sue's husband.

It's really simple, for Old Beetle and Sue. Each time it's two dishes, fried green pepper and seaweed egg soup with crab sticks, or potato roasted beef brisket and tomato egg soup - the beef here is cheap, especially the brisket, a few euros a big box.

He Yin, every time with cola chicken wings, or potato roasted beef brisket.

They also didn't ventilate before, and sometimes the dishes collided, and two potatoes and roasted brisket appeared on the table. One black, one red, black is made by Su, Su's potato roast brisket, always put many spoons of Chen's old soy sauce; And He Yin's, always red, like rouge, he likes to put Italian ketchup, no matter what he does. It looks good, He Yin said.

If it weren't for the dishes of vermilion foil, such a dinner would really be a little unappetizing.

Zhu Foil prepares very hard every time. Her cooking skills are already good, plus she has a heart to show her hands - although she can't study topology, but what about Zenku, isn't Zenku more important than topology for married life? Vermilion Foil secretly held this idea to carefully prepare the dishes for the dinner.

Soy sauce, salt-fried cod, garlic oysters, vermilion foil is the same. These dishes, she has not actually made in China, are all learned and sold online. She is really talented in this regard, and every time she makes it, it is all a national color.

Sun Anfu was very supportive at first, after all, when they first came, there were many things to trouble them: go to the bank to apply for a card, go to the police station to apply for a residence, go to the immigration bureau for a physical examination, all accompanied by Lao Ying and He Yin. No way, many French people don't speak English, only French, while Sun Anfu can speak French, only three sentences, Bonjour (hello), merci (thank you), au revoir (goodbye).

He couldn't understand what others said, anyway, every time he just said three sentences, Bonjour, merci, au revoir.

This level of French is enough to visit a supermarket - in fact, going to a supermarket is a little reluctant: once, they bought the sewer dredge agent as dish soap; Another time, they bought lamb chops as steaks, because the sheep on them were really painted like cows - they were atavistic and went back to the era of looking at pictures.

Sun Anfu told these things as jokes at their dinner, Lao Ying and He Yin laughed heartily, but Su was half-smiling, and Zhu Fang always felt that her laughter was ridiculed - she didn't know if she was overthinking.

It's nothing, I also bought Thai spices similar to mothballs as sugar cubes, and when I ate them, I realized something was wrong, He Yin said. He may have seen Zhu Feng's embarrassment and displeasure, so he comforted her with his own embarrassment.

It was because of these details that Zhu Fang later got closer to He Yin.

I usually go to Auchan on Saturdays, He Yin said.

When He Yin said this, Sun Anfu did not hear it, and he was talking with Lao Ying about the terrorist attack that happened in Brussels not long ago.

I heard that ISIS has trained at least four hundred bomb-making and tactically proficient terrorists specifically for Europe.

If you can, let's go out less. Now not only Charles de Gaulle Airport, but also the Sacré Coeur Cathedral and the Louvre are armed police.

Zhu Fang went to Auchan with He Yin that Saturday. In the morning, Sun Anfu asked her, do you want to go to the supermarket today? Because the room is small, it is really difficult for two people to stay, and Sun Anfu feels that he has a more working state in the office. So as long as Zhu Fang doesn't go out, he usually goes to the office to stay, his office is not far from the apartment, walk over, but ten minutes. But Zhu Foil lay on the bed and closed his eyes without making a sound, and Sun Anfu left, he thought that Zhu Foil was still sleeping.

Later, it became a routine, and every Saturday, Zhu Fang went to Auchan with He Yin.

Compared with Super U, Auchan's things are more gorgeous, with a French temperament, seafood, fruit, and colorful macarons called "girl's crisp breasts" by the French and "lady's kiss" by Italians - Sun Anfu said that it was the most difficult thing in the world, and Zhu Foil did not believe it, because Sun Anfu said that many things are "the most difficult things in the world": cheese baked blue shell mussels eaten on the Champs-Élysées, The snails dipped in pale green mustard eaten in Avignon (Sun Anfu even said at the time that the green mustard was like the poop that a baby pulls when it had poor digestion), and the oysters dripped with lemon juice eaten at the Bastille market, every time Sun Anfu frowned and said that it was "the most unpalatable thing in the world".

Zhu Fang knew that for Sun Anfu, it was not so much that those foods were unpalatable, but that they were too expensive! As soon as things are expensive, Sun Anfu can't eat calmly, and he can't evaluate it realistically. This is the opposite of vermilion foil, which is an expensive thing that feels delicious. The two of them resisted this again. It's just that Zhu Foil is "non-Ruzhi is beautiful", and Sun Anfu is "non-Ruzhi is not beautiful" - it is also the same way!

Therefore, for Sun Anfu's opinion, although Zhu Fang does not go the other way, at least it is ignored.

And no matter what He Yin enthusiastically recommended - "Teacher Zhu, this and this" and "Teacher Zhu, that and that", she bought "this" and "that" indiscriminately - bought a lot of them.

Sun Anfu didn't know that Zhu Foil went with He Yin, "Buy so much, how did you get it back?" "Zhu Feng's arms are thinner than other women, and if you usually mention something slightly more important, you will shout for a long time.

"I'm not a young lady," she said, looking impatient. Sun Anfu then didn't ask. She knew how to deal with him, she couldn't deal with a man like Du Jiejie, but it was more than enough to deal with Sun Anfu.

She didn't say that He Yin helped her get it back. In fact, it didn't matter, they were still polite and normal at that time, he politely called her "Teacher Zhu", and she called him "He Yin". She could have said it rightly.

But for some reason, she just didn't say it, as if she had planned to have that kind of relationship with him in the first place.

But heaven and earth conscience, she really didn't have that kind of idea at that time.

He was nine years younger than her, she was thirty-nine, and he was thirty. How could there have been such an idea in the first place?

He Yin didn't even say - when Sun Anfu praised Lao Ying and Su on the table how hard Zhu Fang worked to buy vegetables alone, He Yin only glanced at her meaningfully, and did not poke her.

Did you have a bad heart for me then?

Later, He Yin asked Zhu Feng. They had slept several times by then.

Where is it? Zhu Fang was embarrassed and angry - obviously he started first.

He asked her to go to his room and teach him how to cook boiled meat. When she was blazing peppercorns, she found that she was not wearing an apron, and she had egg whites and corn flour on her hands, so he stood behind her to help her tie it - he had been standing behind her, tying it, and suddenly hugged her from behind.

I don't blame for that. Do you know how beautiful your body is – as beautiful as an oak flower?

Kundera says that a metaphor is a dangerous thing, and sometimes love stems from a metaphor. She didn't know if He Yin's metaphor had led to love, but at least it had led to her long-lost vigorous lust, and she really liked the oak flower metaphor.

She later argued that she was not actually lost in his embrace, but in the oak flowers.

Is there a difference in this? He Yin asked.

Of course there is a difference.

What's the difference?

Don't say - you don't understand if you say it.

There are some things that men really don't understand, just like Sun Anfu will never understand why Zhu Fang has to go to Saint-Germain Street to drink coffee from the Café of the Flower God.

Is the coffee there better than anywhere else?


So why do you have to drink there?

You don't understand.

These are all later words. She didn't say anything, just stood motionless, like a fool, funny like a silly bird, supporting her wings stained with egg whites and corn flour. I don't know how long it took, maybe a few minutes, maybe an hour, anyway, at that time her time pendulum stopped, completely in a floating state, just closed her eyes, let He Yin's hands, from under her armpits, kneaded her through her clothes, like kneading flour balls. When his hand stopped abruptly and tried to move her to the bed, she suddenly woke up and fled in a hurry.

He escaped for twelve hours, which can be regarded as the self-esteem and rationality of an older woman. At nine o'clock the next morning, as soon as Sun Anfu left, He Yin came and knocked on the door.

The window of his room is facing the road outside, and as long as he opens a little obliquely, he can see when Sun Anfu left the apartment and when he returned to the apartment.


Go to my room.


You haven't finished yesterday's boiled meat slices.

She actually went obediently.

After entering the room, she also resisted quite seriously for a few rounds, but her arms were too thin, and it was difficult to carry a vegetable basket, how could she resist the young and powerful He Yin's wolf-rushing attack?

Anyway, I tried hard, she said to herself.

"Can't you be like Sue and simply make a crab stick fried green pepper, or crab stick fried onion?"

About two months later, Sun Anfu finally complained to Zhu Foil unbearably.

When he kept the accounts, he found that their expenses on eating were too large.

He is not ignorant of people's feelings and worldliness, but Sun Anfu's people's feelings and worldliness have their own proportions, not Zhu Fang's way of "throwing wood peach and repaying it with Qiong Yao", that is over. Sun Anfu's love is to return the favor just right. He is a duty man, a kind of combination of the shrewdness of a small citizen and the noble duty of a reader, and he cannot owe it to others or himself. Repaying too hard is not only not cost-effective, but also a little hurt self-esteem. Like Vermilion, he prepares a weekend dinner every time as if he were preparing a feast, as if he is begging someone.

Moreover, Old Beetle and Su are also a little sure of them, and every time they actively "get together", and each time they are very perfunctory to do the "old second article".

"Sue can't cook," said the old beetle, as if apologetic, but there was a strange pride in his tone, as if it was a great thing that his wife couldn't cook—when the old beetle introduced Sue to others, he never called him "my wife" or anything, but "my wife".

"Where do I have time?" Sue retorted to the old beetle.

"Yes, yes, Su is catching up on a conference paper recently, and she will go to Norway for an annual meeting with her mentor next month." Old Beetle's tone became even more proud.

The point of the old beetle is actually here, although his wife does not know how to cook, but can write papers.

Sun Anfu felt that the old beetle was a little unauthentic in this matter, not the modesty of Chinese men. Even if a Chinese man is a good wife and becomes a flower, in front of others, he is also "humble and humble". What's the point of saying that "Su is catching up on a conference paper recently"? Since you don't have time, don't go to dinner and concentrate on writing your paper.

Moreover, Sun Anfu felt that there was also a problem with the logic of the old beetle. "Can't cook" and "where is the time", the consequence should be that the taste of the dish is not good, and it should have nothing to do with the ingredients, right? You don't have to buy a box of frozen crab sticks and a bag of potatoes for a few euros every time.

No one can do that kind of thing, right?

To put it bluntly, they are actually taking advantage.

There is also the meaning of snubbing Sun Anfu and his wife - this especially makes Sun Anfu unhappy.

However, these words are all Sun Anfu's intentions, not spoken, even for Zhu Foil, Sun Anfu is also adhering to the principle of saying something and not saying something, so he just said, "You can't be like Su, and simply make a crab stick fried green pepper, or crab stick fried onion?" ”

In fact, Zhu Foil was not happy.

When he heard Su say things like "where is there time", Zhu Fang felt that Su's words actually meant "I'm not as idle as you".

Su said to Zhu Foil more than once, "How can I have time? ”

Before Zhu Fang asked Su to visit the St. Tuan flea market, she knew that St. Tuan is the largest antique market in Europe, Maggie Cheung often goes there, if you are lucky, you can find good old items there.

Vermilion is a woman who likes to wear jewelry such as bracelets.

But Saint-Tooin is a slum on the northern outskirts of Paris, and there are many black Roma people operating in that area, which is not safe.

Vermilion was frightened. Once, she was watching street painters help people paint heads in the Place du Tertre in Montmartre, and she was watching intently, when there was a sudden movement on her wrist, it turned out that a black man was tying a red rope around her wrist, "free, free," the black man said while tying a large mouthful of white flower teeth, Vermilion Foil was temporarily blinded by the white flower teeth, and really thought it was "free", but people wanted "five", Sun Anfu still laughed at her because of this, but he hadn't laughed for a few days, He himself was falsely deceived by a Roma woman right at the door of the Louvre.

The Roma woman first asked him if he could speak English, and he said in a Chinese modest tone, a little, a little. The Roma woman asked him to sign a dirty little book, saying what kind of petition it was, he didn't hear it clearly, and he was pulled to sign it, as a result, he was ten times more miserable than Zhu Feng, people asked for fifty euros, Sun Anfu naturally refused, wanted to go, where can he go! A group of Roma women gathered around, but in the end, they were robbed of ten euros. After the fight, as soon as Sun Anfu saw the Roma woman wrapped in a headscarf, he was scared and walked around, but where could he get around? Paris is full of Roma women in long dresses in headscarves and slippers in winter.

So Sun Anfu no longer refused to accompany Zhu Foil to Little Paris.

The old beetle later told them not to bring more than a hundred euros in cash when they went out, those Roma Albanian blacks especially like to bully Chinese, people all over the world know that Chinese like to bring cash, weak physique, docile temperament, is a lamb-like race.

When Zhu Fang was in China, she often went out alone, she had almost no female friends, and for some reason, she and women never got along well, including her mother and sister Zhu Yu, who had always been in a mutual relationship. She privately believes that it is "the moth eyebrows of the women who are jealous", because she thinks so, so she will have a kind of self-satisfaction psychology about this. Walking alone, walking alone, walking around alone, never feeling that there is anything wrong, but a kind of pride of loneliness and self-appreciation.

But in Paris, when she goes out alone, she is still a little timid.

When people are in a foreign land, they are less timid.

She can only ask Sue, except Sue, she has no one else to date.

At first, Sue also went out with her a few times, they went for a walk by the lake north of the apartment together, and saw a tree, Su said to Vermilion, this is a linden tree; Seeing a bird, Sue said that it was an iris magpie - as if she was taking a schoolboy to a museum, and Vermilion did not like her didactic attitude. Just take a walk, you don't need to turn it into a "more knowledgeable grass, wood, insect and fish name" learning. What kind of tree is it? And what kind of bird is it? Too serious women, it's really boring. They went together to the nearby Château de Château de Château de Champamel, "this is the castle of Madame de Louis XV Pompadour", and when Sue said the word "mistress", her voice was a little sticky, with spit between her lips and teeth, and there was a kind of disdain for a decent woman of the status of mistress. Zhu Fang didn't like the moral preaching in Su's tone even more, just look at the old castle, whether the owner of the castle is a mistress? And whose mistress does she care? Women who are too moral are even more boring. Zhu Fang smiled slightly, while repeatedly snorting Su in his heart.

I don't know if Su saw the intention in Zhu Foil's smile, or Su was really busy, and then Zhu Foil made another appointment, Su never promised Zhu Foil again, always frowned and said, "Where do I have time?" ”

And Zhu Foil has never had a lot of time.

Zhu Feng, who works at the Tang Xianzu Drama Research Center of the Chinese Department, said that she is the deputy director of the research center, but in fact, she is just a data clerk, basically idle, so she can take leave to come to France to accompany Sun Anfu to study.

Zhu Fang has nothing serious to do here, except for the French classes twice a week, which are also not available. Sun Anfu didn't go, he said, there is that time, it is better to do more research. He was talking to a Chinese tutor here, and the academic communication between the two was also in Chinese, so there was no need for him to learn French. Zhu Foil is even more unnecessary, she is just a visiting family member, study or not, no one cares about her. Although when they went to the immigration office, the immigration officer with "pale beige moth wings" eyelashes advised her to take French lessons, "in order to better integrate you into French culture," the old French man said affectionately and arrogantly. Sun Anfu scoffed, "Why should we integrate into their culture? ”

He is also a cultural megalomaniac, who has always held the thesis that "we have a splendid culture of 5,000 years in China". This is especially true after coming to France. In order to show his loyalty to the splendid culture of his motherland, he even looked at the Louvre and Versailles, with a thin attitude, "Do you think they are more beautiful than our Forbidden City?" "Look at the Arc de Triomphe," do you think it's more beautiful than our big front door?" Looking at the Eiffel Tower, he was even more disdainful, "This iron pimple is also French culture?" Zhu Fang gave him a blank look. Her eyes are more black and white, even if they are white, they seem to be coquettish - Du Jieying said this before, and Du Jieying said that Zhufa is "special style" when he says that he is white. This is also the reason why Zhu Fang liked white people at every turn, although she did not mean to show off her style in front of Sun Anfu, but it was already an unconscious expression on her face.

Sun Anfu knew that Zhu Foil liked France, so he deliberately spoke to Zhu Foil in this ironic tone, as if Zhu Foil was French, which was really ridiculous. Men are sometimes very ridiculous, especially an honest man like Sun Anfu, once paranoid, he is almost Don Quixote who fights with windmills, and has the courage to move forward without relenting. Zhu Fang watched Proust's "Reminiscing Like a Watery Year", and he said, "This has our "Peony Pavilion" good? Zhu Fang ate the baguette, and he said, "This is delicious with our xiaolongbun?" ”

But he had no objection to Zhu Feng's French lessons. Anyway, this kind of language class is free, not for nothing; Moreover, Zhu Foil has nothing to do here, and he can save himself from wandering around when he goes to class. It's not good to go out and wander around, because there will always be unnecessary consumption - even if you can not eat or drink, you can't not pull or spill, right? In France, the last toilet is also a little smaller. Zhu Foil is not like him, willing to hold it, but he really can't hold it, and he can solve it under a certain big tree. Anyway, there are many trees in France, especially in places like Versailles. Zhu Fang felt strange and asked him, aren't you particular about "what you can't do somewhere"? Why don't you pay attention to it as soon as you arrive in France?

But Sun Anfu said that this is an ancient style, a return to the basics, and it does not hurt elegance. Zhu Fang was speechless. It's not that she can't accept men peeing in the wild, and he used to go to the park or suburbs with Du Jiejie, and he would occasionally do this, and he would find a big tree or bush to solve it when he was in a hurry. But for some reason, Du Jieying felt natural when he did this kind of thing. And Sun Anfu did this kind of thing, Zhu Fang felt awkward. People are not the same. Just like Li Bai can "sleep in a restaurant in Chang'an City" but Du Fu cannot, Shi Xiangyun can get drunk and sleep with peony medicine, but Xue Baochi cannot. Some things are only suitable for some people to do, and others do it, which is very strange. Moreover, Sun Anfu also said like a dog-tailed marten that this was in Versailles, not in the Forbidden City.

This is also one of the reasons why Zhu Foil underestimates Sun Anfu. In Sun Anfu's etiquette, righteousness and integrity, there is always an almost narrow duty of "made in China".

"Where do I have time?" Su said this, and the other people in the apartment, although they didn't say so, looked like they were in a hurry of "where do I have time", and only Zhu Foil was idle.

Having time has become a shame.

And how to spend your time is not an easy task. In France in spring and summer, the sky is really long, much longer than in China, the sky is transparent at five o'clock in the morning, and it gets dark at ten o'clock in the evening, and there are a full seventeen hours in between, seventeen hours, just endlessly. Zhu Fang has never felt that time is so unbearable, like a dry and hard cold steamed bun.

In the past in China, in the years when she and Du Jieying were good, she often had to wait for Du Jieying in her room, and that time was also long, so long that sometimes she gave birth to literary and artistic emotions like "Ten Minutes of Aging", but because it was a hopeful wait, it felt like rewatching "The Tale of the West Wing" that she had watched countless times, no matter how worried and troubled it was in the middle, anyway, the ending knew that it would take a good full moon. So there is a certain sweetness in the scorching - unlike in France, there is a kind of emptiness and ethereal that does not know what to do.

So Zhu Fang went to French class, on the one hand, to pass this empty ethereal that makes people know the end, on the other hand, but also to resist Su's "how can I have time" - sitting in class is a justified dissipation. "Your French teacher is so handsome!" Domestic colleagues and classmates said enviously in WeChat. She posted a photo of her French teacher in class. Du Jieying also asked. After they broke up, he had not spoken for a long time, as if he was afraid that she would pester him, and he had been silent. How so? He still didn't understand her. Just as she didn't know him either—she had always foolishly thought that he couldn't do without her, and the way he acted was completely like he couldn't live without her. That's why she willingly spent seven or eight years with him, what kind of precious seven or eight years was her? From twenty-nine to thirty-six, almost all of her best years were consumed.

But at that time, she was not afraid at all, and it was ridiculously believed that he would definitely leave his wife in the end, that "a blank space for failure". "A failed white space" is Du Jiejie's own words, which he said when criticizing the work of a teacher in their academy who specializes in peonies and is famous for painting half a peony. On a large piece of silk, only half of the peony is painted in the lower left quarter, and the other three-quarters is left blank. "A blank space for failure," Du Jieying once said in front of other teachers in the department. That teacher is also not a fuel-efficient lamp - a teacher at the art academy, how can there be a fuel-efficient lamp? Once in front of other teachers in the department, he returned that sentence to Du Jieying, saying that Du Jiejie's wife's forehead was "a blank space for failure." Du Jiejie's wife has a very broad forehead, so wide that she occupies most of her face, so that the four facial features of eyebrows, eyes, mouth and nose can only be squeezed very cramped under the remaining small half of her face, and the teacher's half peony painting is similar in structure.

This metaphor is really vicious, but it is so subtle that it immediately spread in the art academy. "A failed white space" has since become everyone's private title for Du Jiejie's wife - it can only be a private title, Du Jiejie was already the vice president of the art academy at that time, and later became the dean, everyone is always difficult to openly make a second to the dean's wife. Zhu Foil has seen "a failed white space", and after seeing it, it is more calm. Every time she passed the majestic and gorgeous building of the Sydney Opera House of the Academy of Arts, she secretly gave birth to a joy, a pride similar to a microservice private visit - one day she will replace "a failed blank space" and become the dean's wife, right? Speaking of which, Zhu Fang still has quite an eye when looking at men. When she first got along with Du Jiejie, Vice Dean Du Jiejie was nothing, just a small deputy department head, and she saw his great future.

It's her ability and she always sees good things. Visiting the clothing store, a long line of clothes hung there, without looking at the price, she brought out, always the most expensive one; Visiting the botanical garden, she didn't know those plants, flowers and plants, and she always fancy the best varieties. Unlike Zhu Yu, his eyes are not good, whether it is a thing or a person, every time he looks at it, he can't get on the table. But Zhu Yu herself does not dislike it at all, once something or person becomes hers, she cherishes herself very much. Not only Zhen, but also asked Zhu Foil to be Zhen, as long as Zhu Foil spoke to her husband in a slightly wrong tone, she immediately asked the guilt. So that Zhu Fang didn't dare to talk to the quail-like brother-in-law, but he couldn't say it, and Zhu Yu blamed her for looking down on him - "I didn't even talk to him."

But what is the use of vermilion foil being able to see good? She couldn't afford it. This world is like this, and it is not a complete beauty. Du Jieying had been the dean for less than a year, so he said to her: "It's better to forget each other's rivers and lakes." "Men are ruthless, say no, don't want it." She naturally hated it, but hated it, and since then she has gone around the art academy. This is her good - no matter how covetous she is, after being abandoned by others, she will not be stalked. After the two broke up, she never looked for him once, and he didn't look for her once, even if they met occasionally on campus, they were strangers. But after beating her to France, they began to talk in two words again.

Is it because of the distance, he is not afraid of her? Or is he interested in her again in the beauty of France? "Are you okay?" "It's fine." "Have you seen every corner of Paris now?" He looked at the pictures she had posted in the space. "Where? I also have to take French lessons! "—almost Sue's impatient tone of "I don't have time". She herself found this sentence very uplifting. No wonder Su often said it. But the time in French class was actually not good, she couldn't keep up, the teacher spoke too fast, and liked to ask questions, almost every sentence was a question. There were more than a dozen students in the class, one by one, and Zhu Fang always couldn't answer.

Sometimes Juan would help her and translate the teacher's questions in stammering Chinese, but she couldn't answer them in Chinese, so she was still embarrassed. That teacher was considerate, with the respect that foreign teachers have for students, as soon as it was Zhu Feng's turn, he would raise his eyebrows, smiled and looked at Zhu Foil to ask Zhu Foil's opinion, and Zhu Foil blushed and lowered his head to turn the book. Juan on the side seemed to be happy, "You have a Zhu face, you have a Zhu face", and the teacher also jokingly said that Zhu Foil had an "oriental expression". Later, he skipped her directly and asked the next classmate. Every time. Zhu Foil felt bored. In the class, she and another Vietnamese woman didn't have to answer questions. The Vietnamese woman, like Zhu Feng, was also a family member, always carrying a more "oriental expression" in and out of the classroom alone, without saying a word to anyone.

After getting along with He Yin, she simply didn't go to class.

Every day when Sun Anfu left, Zhu Fang went to He Yin's room.

For the first two weeks, He Yin would wait impatiently for Zhu Foil in the room, and after the two of them did it dry firewood for a while, he went to the office satisfied. I didn't go twice and told the instructor that I had a stomach problem. He Yin has gastritis, the mentor knows. Of course, the "stomach problem" thing cannot always happen, because He Yin's mentor is a German and very strict. He told He Yin that the body is also one of the conditions of science, and if you don't have a strong body, you can't be a scientist. He himself was very strong, with broad shoulders and thick limbs, and was called an "African elephant" by other professors in the department. If it weren't for the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose and a little Sven, he wouldn't look like a professor at all. Before He Yin, he had never recruited Chinese students. He said that Chinese's body is not suitable for science.

He Yin was quite unimpressed by the German teacher's set of "scientific body theory". If this logic holds, what about Hawking? People sitting in wheelchairs rely on three fingers and two eyes to also put forward the "black hole evaporation theory" and the "Hawking universe model", and have also made no less contributions to the history of science than Einstein. And the body of the mentor, the "African elephant", is good, and what great scientific contributions have he made to mankind?

But He Yin also said this with Zhu Feng, and he still wouldn't get sick much. It's a tribute to science, he said. "Can your stomach hurt again?" Sometimes Zhu Fang didn't want He Yin to leave him, so he said so. Zhu Foil is like this, once he gets close to the man, there is no measure.

"No," He Yin said. Still very resolute got up and went to the office.

Later, he wouldn't even wait for her in the room.

As soon as she went a little late, he was already gone, there would be a note on the table, "Wait for me to come back", he usually came back by bicycle halfway, the two did not take off their clothes, only half-removed their pants lying on the floor, or on the sofa bed, very hastily, as soon as he was done, he left, without the slightest delay. "No way, I'll go back before the African elephant's coffee is finished." He Yin said. He slipped back while his mentor was drinking coffee.

There were also a few times when He Yin did not come back, and Zhu Fang waited, waited, and waited until noon.

Zhu Fang was supposed to leave, and she sat alone on the floor of the room waiting for the young man. When I think about it, I also feel that I am too shameful.

"No way, there are many things today."

Those few times, it became more hasty, and they could only stand in front of the shutters to do it. While doing it, look out the window. This way you can see Sun Anfu return. Zhu Fang wanted to go back to his room before Sun Anfu entered the apartment door.

She also knew something was wrong, but she couldn't help herself.

He Yin's attitude became more casual later. Is it impossible for people of their age, especially young people who have been abroad for a few years, to be serious about sexual matters?

Or do they all see her slut essence and that's why they disrespect her so much?

Du Jieying before, and the man before him, were all like this. At the beginning, treat her, all of them can be described as "chirping", and when she and Ming, very enthusiastically and loudly, they turn their faces. Not to mention the hideous face, at least there is no more respect.

She originally thought it was age. Du Jieying is six years older than her, and the men before Du Jieying are several years older than her, such an age gap, almost like a father like a brother, plus she always has some little daughter mood that cannot be held in front of them, so she gradually gives birth to the meaning of underestimation?

But He Yin is obviously so much younger than her, how can this be the case?

And Su and the kind of women like "a failed blank" really have no feminine beauty at all, but men have always regarded them as treasures. Why? She couldn't figure it out.

Every time I saw Old Beetle respectfully and affectionately treating Su, Zhu Foil felt a little incredible. Is there something wrong with the old beetle's eyes? Otherwise, look at Su's swollen eye bubbles, see Su's thick lips that "cut and pour a big plate", and see Su's collapsed ass like that, how can you love it?

The same is true of Du Jiejie. Zhu Fang had seen him with his wife. Before seeing it, she always thought that Du Jieying didn't love his wife, although he had never talked about his wife in front of Zhu Foil, but he was good with Zhu Foil, didn't it mean that he didn't love his wife?

But once, Zhu Fang ran into them in the school cafeteria. They sat by the window, his wife's bangs slipping down—such a broad forehead, to be covered by bangs—and almost falling into the soup, and he hurriedly reached out to help her bring it to the back of her ear. And his wife didn't even lift her head, so calmly suffered from his busy good - Zhu Fang looked at it from a distance of one or twenty meters, and it was also shocking.

His wife is an internist in the university hospital, a highly talented student of Capital Medical University, I heard that medical skills are very smart, as long as you look at other people's complexions, you don't need a stethoscope or the like, you can probably know the health of internal organs. How is the liver, how is the lung, she can know at a glance, eight or nine is not far from ten. Many school leaders, as well as family members of school leaders, often look for her.

Is Du Jieying in awe of his wife because of this?

Zhu Foil asked He Yin, "Have you done it with Su?" ”

"How is it possible!"

"Why is it impossible?"

"Teacher Su is not such a person."

"Teacher Su is not such a person", what does it mean?

Zhu Fang was furious.

The reason why she asked this was a little ill-intentioned, she wanted to hear He Yin say-"How is it possible? And her? Or, "How is that possible?" She looks like that. ”

It's a little boring, she knows, but what woman doesn't like this boring pleasure?

Isn't life, at least the meaning of a woman's life, in these boring things?

As a result, He Yin did not give her this boring pleasure, He Yin said, "Teacher Su is not such a person. ”

He Yin has always called Su "Mr. Su", even behind his back. Zhu Fang originally felt that this was a raw point, just as he also called her "Teacher Zhu" at the beginning, she knew the difference, he called her "Teacher Zhu" at the beginning, but he always called Su "Teacher Su", but it was respect.

He Yin respected Su.

In mid-July, Zhu Fang and Sun Anfu went to Nice in southern France.

I went with my mentor and mother here. The mentor and Sun Anfu went to a seminar on particle physics and brought his mother and Zhu Foil with them.

She didn't tell He Yin. She wanted to snub He Yin because of his sentence "Teacher Su is not such a person."

For a few days in Nice, Zhu Fang was almost always with his mother, and they went to the old town together, to the seafood market together, and to the beach together. Nice in July, it is already midsummer, the sun is very poisonous, vermilion foil is afraid of the sun, but the master mother is not afraid, the master mother has been in France for more than thirty years, so you can walk in the bright sun like a French woman wearing only a pair of sunglasses and a Panama hat.

On the arms and neck of the master, there were many large and small brown spots - it was strange that it was so sunny, and it was strange not to have spots. The chest under the swimsuit is small in a typical oriental woman, and it is slightly pulled down, like two listless sparrows hidden in a cloth bag, and Vermilion Foil is embarrassed to look at it.

But the master didn't care, so she lay calmly next to the vermilion foil with the bumpy skin.

It's beautiful! Master Mother looked at Zhu Foil like a flower and said.

Zhu Fang was accustomed to women's "rumors" about her, and when she heard her master's mother's continuous "so beautiful", she didn't know what to do for a while.

The mentor also did not shy away from being kind to Zhu Foil. Xiao Zhu, you come over, come and look at this one, he turns around from time to time to greet Zhu Foil behind him. Zhu Fang was walking with his master, and listening to him call so, he had to step forward and look at "this one" with him.

This is a little inappropriate, Zhu Fang thinks, the master mother is also there, shouldn't his name be "Shuzhen"?

——Shuzhen is the name of the master's mother, and the master's name is Ji Shuzhen. The mentor is always called "Shuzhen" and "Shuzhen" when there is nothing to do, and the master and mother are also called "Yanshi" and "Yanxi" when they have nothing to do, and the mentor is called Feng Yanshi.

Moreover, Matisse's paintings, vermilion foil are not good at all. The reason why I came to the Matisse Art Museum was the idea of the instructor, "Is there an art museum in Matisse here, don't you go to see it?" "Vermilion Foil originally planned to go to the old city, this is their last half day in Nice, Zhu Foil before visiting the old town saw a gilt-inlaid malachite bracelet, it is Italian handmade, Vermilion Foil liked it very much, I wanted to buy it at that time, but the master mother smiled on the side and said "good looks are good looks". That means, it's too expensive. When Zhu Foil heard this, he was a little embarrassed to buy it, afraid that his master would say behind her back that she would not live.

But after coming back, I thought about it again, thinking about the place of Nice, I am afraid that I will never come back a second time in this life, spend a few hundred euros, buy a few hundred euros, is to remember the meaning, what is not to do? I thought about leaving my master and mother and buying it myself. Then by the way, go to the next store and buy a smoked pork knuckle with more than 20 spices added according to the owner - Sun Anfu loves pork knuckle, sauce pork knuckle, marinated pork knuckle, stewed pork knuckle, vegetarian pork knuckle - that is, pork knuckle white cut, put nothing, so steamed, served on the table, and served with a small plate of dipping sauce, Sun Anfu also liked. Sun Anfu explained every time he ate pork knuckles, afraid that Zhu Foil would blame him. Zhu Fang actually loves to eat pork knuckle, which may be the biggest resonance between their couple, but Sun Anfu doesn't know. Zhu Fang was sometimes happy and would say, "Oh, I bought you pork elbows," and Sun Anfu turned red with excitement. This is the simple side of Sun Anfu, so coaxing, unlike Du Jiejie, everything can be seen clearly.

But the teacher's sentence: "There is Matisse's art museum here, don't you go to see it?" The idea of Vermilion was completely eliminated - she couldn't always say, "I'm going to buy smoked pork elbow", in any case, pig knuckle is not comparable to Matisse. And the gilded malachite bracelet, in the face of the master, is even more indescribable. As a result, only a group of four could go to see Matisse.

"You, a literary person, when you come to Nice, how can you not watch Matisse?"

Zhu Fang had told him before that she worked at the Tang Xianzu Drama Research Center, so he regarded her as a person engaged in literature and art.

She is not only Sun Anfu's family, but also a person engaged in literature and art.

At every turn, he would interject in the conversation, "You literary and artistic person." ”

She loves to hear her mentor say that.

The Matisse Art Museum was empty, with only a few people.

From time to time, she would stand still, waiting for her master to come over. The master mother has been walking behind with Sun Anfu, and the two chatted softly, and they didn't know what they were talking about, presumably they couldn't talk about Matisse. Sun Anfu can't even appreciate Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa's Smile" - "What is so good about that woman without eyebrows?" He asked Zhu Foil more than once since returning from the Louvre — not to mention Matisse's grotesque and exaggerated Blue Nude. But the expression on his face standing in front of the painting did not show impatience, or even joy, presumably he gave this act another meaning. After all, accompanying the teacher and the master to see the painting is also a disciple gift. Zhu Fang pondered the joy on his face. He is a person who always asks the meaning of anything he does. If something he thinks makes sense, he will gladly do it; If it doesn't make sense, don't do it, or don't do it so gladly.

This point, unlike Zhu Foil, Zhu Foil does not matter whether it is meaningful or not, just whether you like it or not. For example, at this moment, what does she like? Apparently not Matisse. It can be said that the joy in her heart has nothing to do with Matisse. "How? Xiao Zhu, it's worth seeing, right? When he came out, the instructor asked Zhu Foil, and Zhu Foil said "um", which was regarded as an answer. For some reason, she began to be polite, the same kind of modesty that women and men had when they first interacted. Unconsciously, she already regarded her mentor as a man, and she was still a mentor before, so when she spoke to him, Vermilion's tone was bright, as bright as the blue sky and sea of Nice and all kinds of brightly colored plants.

But suddenly, she became obscure. "Xiao Zhu, how about we eat Pissaladière at noon?" "Hmm!" After that, Zhu Fang turned half-fold again, facing the master mother and Sun Anfu behind him, and repeated parrot-like, "How about we eat Pissaladière at noon?" "Vermilion didn't actually know what Pissaladière was, and later found out that it was just a pizza with onion anchovy sauce, which was not delicious at all. But what does it matter?

On the day he returned from Nice, Zhu Fang met He Yin at the door of the apartment.

And his fiancée. His fiancée was a graduate student at the Barcelona School of Architecture and returned to Paris as an intern.

Before Zhu Fang knew that He Yin had a fiancée, on the wall of his room, there was a black and white sketch of a woman, thin waist, plump buttocks, big mouth, messy short hair, looking a little unlike to a Chinese woman. "Who?" She asked, "My fiancée." He Yin hugged her and said. Zhu Foil was not jealous at all, nor was he jealous of his identity, Zhu Foil just smiled, and carefully studied the lines and drops of the sketch, and at the bottom left of the sketch, there were two words of the dragon flying phoenix dance: small fish. "Her name is Xiaoyu?" She asked He Yin, "Little name Xiaoyu." "What about the daimyo?" She glanced at He Yin and asked. "Daimyo Yufan." "Annoying?" She deliberately teased He Yin, "No, busy and busy. He Yin corrected, while moving on her - it was only a matter of ten days, and the small fish on the wall came to his eyes.

Vermilion foil did not expect that the little fish was so colorful, the hair was short, uneven short, the front was dyed blue-green, peacock feathers were the same, pomegranate red set metal copper sheet with tassel camisole vest, light blue knee-length jeans. Ten toenails, all different colors, dazzling as the ceiling.

"This is Teacher Sun, this is Teacher Zhu." He Yin introduced, and Zhu Fang nodded stiffly. Xiaoyu smiled brightly, this woman's mouth was really big, and her mouth coated with cinnamon-colored lipstick was shiny, like an open peach jellyfish.

She couldn't expect more, Zhu Foil knew, in fact, Zhu Foil didn't expect anything from He Yin.

But Zhu Fang thought about He Yin, and wanted to do it very much.

In the few days in Nice, she hardly thought of He Yin. Because of what? She suddenly thought so much about He Yin.

The old beetle is enthusiastically "getting together" again, this time the reason for the gathering is to catch the wind for the small fish. "Crush the shock for you too." Old beetle said.

The day after their return, on July 14, 2016, news came of the Nice attack, in which a large truck frantically ran over a crowd watching the fireworks, rolling and firing at guns — and the location of the milling and strafing was on the Englishman's Avenue where they had walked and watched the scenery in the evenings of those days.

If they had come back a day late, or the attack had occurred a day earlier, they would have become the eighty-four — eighty-four — the number of people killed in the attack, including men, women, children.

What about the old English woman in a bright yellow dress and a pearl necklace? And her named Emily? At seven o'clock in the evening of the 13th, a few of them still sat together on the seaside bench on the Englishman's Avenue, watching the sunset like duck egg yolk in the sky, watching the seagulls little by little under the sunset, and watching the heads of people in the sea little by little. The old woman sat upright; The dog, too, sat upright, staring ahead motionlessly, looking very seriously. The old woman said that Emily couldn't actually see anything, that she was old and had cataracts, but she liked to sit here, in this bustling crowd. She wouldn't go back every day until ten o'clock—she didn't recognize the clock, she didn't know how she knew the time, but she did. As long as the time is not up, she will not leave, and she will not leave at nine fifty, but as long as it passes ten o'clock, she will agree, although reluctantly, she will still obediently go. Emily is a very cultured young lady, the old woman said. They come here every year to spend the height of summer. Annually. York was so depressed, even for a dog.

The news said that the time of the terrorist attack was ten forty-five, that is, the old English woman, and her cultured Miss Emily, had already returned to the hotel at that time, right?

But they must not go fast, they are so old, and they are very elegant, and the English road is long, five kilometers long, maybe when the big truck is rolling, they still walk slowly and gracefully on that long road?

Zhu Fang was worried for a while. This is how people are like this, and they don't necessarily have to have deep feelings for each other, but as long as they have been together, they will give birth to concern, right?

Just like her and He Yin. Her relationship with He Yin is not love, and she knows this. But even if it's not love, she can miss him, right?

Sun Anfu has been lamenting for the rest of their lives. He really needs to "suppress the shock". Now Europe can't stay, can't stay, he said. Frightened. It's still better for our country, or it's better for our country.

The cities they live in China are third-tier cities, everything is backward, politics, economy, culture, transportation - international flights, that is, those countries in Southeast Asia can fly directly, and those developed cities in the world basically have to transit from Shanghai or Beijing. It turned out that he complained about this. Inconvenient, so inconvenient. But now I suddenly find that backwardness is also good - at least you can hide there and live a life that is backward but peaceful.

The dishes for this dinner were all prepared by Sun Anfu, and Zhu Fang said that he was not feeling well. Where is it uncomfortable? Sun Anfu asked with concern, he had never minded much about Zhu Foil's mood, but he was very concerned about Zhu Foil's physical problems, and he was nervous at the slightest headache and brain fever. It's okay, Zhu Fang frowned and pushed away Sun Anfu's hand that put on her brain, he will do this, as long as she says she is not comfortable, he will touch her brain door to see if it is a fever. Sun Anfu believes that indica rice, especially early indica rice planted in spring and harvested in summer, absorbs the vitality of heaven and earth, and is the best medicine in the world, which can cure any disease: colds, stomachaches, and even eczema.

Once, Zhu Fang had a dense pink rash on the belly of his left index finger, and he also cooked a pot of indica rice porridge and insisted that she drink it.

Zhu Foil did not know Indica rice before, Zhu Foil's understanding of rice, that is, can distinguish between rice millet, or black rice and rice, who can know Indica rice? Also early indica rice late indica rice.

And the porridge taste of early indica rice is very little, not thick, not sticky, and difficult to drink.

However, Sun Anfu is stronger than Du Jiejie. When she was sick, Du Jieying would only fidget, stand in front of the window for a while, stand in front of the plants in the aisle for a while, and then find an excuse to escape. "What to do? There's something that I need to deal with right away. ”

It's not interesting to think about. He may not have thought of sharing her suffering at the beginning of the fight - she to him is just a pleasant "side words", and "a blank space for failure" is his grand temple article.

It's not that she doesn't understand, at least later she did, but why do she get caught up in it again and again?

After seeing Xiaoyu, she was also depressed - Xiaoyu was so young, so fresh, so fresh that Zhu Fang was ashamed of himself. This is an unprecedented thing, when did Zhu Foil feel ashamed of himself? How can she be filthy, shape has always been her weapon, it is the thing she can get her hands on, she has always lived with pleasure by relying on this.

But her most handsome shape is also old in the bright and dazzling little fish.

But strangely, while she was ashamed of herself, she couldn't help but look for He Yin, as if she wanted to prove something more. "That's it, isn't we?" She stayed on He Yin's way to school and asked He Yin. He Yin is in his third year of doctoral studies, and it is the critical juncture of his graduation thesis, and he goes to the office almost every day.

"Otherwise, what else?" He Yin asked her.

What else? - She doesn't know either.

I heard Su say that He Yin will return to China as soon as he graduates, and the unit has been negotiated, it is Country Garden Group. Xiaoyu, naturally want the husband to sing and follow, both of them are from the Department of Architecture of Tongji University, they are considered master brothers and sisters, one is engaged in architectural civil engineering, and the other is engaged in architectural design. My dream in the future is to open a couple's construction company in China, and one day build a house in China that is famous in the history of world architecture such as "La Pedrera" and "Casa Batlló". Su said that the reason why Xiaoyu went to study at the Barcelona School of Architecture in Spain was because he liked Gaudí's "La Pedrera" and "Casa Batlló". I like it so much.

Zhu Fang listened to Su talk about the past and future of He Yin and Xiaoyu, like listening to a legend.

These young people are really strange, looking at the obviously cynical "fallen generation", but have the grand ideal of "famous in the history of world architecture". How can something like "famous world architectural history" not match the small fish dyed with blue-green peacock feathers, and He Yin, who sleeps with a married woman casually? Are they Matisse's Fauvism? Is it a mash-up of postmodernism?

She really couldn't understand their cynical seriousness, just as she couldn't understand Matisse and Picasso.

"We had a good time, didn't we?" He Yin finally said, the end of the song is elegant.

Zhu Fang also introspected himself later, why did he sleep with He Yin?

Is it because bones are naturally light?

Mu Ma and Zhu Yu have always said that she has light bones. She is one meter six four, two centimeters higher than Zhu Yu, but the weight is much lighter than Zhu Yu, Zhu Yu is more than 120 catties, but Zhu Foil is only 90 catties. It's not because Zhu Yu is fat, Zhu Yu is not fat at all, straight, like an undeveloped boy, looking thinner than Zhu Foil. But she's heavy.

Because my bones are heavier than yours," Zhu Yu said.

Zhu Yu's bones are thicker than Zhu Foil, and there are obviously protruding bones on the wrists, ankles, and even the chin of the cheeks; And Zhu Fang's body can hardly see the existence of bones. Du Jieying originally said that what he liked most about her the most was her "soft and boneless".

Mu Ma and Zhu Yu sometimes called her "light bones" in person.

At first, she didn't care, light bones were a feature of her body, just like her long eyebrows, her eyebrows were longer than Zhu Yu, no need to draw, and she also had long eyebrows into her sideburns. And Zhu Yu only has half an eyebrow, so she occasionally calls Zhu Yu "half eyebrow" in front of Zhu Yu, and there will always be this kind of innocuous joke between sisters. Even if they are not such close sisters.

But then one time, she heard them talking about her in the kitchen, the first month of her marriage to Sun Anfu, and she took him back to his hometown. "Finally born safely", "This light bone, who knows how long it will be able to give birth to peace?" ”

She then knew that the "light bones" in their mouths were not the same thing as the "half eyebrows" in her mouth, her name was Zhu Yu half eyebrows, which was only literal, and they called her light bones, but it was a metaphor.

She suspected that they knew about Du Jiejie. She never told them anything. Mu's mother or Zhu Yu, as long as there is a chance, he will make a look of pushing his heart and test her, especially later, Zhu Yu got married and gave birth, and became unscrupulous about the affairs of men and women, so he always wanted to exchange ideas with her as a passer-by. It seems that she also knows that she has a lot of experience in this area. She is always tight-lipped at times like this. Not because she was wary, but because she didn't want to talk to another woman about it.

She liked to be alone when she was a child.

This is also what her mother doesn't like about her very much. "This girl is a lonely old man," she had heard Mu's mother say to her father. Half disgusted, half worried. Mu's mother was worried that she would not be able to marry, especially after she turned thirty. In their small place, the sister in her thirties only had the possibility of marrying a widower to become a stepmother.

So when others introduced Sun Anfu, her mother seemed to be anxious about something, afraid that she would not look at this man again. But because he was too afraid, he was so scared that he didn't dare to say anything, and carefully looked at Zhu Feng's face and acted. My father, who had never spoken, spoke this time, "If it's almost the same, let's get married." ”

At that time, Du Jieying had just told her, "It's better to forget each other's rivers and lakes."

In this way, she married the "almost" Sun Anfu.

Speaking of which, her marriage is also "the words of the parents' fate".

The Zhu family likes Sun Anfu, especially Zhu Fengmu's mother, who takes him around like a treasure. "My son-in-law," she said to the butcher of the wet market; "My eldest son-in-law," she said to Aunt Gu, who sells Xiaolongbuns; "My eldest son-in-law," she said to Su's mother-in-law, who was sitting at the mouth of the alley peeling edamame.

Why don't you say "my eldest son-in-law" to Rhubarb?

Rhubarb is the dog of the Mensu family.

Zhu Yu sarcastically mocked Mu's mother. Mu Ma showed off Sun Anfu so much, Zhu Yu couldn't stand it a little. Although she herself also likes Sun Anfu's brother-in-law.

"My eldest son-in-law," Mu Ma said to Rhubarb mischievously.

Big Yellow didn't bother to pay attention to her, and stared at the bowl of braised pork on the table of the Zhu family in a daze.

The family laughed, including Lao Zhu, and laughed rarely.

At this time, Zhu Foil also felt good. Look at them as if they were paintings.

She also felt a false alarm - for them. They must have thought that she would not be able to live this normal life. So in their joy there is a lost, overkill, exaggeration, a sense of relief. She had been their burden for so many years. Come to think of it, she really owes them.

Her heart softened, and she secretly decided to live well with Sun Anfu. There is only half a life left, half a life, close your eyes, a neglectful thing, right?

But something went wrong.

"This light bone, who knows how long it will be safe?"

They really have a back eye. Sure enough, she slept with He Yin again.

She always likes something better, no way.

After that, there was almost no contact between Zhu Fang and the few Chinese in the apartment.

She now frequents Champs sur Marne, a town where her mentor's family has lived for fifteen years.

There are no other Chinese in the town except for the mentor's family, in fact, there are very few Asians, except for the mentor's family, and only one Japanese couple has opened a sushi restaurant next to the town cemetery.

Zhu Fang felt strange, opening a restaurant on the edge of the cemetery, can there be a business? But the master mother said that foreigners are not taboo about this, not only are they not taboo, but they also feel very good, because the dead are quieter than the living.

The mentor's son, Chi, and his daughter, Fu, like to eat tuna sushi and salmon caviar sushi from that restaurant. Eclipses are expensive in France, so they only go to the sushi restaurant on particularly important days, such as when the tutor gets a professorship, such as Chi being admitted to the École Normale Supérieure in Paris. Most of the time, they eat at home. The teacher's mother, who is a northerner, would make "delicious dumplings" — this was the comment of the mentor's colleagues, as well as Ike and Fu's French classmates, who would clamored for "delicious dumplings" when they arrived.

The mentor's house is a two-story small building, with a pointed roof, pale yellow walls, beautiful double-layer wooden windows, a front yard full of flowers and plants, and a cherry tree in the backyard, the master said that this cherry tree was planted the year they moved in, it was sent by a Spanish colleague in Yanmi, I don't know what kind of variety, it is particularly difficult to serve, and it is dead leaves, dead branches, and long worms - a bug called leaf curly moth, the forewings are particularly wide, the body is small, but the amount of food is amazing, In a few days, you can moth the cherry leaves of a tree into a small oval-shaped sieve.

She was so angry that she almost pulled it out, thinking it was spoiling the scenery - not only her own scenery, but also the scenery of her neighbor, which is an important thing in French life. But she didn't want to, after all, she had been serving it for several years. Fortunately, it was not pulled, because then one year the sick cherry tree suddenly burned up, and it also produced a lot of cherries, so much that I couldn't finish eating, so I had to make cherry jam and soak cherry wine. The old man next door—the one who grows hydrangeas and rosemary in the yard—is the mayor of the town, and he especially likes to drink the cherry wine she makes.

The mayor of the town is a very interesting old man, and once, he asked his master very seriously, would he use chopsticks to catch flies? He thought that all Chinese would make dumplings and use chopsticks to hold flies, a Chinese kung fu, like Jet Li in the movie.

When Sun Anfu and his mentor were discussing problems in the study, Zhu Fang and his mother were generally sitting in the backyard, drinking coffee while chatting so ramblingly.

Sometimes they sat in the living room, the living room of Shi's mother's house, and Vermilion also liked it. Humble red brick fireplace, IKEA navy blue fabric sofa, Turkish large-flower carpet. The master said that the Arabian-style Ottoman palace wool carpet was bought in Istanbul more than ten years ago, and Yanmi was invited to give a lecture at Istanbul University, and after the lecture, they went to the market together - every time Yanmi went to a strange city, in addition to visiting the bookstore, he also liked to visit the market, saying that there was "real people's life" in the market - they bought this carpet at an old woman's stall, the wrinkled old woman was over ninety years old, had twenty-seven grandchildren, eighteen granddaughters. When the business was done, she closed her eyes and folded her hands reverently to the carpet, and they asked her curiously what she had said about the carpet, and the old woman said that she was saying goodbye to the carpet and blessing the owner of the carpet, and like her, she would have twenty-seven tall and strong grandchildren and eighteen beautiful granddaughters.

The master laughed, how could it be, twenty-seven grandchildren, eighteen granddaughters?

But Nobumi was so happy to hear it, she remembers clearly returning from the bazaar, grinning all the way.

Men are probably more enthusiastic about biological reproduction than women.

You are not too young, why don't you have a child? The master mother suddenly asked Zhu Feng.

Why not have a child? Many people have asked Zhu Foil so.

Before Zhu Feng, Sun Anfu had a marriage.

Regarding the reason for the divorce, Sun Anfu and Zhu Fang explained it the first time they met, because he was infertile. As for why he was not fertile, Sun Anfu said something vague, as if he had mumps or something when he was a child. Doesn't the parotid gland grow under the ear? How can it cause infertility if it is so far away from a man's reproductive organs, so far as it is incomparable? Zhu Foil really didn't understand. But I don't understand Zhu Foil and don't ask, Zhu Foil has always disliked to get to the bottom of it, and besides, Zhu Foil has no interest in asking about this.

For many women, male infertility can be a big thing, so when Sun Anfu explained this to Zhu Feng, he was blue and white-faced, with a desperate determination to sink the boat with a broken cauldron. But Zhu Fang looked at the clouds lightly, and even faintly relieved, I don't know why. But this matter was concealed from the family, including Sun Anfu's divorce. Zhu Foil did things, originally liked to go his own way, since he planned to marry Sun Anfu, why bother?

If Mu's mother knew about Sun Anfu, she would not have said "my son-in-law" and "my son-in-law" to her neighbors in the spring breeze.

In the past two years, Mu's mother has not said less "you are not young", but she only dares to say this half, and the latter half of Mu's mother never said, she knows the nature of Zhu Fang, afraid that saying more is harmful and useless.

She didn't have any fears in front of Sun Anfu, "Anfu, why don't you hurry up and have a child?" ”

At this time, Sun Anfu always laughed and did not speak, and sometimes he was forced to help, so he said, "You still ask Zhu Foil" - as if he didn't have children because of Zhu Foil.

Zhu Fang never blamed Sun Anfu for this kind of prevarication. It doesn't matter, even if others think that there is something wrong with her body, Zhu Fang doesn't care.

This is good for vermilion. The reason why Sun Anfu often accommodates Zhu Foil is also because Zhu Foil has this unconventional thing.

Occasionally, people ask Zhu Feng, like the master's mother, "Why don't you have a child?" Zhu Fang didn't say much. This is not because Zhu Fang is so considerate of Sun Anfu's self-esteem as a man, but because he is afraid of trouble. Zhu Foil has never been good at chatting with women. Especially talking about those derivative topics, endlessly annoying Zhu Foil. Therefore, when with women, she tends to listen more and speak less.

Fortunately, many women have a habit of talking to themselves.

I was almost your age when I gave birth, thirty-eight, I shouldn't have given birth, I had high blood pressure, I had heavy bleeding when I gave birth, the doctor said that I can't have children anyway, otherwise my life will be in danger, Yanmi was scared enough, and kept saying to me "we don't want it, we don't want it". But I knew he wanted a daughter, he wanted to do so, and every time he met a good-looking little girl outside, he stared at people like a nerd. You don't know how ridiculous he looked when he was born, crying so much, I haven't seen him cry in my life, his father, he didn't cry when his beloved father died of stomach cancer. He is a standard Chinese man, although he has lived abroad for so many years, he is still stingy in expressing feelings to his loved ones. But that day, in front of the French doctors and nurses, he gave me the longest and tightest hug of my life, so tight that it almost didn't choke me to death.

The kindness of the couple was actually established after giving birth to a child, and before that, it was only men and women, the master said.

The conditions were also not good when they gave birth, and Nobumi was not a professor at that time, but only a lecturer. The income of French lecturers is not higher than that of plumbers, but two thousand euros a month, and these two thousand euros have to pay rent - now this house was bought later, and they still rented at that time; To pay for Nobumi's books, Nobunmi loves to buy books - a man, or a man who works in college, and has no other bad hobbies, just loves to buy books, can you object? No, he had to buy it. He buys professional books, buys non-professional books, philosophy, history, religion, biology, everything messy, and calls it "interdisciplinary research." Once, he also bought two thick Persian books, but he obviously couldn't understand a word of Persian!

Ask him what the book says, and he says with a smile, I don't know. Don't know to buy it? He scratched his head and said, looking like. Do you say angry? French books are expensive, a few tens of euros. So every time he said he was going to the bookstore, she was scared. But Yan Wei that person is very roundabout, naïve and pedantic, and completely ignorant of the world's detours. It is also strange that she still likes his pedantic, so she tries her best to protect and cherish his pedantic, as if once he loses this pedantic, he loses him as a person.

But life is always life. He was hiding in the ivory tower, and she was going out. During the years she studied with Chi and Fu, she worked part-time outside. She majored in historical philology at a domestic university, what is the use of Chinese historical philology in France? No, there is no use at all, she can only work as a supermarket cashier, as a restaurant receptionist, as an hourly nanny, doing everything, sometimes working two jobs at the same time, working as a nanny at one house from 9 to 11 in the morning, cleaning at another house from 2 to 4 pm, and cooking for the children and Yanmi when she gets home, that tired, tired enough to get a book at night, without reading the first half of the page, she dozes off. He also complained about it, "You are a woman who doesn't read now." ”

There is no TV in their home, and Nobumi refuses to buy it, believing that it is a "children's comic strip" like a thing, which will not only "make people lazy", but also "hurt people's thinking ability".

What Yanmi doesn't like the most is people who don't read. When he first took a fancy to her, he thought she was a woman who read. He met her on a train, a few hours from Paris to Manche, and she sat across from him and read The Montaigne Essays.

He later told her that a woman who read Montaigne on a train could spend her life together.

In fact, it was a roommate's book, and she didn't even look at it before she went out, and took it and stuffed it into her bag indiscriminately.

What a fluke it was, so much so that she was a little uneasy later - what if she hadn't picked up the book that day? Wouldn't he be talking to her? Won't they be able to become husband and wife?

In fact, she didn't look at the book at all, the reason why she stared at it for hours was just the meaning of "tuan fan fan, beauty used to cover her face", although she is not a beauty, but he does not care, "a book has no value, not on the cover", he said. As if this sentence comforted her.

But she was still weak-hearted, as if she had tricked him. To compensate, she actually read books. Some things, whether you like it at first or not, as long as you keep doing it, you will gradually really like it, like eating cilantro and cheese, she originally hated these two things, but because he liked it, she learned to eat, and later liked it.

The improvement in their family's financial situation came after Nobumi became a professor, and by that time Ike and Fu were already in high school, so she quit her outside affairs and began to become the professor's wife without distractions.

Occasionally she would attend events in the town, some of which Chi Hefu ridiculed as "Mama's political life", such as the mayor's year-end debriefing, such as the plant transformation plan in the flower beds on both sides of the town center avenue—the flowers were originally planted with bellflower and rosemary, which were originally changed to bulbs and lavender - not because she was keen to participate in politics, but because she was enthusiastic. The mayor and the mayor's wife always solemnly come to invite, she is embarrassed not to go, a little unable to erase her face, this is also the Chinese's human love - knowledge lifting. She knew that although Yanmi had no contact with the people of this town, but only met the relationship of "Bonjour" on the way, they knew that this small man had a somewhat serious Chinese, a professor and head of a university in Paris, and knew that his son, who was also not tall and serious, was admitted to the Paris high school. So they are using their way to show respect for this Chinese.

She is very popular in this town, and when she goes outside to run errands, whether it is to the post office, to the bakery, to the butcher shop, she is always greeted very warmly, and Chi and Fu ridicule that this is the result of her "cherry wine diplomacy", but she feels that they exaggerate the meaning of cherry wine.

What is not cherry wine? They asked.

Is it because your mother has a good personality, didn't Professor Pierre say that your mother is "as gentle as the water lilies in Monet's painting"?

Pierre is an old colleague of Nobumi, who has been to their house several times, and his favorite is to eat her wrapped radish and shrimp dumplings, as well as her burned "Spring Rain" - in fact, it is fan soup, after watching "The Sahara Story", she also learned Sanmao and began to call fans "Spring Rain".

But she knew it wasn't. If she is gentle, can she be gentle than the Japanese woman at that sushi restaurant? The way the woman laughed was "as gentle as the water lilies in Monet's paintings."

But the mayor and his wife did not come to the door to invite the Japanese woman to participate in politics.

Therefore, she is still "fox fake tiger power".

It's just that the "tigers" who were fake by her, don't know this, and still admire her "political skills" and diplomatic ability.

She covered her mouth and stole pleasure.

It was a good time for her. Think about how fast time is! In a flash, most of his life has passed. Women who are almost sixty should have "stopped eating" long ago, as her female classmates in China said, "yellow cauliflower is cold". But as she lived, she felt that the years became more and more glorious.

What a brilliance, Zhu Fang thought, when the master and mother talked to her about this, her face always had a bodhisattva-like light.

Zhu Fang doesn't like bodhisattvas, but this is the price, sitting in this flower-filled backyard, this flower-filled living room, how can it not have to pay anything? That's too much to say.

Zhu Fang went to study at the Sorbonne University in Paris at the suggestion of his mentor.

You, a literary and artistic person, when you come to Paris, how can you not enter the university to educate?

Sun Anfu did not think so, he did not think that Zhu Fang was a "person engaged in literature and art", moreover, why should he come to France to engage in literature and art, French particle physics may be more advanced than China, but literature and art should still bloom two flowers and one branch each, not to talk about which is better or worse. But Sun did not want to contradict his mentor, who had lived in Paris for more than thirty years and was already a de facto Parisian, although in recent years he had returned to China frequently, as he had been a visiting professor at several universities and had been selected for the national "Thousand Talents Program".

But every time I returned home, I got sick — a sore throat, a cough, and then a low-grade fever that lasted for weeks. When he returned to France for a check-up, the doctor said it was because of a problem with his lungs. His lungs have long lived in France, where the air is fresh and fragrant, and have become pampered and completely unable to adapt to the unclean air in the country. That is, no matter how much the tutor advertises him as a Chinese on the podium of a domestic university, he is no longer physiologically qualified to be a Chinese. Chinese, even a physicist engaged in mental work has a strong lung that can breathe freely in smog. And he is at best a former Chinese - "Chinese-French physicist" - if he won the Nobel Prize or something, his identity should be introduced like this.

In fact, even with the "French lung", the mentor also has a distinct tendency in terms of emotions, which he may not admit himself, but Sun Anfu heard it on the first time the mentor went to Charles de Gaulle airport to pick them up on the way to the apartment - "you look at the French sky", "you look at the streets of France", "you look at the old lady in France" - he couldn't help but be proud of France.

Vermilion foil chicken nodded like pecking rice. Regarding the goodness of France and the beauty of France, the two of them resonate quite a lot.

Therefore, as soon as the tutor proposed to go to the university to "edify and edify", Zhu Feng's face immediately turned red and his eyes were red.

Sun Anfu didn't say anything against it at that time, he thought that the mentor was so vain, and his aunt listened to it.

Who would have thought that the mentor was serious. The next day, he began to help Zhu Foil connect. He had an acquaintance, the wife of a colleague, who was a professor at the Sorbonne University and engaged in art history, and when he heard that Zhu Foil was a Tang Xianzu Drama Research Center in China, he agreed without thinking - the Sorbonne professor happened to have a strong research interest in oriental classical theater, and once wrote about Tang Xianzu in a paper "Comparison of Eastern and Western Drama in the Seventeenth Century". Therefore, she is not only very happy that Zhu Foil came to her for a short-term study visit, but also because she has project funds in hand, she can also partially cover Zhu Foil's living expenses during the visit.

Great, great, the master is also elated.

Sun Anfu sneered, "Do you really want to stay by yourself?" "I don't believe that Zhu Foil has this boldness, after all, the mentor named Adele is French, and Zhu Foil can hardly communicate in French.

It doesn't matter, the supervisor said, this kind of short-term study visit does not require much substantive exchange and cooperation between the supervisor and the visiting scholar, but just establishes contacts and shares some research resources.

Also, Adele speaks English.

Zhu Feng's English is not very good, but she is not too worried about this, she is a person who is originally a follow-up nature - this is also where Mu's mother can't look at her, "A woman will not plan for her future." "Why didn't she plan for her future? It's just that they can't understand her plan, "Yanque An knows the aspiration of the bird", since ancient times, it is always those birds who are worried and busy.

And, this time, wasn't it the mentor who advised her to stay?

Shi's mother has now become a friend of Zhu Feng, going to the Torcy police station to live in the chief's residence, going to the Melun immigration office for a physical examination, and going to see the house in Little Paris, all accompanied by Shi's mother.

Sun Anfu wanted to return to China first, and his one-year study visit ended at the end of October.

Zhu moved out of her eastern university apartment, "It's so boring to live in that birdcage-like room facing a trash can," she told her mother.

The Sorbonne is in Little Paris, the most prosperous and densely populated Latin Quarter, where renting a house is ridiculously expensive.

After accompanying Zhu Feng, the master mother went to see a few houses and said, or will you live in my house?

Where does she live? There are no extra rooms in Shimu's house, the first floor is the kitchen, living room, and study, and the second floor is the bedroom of the three of them, one for the mentor and the teacher, and one for Chi and Fu.

Maybe a room in the pool? Chi boarded at the school, and because he was a senior in his senior year, he had to do his graduation thesis while still interning outside, so he didn't come back much.

But Master and Mother did not have such plans. Master mother said, if you don't dislike it, Xiao Zhu, clean up that attic for you, how?

The loft is on the east side of the second floor, a place like a Shanghai pavilion, only six or seven square meters, full of sundries - the bicycle that Chi Hefu rode as a child, ironing racks, stacks of books and magazines, and a big guy covered with black cloth in the corner, presumably an old washing machine. Zhu Fang glanced at it and did not speak.

In fact, it used to be used as a guest room, and the tutor had a student who lived in this room for two years before going to Lille.

Clean it up, put an air bed, put a small coffee table, live alone, it's still okay, the master said.

Read books or something, you can go to the study below, anyway, I usually go to school during the day, the tutor said.

They didn't negotiate rent. This kind of loft, the master and mother must not be able to open their mouths when talking about rent.

But Zhu Fang still decided to pay the rent. I'm always embarrassed to live in vain, right? Zhu Fang asked Sun Anfu on the phone.

In fact, it doesn't matter, his own mentor is not an outsider, Sun Anfu said.

But Zhu Foil didn't want to. Zhu Feng, a woman, has never liked to take advantage of others financially, which is one of the reasons why Mu Ma and Zhu Yu still maintain close contact with her although they don't like her very much. "Come back on the twentieth of this month, your father's birthday!" "Is there time this weekend?" Our small shop is open! "She naturally doesn't go back, they know, but they still inform her, and every time she will use her phone to transfer the gift money back."

Occasionally forgetting, Mu Ma and Zhu Yu would find a way to remind her later, "The last time our store opened, my cousin came, wearing a short puffy skirt - what age, and wearing a puffy skirt." ”

She then consciously made up for it, because it was a supplement, so she had to give more. It always keeps them happy for a while. Although they repeatedly complained about her widowhood, because she had fewer phone calls and because she returned home less. "The daughter of such and such a family has come back to see her parents again", Mu's mother did not accuse her so insinuated. But financially, they really had nothing to say about her. She has a wide seam between her fingers, and Mu's mother said that people with wide seams between her fingers are generous in spending money. Unlike Zhu Yu, Zhu Yu's five fingers are together, so dense that there is not a single gap.

After marrying Sun Anfu, he muttered, "Your family doesn't talk about etiquette?" ”

What he meant was that Zhu Feng's birthday or something, and he never told his family. They didn't ask either, as if Zhu Foil didn't have a birthday.

But Zhu Foil never cares about this.

Or, you symbolically hand over one or two hundred? Sun Anfu said.

Zhu Fang didn't want to pay attention to him - hand over one or two hundred, it's better not to hand it over!

In the end she gave six hundred euros.

As far as the attic is concerned, the monthly rent of six hundred euros is a bit much, and Zhu Foil also knows, but Zhu Foil is used to making a generous move.

She thought that her mother would politely say, "No need", or "Don't need so much". But the master mother did not, as if she hadn't seen the money that Zhu Fang put on the table, she only asked her, "How about a cup of coffee?" ”

For a moment, Zhu Fang was speechless. Fortunately, he did not listen to Sun Anfu. "Nor an outsider" - he will be sentimental.

That's fine, Zhu Foil thought. She wasn't good at being friends with women, but now it's simpler, and they've become landlord-tenant relationships.

The first time I went to see Adele at the Sorbonne, my mentor drove Vermilion there.

Before Zhu Fang checked the map, first take the nineteenth bus, then the subway, the subway to transfer, first Line 1, then Line 4, and then walk a few hundred meters. Adele's office is on the fourth floor of the Art Building, and she waits for Vermilion in the office from 9 to 10 a.m.

But the master mother said, Yanmi, aren't you going to school? Do you want Xiaozhu to take your car to Noisy Champ subway station first? Save her from having to take the bus.

Okay, the mentor said.

Master's way, Zhu Foil is a little confused. An old woman, shouldn't she be wary of the young women around her? This is the instinct of female creatures. Her mother is almost seventy, every time Feng Chun downstairs comes to their house, Mu mother will stare intently, her father actually never talks to Feng Chun, does not dare, because once she does, her mother's face is not good-looking. "Chicken Boy", as soon as Feng Chun left, Mu's mother would grit her teeth and scold her father. The father was scolded red-faced, but he never defended, just shook his head, with a sad expression of "only villains and women are difficult to raise". Zhu Foil thought it was funny. The woman named Feng Chun was a few years younger than Mu Ma, and she was also an old woman in her early sixties, and the folds on her face were so deep that she couldn't cover it. Mu's mother was even jealous of her. And what is this teacher?

Yanmi, I want to have a beer with Xiaozhu, do you want to have a glass too?

Yanmi, Xiaozhu and I want to go to the back park for a walk, are you going?

Mentors generally respond positively to the activities she advocates – well, I just want to take a break too.

Or, where she and her mentor are going, she also greets Zhu Fang very kindly.

Xiao Zhu, let's go around the supermarket, are you going?

Xiao Zhu, we are going fishing in the Marne River, do you want to go together?

Zhu Fang did not like this threesome activity. Fishing was fine, the instructor concentrated on fishing his fish, and Shi Mother and Vermilion sat on the grass a little farther away, reading a book and chatting at the same time. In fact, it was the master and mother who chatted, and Zhu Foil listened. Sometimes I don't listen, but I act like I'm listening.

The same is true of reading books, not so much that she is reading books, but that she is making a reading appearance.

She is the best at this person, or absent-minded. It's something in her nature.

But if the three of them walk together, or sit and drink together, Vermilion Foil has some discomfort. It turned out that Sun Anfu was there, with him accompanying his master to speak, or accompanying the teacher to discuss, Zhu Fang only needed to perfunctory one, and the problem was not big. Now the mentor also talks to her, the master mother also talks to her, and the nature of that word basically belongs to the question and answer sentence, she can't be absent-minded, she must listen attentively, otherwise, she can't answer. She doesn't like such serious chat.

She was originally a person who was not good at socializing and liked to be alone, so her mother said that she was "lonely and old". But in fact, she can also get along with the two of them, but with the opposite sex, as long as she is with the opposite sex, whether she talks or does not speak, she can be free and comfortable, like a fish in water.

She doesn't feel that there is anything abnormal about herself, at least in line with the physics of "same-sex repulsion opposite-sex attraction".

For example, when the mentor sent her to Little Paris, she had a vivid joy in her heart. The master mother clearly said that the tutor would take her to the Noisy Champ subway station, but the tutor "will not be spared the fate of the foreign king" and sent her all the way to the Sorbonne and to Adele's office. "Anyway, there is no class today, and the weather is good, just to go around the Shakespeare bookstore."

Zhu Foil is not polite. She had a hunch that she had a talent in this regard.

Stayed at Adele's for less than half an hour. This half hour is also the mentor and Adele talking, talking about what Zhu Foil does not know, she can hardly understand. All she kept doing was smiling and staring back and forth at her mentor and Adele. For some reason, she felt that the mentor with Adele looked a little different from usual, how could it be different? She couldn't say it for a while. She hadn't actually looked at her mentor well before, and she was a person who could do anything. This is true of reading books and movies, and it is also true of watching men, and the effect is the same when you often watch it and if you don't watch it.

Obviously she had just finished reading "Atonement" and asked her to talk about this book, and she was also at a loss. Because of this, Du Jieying said that she was not a human, but a fish, a horse mackerel, "How can a human memory be so poor?" "Why horse mackerel? Could it be that horse mackerel has a worse memory than other fish? "Not really. The horse mackerel is like you, slender and plump, with a bite, with the characteristic fat fragrance of lower animals" - this is Du Jiejie, laughing at her and praising her at the same time. She also eats this set. Praising her body is always more useful to her than praising her mind. In this regard, she is different from other intellectual women. The female professors at their schools all have some degree of anti-body tendencies. As if body and mind are negatively correlated. It seems that the worse a person's body is, the better her spirit is.

In this regard, she was not born with the possibility of becoming a true female intellectual. She was always addicted to her body. Whenever she has the opportunity, she wants to please her body in every way. Du Jieying saw through her this. It is precisely because he sees through this that he violates her, right? It's just that Zhu Foil didn't know at that time. I'm going to love you in a low-animal way, he said. She didn't feel humiliated at all, and secretly liked him to split in two, love her in a lower animal way, and then love his wife in a higher animal way - the so-called higher animal way means no sex life? Or live your sex life in a higher animal way? She wanted to ridicule Du Jieying like this, but she didn't dare, for fear that Du Jieying would be angry - he is a person who can usually be hippie and smiley, but as long as the topic involves his wife, he has a temple-like expression on his face. Funny. Shitu men have this ability to change faces.

Compared to her mentor, Zhu Fang should be more familiar with Du Jieying, but if she were to describe Du Jieying's appearance in detail now, how about her eyes? How is the nose? She really can't describe it. An academy man, she can only say so in general terms.

Is it because it is too familiar, the so-called familiarity is ignored.

Over the past year, she and her mentor had met countless times, but sitting in Adele's office, listening to Adele's mentor who was talking and laughing in fluent French, she suddenly felt that it was the first time she had met this man.

This man is really not old. He's almost sixty, right? Or is it already sixty? But it looks like it's about fifty. The body under the mustard-colored shirt is thin, the so-called "Yushu Linfeng" body; The complexion is also good, next to the white woman Adele, there is no Asian yellow at all, but a delicate pearl color, which roughens the Adele lining with large pores; The fingernails are rosy and smooth, which is a delicate long-term pampering; And the demeanor, there is a certain complex beauty of combining Chinese and Western - both the gentleness and elegance of the native Orientals, and the freedom of learning from China and the West to see the world. No wonder my mother said before that there was an endless stream of female students who adored their mentors. Those foreign girls have a strong personality and have not been educated in our code of ethics, so they dare to block the tutor with a note or even directly in the hallway and say "Je t'aime". Scare the mentor to death.

At that time, Zhu Fang was still a little unimpressed - it is estimated that those foreign girls said "Je t'aime" with the same casual attitude as Chinese spring rolls, otherwise, in this handsome France, an Asian half-old man, how could he be so treated?

It turned out that she had eyes that could not see gold and jade.

This is unprecedented. When will she not recognize good things?

Until entering the Shakespeare bookstore, Vermilion Foil did not slow down.

You, a literary person, when you come to Paris, how can you not visit the Shakespeare bookstore?

Maybe there's Hemingway's particles, Stein, and Fitzgerald. This was a place where they used to gather.

Hemingway's "The Old Man and the Sea" is really well written, writing the eternal spirit of mankind.

The spirit shared by literature and science is dreams, and the unremitting pursuit of dreams in solitude. They all come to the same end. Isn't it? Xiao Zhu.

Literature and science go the same way – is he a metaphor? A metaphor for him and her?

Looking out from the window on the second floor of the bookstore, you can see the Seine not far away, the painting stalls on the banks of the Seine, the Gothic spire of Notre Dame Cathedral, and the azure sky above the spire.

Maybe Hemingway had stood here and looked out the window, the mentor said.

Zhu Fengcai didn't care if Hemingway stood here to see the scenery, she never liked Hemingway, when she took the "Selected Readings of Western Literature" class in college, the teacher arranged for everyone to read "The Old Man and the Sea", she borrowed it from the library, and after a week, she only read the first page, and then returned it. It's not pretty, it's really ugly.

But the instructor said that he still preferred American literature to French literature, which always described bourgeois life, and in American literature, there is something magnificent and deep.

Vermilion foil is the opposite. She still prefers "bourgeois life" to "magnificent and deep atmosphere", but she does not want to contradict her mentor at all, and her mental state at the moment has a gentleness that only wants to make promises. What do American literature and French literature have to do with them? What she liked was such a time, standing in such an iconic place as Paris, listening to the "gold-encrusted jade" mentor whispering in her ears, which made her suddenly have a kind of "tonight, I have to be in the boat with the prince".

That evening, she said to Du Jieyi in WeChat, "Today, I went to the Sorbonne University, met with the French tutor Adele, and then spent the afternoon with Feng Yanxi in the Shakespeare bookstore opposite Notre Dame Cathedral. ”

Who is Feng Yanshi? Du Jieying asked.

Not who, Zhu Fang said deliberately coldly.

As the supervisor said before, "Short-term study visits do not necessarily have to have substantive exchanges and cooperation, but mainly to establish contacts and share some research resources." ”

Really. Adele's six months in France were basically laissez-faire. It does not require academic discussion, stage work report, or study visit summary. Although there is half of the desk in the office - the other half is from Monsieur Li in Taipei, Zhu Foil can go or not.

The only thing that Zhu Foil had to do (and even this was not necessary, because Adele used "espérer", that is, "hope" Zhu Foil like this) was to help contact Tang Xianzu's hometown of Linchuan. Adele wanted to take one or two students and go to the place where the Peony Pavilion was produced to take a look. Adele said that among the women in ancient Chinese drama, she admired two the most, one was Du Liniang in "Peony Pavilion" and the other was Cui Yingying in "Xixian Ji". Although these two women have the "three-inch golden lotus" that represents the traditional Chinese ritual culture, their spirit of brave pursuit of love is not inferior to Shakespeare's Juliet and Hermia. So, she was very "espérer" for this.

This is not difficult, for Vermilion. It's good that she has worked in the Tang Xianzu Drama Research Center for more than ten years, and she still has a lot of relationship with Linchuan. There are teachers and students in the Chinese department who want to go there to investigate, or participate in related commemorative activities, such as the "Jade Minghua" Theater Festival and the Tang Xianzu Art Festival. And from time to time, people will be brought over to consult literature, or attend academic seminars held by their center. Although these things are generally the director, the director is a person who likes to do everything, but occasionally because of physical discomfort, or people traveling in other places, there is really no way to "bow down", so the deputy director Zhu Fang is required to do it. The research center is very grandiose, in fact, there are only two people, a director and a deputy director. Therefore, no matter how lonely and lazy Zhu Fang was, he still knew many people from Linchuan.

Besides, Adele just went to Linchuan to "take a walk and take a look", what's the problem?

But Zhu Fang still told the director about this first, this is due to work habits, and she is used to talking to the director first about anything in the unit. The director is good at this, and Zhu Foil is also lazy, which is simply the meaning of Qin Se and Ming. Unlike other departments, there are often power struggles between the chief and deputy. To say, the power of these college research departments is really small, but although the mosquito is small and meat, the teachers do not dislike it, and they still fight very happily. And Zhu Foil never argued, which made the director happy, for this reason, the director often praised Zhu Foil after the people, "Xiao Zhu, this person, is still very good." ”

"Very good" Xiao Zhu, this time reported Adele's affairs, the director listened to it very seriously, this is a great opportunity for their research center and the French Sorbonne University to establish a cooperative relationship, and may also be a great opportunity for him to go to France on business - Li Shang exchanges, when the time comes, he will not only personally accompany Professor Adele to Linchuan to "take a walk, take a look", but also strive to arrange Professor Adele to give an academic lecture to the teachers and students of the school on the school's "Wind of the Back Lake" forum, the topic of the lecture he has prepared, called" Tang Xianzu and "Peony Pavilion" from a Western perspective", or change "vision" to "view"? "Vision" seems to have more philosophical depth and temperament.

In doing so, the impact of their research centers has also been expanded. Over the years, schools and colleges have paid too little attention to Tang Xianzu's Drama Research Center, and they have paid too little attention to him. He hoped to use Adele's power to open up the situation for him and their research center in the school - foreign monks could chant. Of course, if he could, he not only hoped that Adele would invite him to France to "walk around and see", but it was also advisable to politely arrange for him to give an academic lecture at the Sorbonne University, entitled "Du Liniang and Juliet: A Comparison of the Female Figures in Eastern and Western Drama".

I have given academic lectures at French universities, but I can talk about it. Lao He, a member of the modern and contemporary teaching and research group, once returned to Duke University in the United States to hold an academic conference, but he just gave a speech for a few minutes, and then said "how am I at Duke University", which is like a cock. Of course, this is all an afterthought, and the first thing to report to the dean is to report this matter. He knew that the dean must be very interested in this matter, and the dean's daughter studied art and was recently applying to study in France. Inviting an art professor from the Sorbonne University at this time, isn't that the right part of the heart?

The dean listened very much, and almost immediately reported the matter to the president, who is a far-sighted person with an international vision, and is working hard to build their third-rate university into a "first-class and internationally renowned" university. As soon as the principal is generous, things will be easy. The director held the sword of Shang Fang, and contacted Linchuan on behalf of the dual identity of the director of the school and the Tang Xianzu Research Center, and the local government of Linchuan also hit it off, and they were about to hold a large-scale commemorative event of "When Tang Xianzu met Shakespeare" in the fall of the following year, when many international and domestic cultural celebrities, scholars and professors would be invited over. And is it not appropriate for Adele, a French professor who wrote "A Comparison of Eastern and Western Drama in the Seventeenth Century", to participate in such an event?

Moreover, Linchuan said that they could all the expenses of Adele and Adele's students coming to participate in this activity. The government's budget this time is sufficient.

This was not expected by the director, he only needed them to solve the related expenses incurred by Adele's "walk and take a look" on the Linchuan side, and Adele's air ticket and accommodation here, their principal had clearly agreed when he expressed generous support, which could be reimbursed in the school's international exchange funds.

It was a happy ending.

Now everything is ready, just wait for Sorbonne professor Adele.

Adele herself did not know that on the other side of the world, in that distant China, there were already many strangers waiting for her.

And Zhu Fang didn't expect that he was ignorant and understood, so he made such a great achievement for the school and research center.

Now Zhu Foil has nothing to worry about, "throw it with wood peach, repay it with Qiong Yao", this is the style of Zhu Foil. Although Qiong Yao is not Qiong Yao, let's not say, in short, it is also an explanation for Adele.

Even the mentor was very happy, he did not expect that Zhu Feng, a "person who engages in literature and art", turned out to have quite a lot of ability outside literature and art. This made him have face in Adele, after all, Vermilion Foil was recommended to her by him.


THEIR FAMILY IS FRENCH, AND THEY LIKE TO DRINK A GLASS OR TWO OF WINE WHEN THEY HAVE NOTHING TO DO, USUALLY DRANK VDT, THAT IS, DAILY TABLE WINE, FOUR OR FIVE EUROS A BOTTLE, AND PINEAU, ESPECIALLY VIEUX PINEAU, IS RARE. Zhu Foil remembers drinking a cup on the day of the Spring Festival, accompanied by dark green pickled olives, and poked it with a toothpick. Sitting with her at that time was the Chinese woman from Lille who lived in the attic, named Xiao Rong. "Just divorced, alone for the Spring Festival, strange and desolate." Master whispered to her in the kitchen, "You guys talk." But Xiao Rong didn't seem to be sociable, and the two exchanged a few pleasantries, and then they were cold. Later, the mentor came over to solve the siege, "How is it?" This wine. ”

Zhu Foil didn't understand, he just thought it was delicious. "VIEUX means old, this is ten years of cognac." The instructor hardly looked at Xiao Rong when he spoke, they were teachers and students in the end, and they had familiarity without politeness. It was the master and mother who cared for Xiao Rong at the dinner table. "Xiao Rong, don't you like to eat the tempeh steamed sea bream I made? Eat more. "Xiao Rong, is the stomach problem better?" The master greeted knowingly. Although Xiao Rong did not apply powder, and his expression was a little cautious, he could still see that he was a beautiful woman. I should not be very old, but I look like I am about thirty. Master and mother are so calm, is it too careless?

On the body of the master mother, there was a deep peace that Zhu Foil could not understand no matter what.

Including Zhu Feng, Shi Mu did not seem to be the slightest bit guarded.

Zhu Fang is also a little weak-hearted. Especially the master mother still came upstairs every day to ask her to eat. The 600 euro monthly rent collected by the master originally included food and lodging, and even the washing and ironing of clothes and sheets. Every week or so, the master would change and wash all the sheets and pillowcases for Zhu Foil, and then iron them flat, fold them and rest on the small wooden table. Zhu Foil was a little overwhelmed at first, and he didn't feel that it was necessary, Paris was so clean, almost spotless, and he also bathed every day, where would the quilt be dirty? She herself has never been so diligent, and her clothes are changed every day, but she does not wash them every time, and often wears them and hangs them back on the hanger. "Just let it dry," Mu's mother told her and Zhu Yu.

As for the quilt, at most it is the frequency of washing once a month. Sometimes during the rainy season, you can't wash it once a month. It's not how sloppy she is, but the habits of life that she has developed since childhood. "The clothes are all washed", her mother taught her and Zhu Yu when she was young, especially after having a washing machine, Mu's mother was even more opposed to washing things often, "Those cloths made of cotton, can withstand grinding in the machine a few times?" It also costs water and electricity", every time the washing machine on the balcony of Fengchun's house downstairs rang, her mother would scold her father in front of her father, "The women of the loser family don't know how to live carefully." "Mu Ma's magic weapon for living a careful life is to make more use of the sun, "No need to use it in vain, the sun does not need money, and it is more economical than water." So her balcony was always sunburned, and Zhu Fang remembered the strange sour smell of the sneakers she and Zhu Yu wore in the sun, which she later relived on a Roma passing by.

Zhu Fang hated her Mu Ma, but Mu Ma still stubbornly grew in her. "All daughters will eventually become their mothers," the mother told her dismissive daughter after watching a French movie. She was horrified. Maybe that's the case? Otherwise, why is she also a woman who does not wash things frequently?

The mentor's shirt was changed and ironed every day, flat and straight, and when I got closer, I could smell a faint fragrance, which was the smell of lavender. Their home is lavender-scented laundry detergent. "Lavender is bacteriostatic and calms the nerves. Yanmi usually uses his brain a lot, which helps him. Master said.

Thinking about it, she really hasn't taken care of Sun Anfu so meticulously.

"Teacher, it's so fragrant." She said with a deliberate sniff.

Once or twice a week, Zhu Fang would take the mentor's car to Little Paris together. The tutor encouraged her to go to the Sorbonne more to "edify", and Zhu Foil was also willing. It's better than staying at home, champs sur Marne is not big, and after a week, it's about the same. All the scenery of this town is like a still life in the Musée d'Orsay. Also beautiful, also quiet—absolute stillness, as quiet as Pompeii. She really couldn't imagine her master living here day in and day out for fifteen years.

Chi and Fu went to school, the tutor also went to school, and she was alone and alone in the place. Could this be the reason why Master Mother was willing to let her, including Xiao Rong, in and out of her house? Even if they are young and beautiful, they are always a native speaker. It was always someone who knew who Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochi were - she herself had complained that she couldn't talk deeply with the French woman of Champs sur Marne. They didn't even know who Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochi were! Human emotional needs should be arranged in order of size, right? When spiritual loneliness becomes unbearable, then women's jealousy is estimated to be overcome, right? In the end, jealousy of that kind of thing, or human beings are too pretentious.

So, to the teacher, their meaning is nothing more than Emily, the next to the old English woman she met in Nice?

Zhu Fang didn't feel that he thought so maliciously. She accompanied her mother to the Chen Brothers supermarket in District 13 once, buying pineapple crisp and mung bean cake. These two things are only sold in the Chinese Super League in France. Shi's mother said that Yanmi liked to eat pineapple crisp the most, and the kind of mung bean cake wrapped in oil paper. When he was a child, he was his grandmother's favorite eldest grandson, and his grandmother would always secretly stuff some food for him. At that time, the way elders expressed their partiality was food. To which is not to which junior will remember for life. His grandmother's snacks were all sent by his aunt, who married far away from Guangdong during the New Year and holidays, and his grandmother always locked them in her camphor box, like an onyx bracelet that locked her, and the gold was so expensive, but she was willing to give it to Yanshi, and only to Yanshi.

His brother is still worried about this, and every year during Qingming, he will complain on the phone, isn't it you who eats the old lady's pineapple crisp? How did Qingming tomb sweeping become my business? It's true that Yanmi can't go back, and there is no holiday for the Qingming Festival in France. But Yanmi must eat pineapple crisp and mung bean cake on the day of Qingming, sitting in the backyard, eating it solemnly alone, that is his sacrifice, his thoughts. People say that homesickness is a postage stamp, and homesickness is a ticket. For Yanmi, nostalgia is a piece of pineapple crisp, but homesickness is a piece of mung bean cake.

What is a constant stream? That's it. Every time he listened to his master's mother, Zhu Fang faintly had the illusion of becoming Emily.

The 13th district is chaotic, full of Chinese restaurants under the guise of "vermilion", full of old Chinese men with dark skin and prominent cheekbones speaking Chaoshan dialect, and being in it is like walking the streets of Fujian and Guangdong in China, and Zhu Foil is not happy at all.

But the master mother is like a fish in water. Zhu Fang wondered that the person of Shi Mu was really adaptable, not only in the Pompeii city of Champs sur Marne, but also in the noisy place like the thirteenth district. Like some kind of strange amphibian. It has a dense and powerful root and whisker creature.

Chatted with the cashier woman for half an hour, and the things she bought were put into the small cart, but the master did not leave, standing on the edge of the counter and chatting with people, the two half-old women were unattended, as casual and natural as standing on the street corner, and the vermilion foil together was embarrassed, but those who waited in line for the cashier, no one was impatient, and looked at it with a smile, this is a bit Parisian, happy, it seems that the days are long, enough for them to splurge.

I chatted with the guys in the Chinese restaurant for a long time. It was about eleven o'clock after coming out of the Chen brothers' supermarket, and if they took the subway back, they would actually have time, and the "spring rain" that the cooking master and mother were good at, or something, would take a few minutes. But the master mother had to eat out and go back, and later Zhu Fang knew why, it turned out that she was going to meet the guys in the Chinese restaurant, they should be old acquaintances, and when the two met, it was a long drought and chatter.

Even when passing by a manicure shop, the master mother went in for a short moment. It was a tall and plump woman wearing a short leopard print skirt, and the master mother could even talk to her. Later, the master mother told Zhu Fang that Peony, that is, the woman, had done it in the "Beautiful City" before. Zhu Fang didn't understand this sentence at first, and only later reacted, the so-called done, is to be a prostitute. There is no way, she has no identity in France, she can't find a job, and she has two children at home to study. Actually, she is a good woman, the master sighed.

She doesn't care if she's clean, she's noble.

How lonely does it have to be?

For some reason, she showed slight contempt for her master.

Later, Zhu Fang began to avoid his master.

Xiao Zhu, go to the Marne River to see the reeds?

Xiao Zhu, there are discounts in Bay 2 these two days, do you want to take a look?

Vermilion does not go.

Why should I obediently be her Emily who knows who Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochi are?

She prefers to take her mentor's car to the Sorbonne.

The mentor also likes to be with her, she can see it.

Every time I arrived at Noisy Champ, the instructor's car slowed down - originally the speed of the car was as slow as a snail, this time it was even slower, like the slow motion in the movie, Zhu Foil squinted comfortably, and shook her body gently with the music in the car, sometimes the music was intense, and her movements would be a little bigger. At this time, a few strands of hair brushed the teacher's left cheek and left ear, and she knew it, but she kept shaking it. She has long thick black hair, like grass that flourishes in spring. She remembered her mother's thin hair, so thin that it revealed the gray scalp on the top of her head, and looked like a bald bird in her father's cage.

Xiao Zhu, do you want me to send you to Sorbonne? Every time at the entrance of the Noisy Champ subway station, the instructor would ask Zhu Foil so politely.

Want. She said unceremoniously, her tone childish—Lolita-like childishness. At the age of sixty, at the age of thirty-nine, she can still be Lolita, right?

That's what he wanted her to answer, she thought.

Her mother said that she was light on bones, which really did not wronged her - at least half of it was right, as long as she was with a man, she was as light as a swallow, and with a woman, her body would be heavy, as if gravity was stronger. This is something that even she herself finds inexplicable.

Does your body mass change depending on the gender around you?

After arriving at the Sorbonne, the mentor asked politely, Xiaozhu, do you want me to accompany you to "edify"?

Want. She said unceremoniously again, her tone getting more and more lolita.

They weren't just "edified" in the Sorbonne.

They had been to Hugo's house together, "Xiao Zhu, you are a literary and artistic person, you should take a good look at the Chinese hall in Hugo's house," the things in the gorgeous Chinese hall were Hugo's lover Juliet, and Zhu Foil liked it. It is also strange, Zhu Foil originally came to see the Forbidden City or something, never liked it, I thought the color of the big red and purple is vulgar, but this red and purple vulgar color is put in Paris, but there is an oriental beauty.

They went to Balzac's house together and carefully looked at Balzac's famous coffee pot in the glass vitrine, "Xiaozhu, you literary and artistic person, take a good look at this coffee pot, Balzac used it to write "Human Comedy". Zhu Fang looked left and right, and did not see any fame, "How do you look like a night pot?" "Xiao Zhu, you can't talk like that." The instructor looked at Zhu Fang seriously and said.

Zhu Fang was a little embarrassed for a while. This is her old problem, and she doesn't know the proportions. Always as soon as a man is good to her, she casually overdoes it. She has learned a lot about this, but she still hasn't learned it. No way, there are some things she really can't learn in her life.

She didn't go downstairs that day at dinner, and she heard her teacher ask her mentor:

What happened to Xiao Zhu?

What's wrong?

She didn't want dinner.

Is it?

Every time the mentor sent her to Little Paris, the master did not know. She thought that the mentor was just carrying Zhu Foil for a ride, "Yanmi, you send Xiaozhu to Noisy Champ." "Every time she said this, she was afraid that the mentor would forget." He's a nerd. "She meant well.

He is indeed constantly in a state of thought. Even when eating, I would suddenly groan while eating, and then leave my rice bowl and go to the study. It's the same when you go to the toilet, take a book in, and you may not come out for half a day. The master and mother have to stare outside, and if they don't come out for ten minutes, they call "Yanshi", and they call "Yanxi" again before they come out for twenty minutes, and the washing machine prompts the same sound. "He's working in it again." There is a small desk next to his toilet, and the tutor can read and work while "congratulating".

Isn't this disrespectful to the author of the book? The first time Zhu Fang saw this study-like bathroom, he deliberately asked Sun Anfu.

Sun Anfu is silent, he himself never takes books into the bathroom, "what to do somewhere" is not only his living habits, but also his faith deep into the marrow.

But he doesn't criticize his mentor, even behind his back.

Let it be the customs, he said so later.

What are these words? Could it be that there is a custom in France to read in the bathroom?

Maybe people who don't follow the rules can make great things, right? I heard my mother say that my mentor studied Tongji at the age of fifteen, went to France for graduate school at the age of seventeen, and stayed at the school to teach at the age of twenty. Today, there are more than a dozen scientists from European countries studying particle physics.

Adele's husband, Pierre, is one of those dozen.


Why didn't he tell his mother about sending Vermilion to the Sorbonne?

Sitting in the garden-like yard, Zhu Foil suddenly wanted to get out of the water.

After two days, Zhu Foil had a chance. She received a call from Sue and Old Beetle. Sue is going home. Before you go, you want to get together. Zhu Foil was a little surprised, is it necessary? Since the apartment moved out, she has almost forgotten Sue and the old beetle. They're not the kind of relationship that has feelings. Moreover, in the "everyone" that Su said, the package does not include He Yin? And small fish? Zhu Fang wanted to ask, but didn't ask. Should be gone, right? Zhu Foil guessed. This time, the old beetle didn't want her to bring vegetables, Su and I were ready, you just come over, the old beetle said enthusiastically on the phone.

Although it was not a party to look forward to, she went early - these days she was always restless, she couldn't stay downstairs, she couldn't stay in the attic, she went outside alone, she walked the gardens of Château de Château de Champel, she walked the streets of the town, and then stopped at the door of a small shop to watch an old lady in costume pick almonds, those dried almonds look exactly the same, what is there to pick? Zhu Foil did not understand. But the old lady with the pearl earrings was preoccupied. Is this how a woman's long life is spent? Zhu Foil was bored to watch. I just went to Sue's.

This time, the dishes have changed, not only the potato roasted beef brisket, but also a large glass bowl of red, red, green and green vegetable soup, and a plate of slender cut soda. It's a Norwegian dish that Sue learned to make after returning from a meeting in Norway, said the old beetle proudly. Does the soda fish practice sound like a complicated process, a scientific woman, in the kitchen, but also like in the laboratory? The taste of the fish is a bit bitter. Is it too much soda? It is said that no, with an experimental attitude to make fish, at least the amount of various seasonings is accurate. The colorful striped porcelain dish containing the fish belonged to He Yin, and Zhu Foil recognized it. He Yin had told her that the dish of small fish had been bought at a stall in Barcelona. She loves bright and warm things. Zhu Fang still remembered that He Yin's tone when he said this, and he was also like an old beetle, with an irrepressible pride. He Yin returned to China a month ago, Xiaoyu went to Barcelona, and before they left, they gave these bowls and dishes to Su and them.

I'll give it to you guys, Sue said to the new couple. This time the party was still five people.

Paris is a feast of flow, Hemingway wrote.

"I usually go to Auchan on Saturdays." He Yin whispered these words in his ear, but a year ago, Yu Zhufeng, but he was in a lifetime.

Zhu Fang was not drunk, but it was still not possible to go back alone, and the time of the last bus was already over. Otherwise, we'll walk back with you, Sue said. It takes just over half an hour to walk from the apartment to the small town of Champs sur Marne, an hour back and forth. When the food is consumed. Sue said. But Zhu Foil refused. It's so dangerous that there are Roma tents in the nearby woods. Otherwise, you will squeeze with me and let the old beetle sleep on the sofa, Sue said again. Is it because you want to go? Sue was so nice to her. Or perhaps, Sue never hated her, it was she who thought too much about it. After all, people are women engaged in topological research. Speak and act directly.

In the end, Zhu Fang still called the tutor.

What to do about it? Zhu Foil asked.

I'll pick you up, said the mentor.

When the car drove to the door of the town's post and telecommunications office, Zhu Fang leaned her head over - she made up her mind to find out. The instructor did not move, still driving intently. Zhu Fang then rubbed under the instructor's shoulder as if he was afraid of the cold.

Xiao Zhu, what are you doing? The teacher's voice, in the night, was abrupt and high-pitched, it was a voice frightened by a foreign object, and there was a kind of soul that flew away. It was as if he suddenly discovered that the vermilion foil beside him was the female ghost in "Painted Skin".

If it weren't for the drunkenness that was disguised, Zhu Foil would really be self-contained.

What are you doing? Zhu Fang himself did not know. Why do all the people in this world know what they are doing, but only Zhu Fang never knows what he is doing?

Why did she come to France? Why stay? Why rub your head against the chest of a sixty-year-old man?

Is it because of "something better"? She always wanted "something better."

Is this wrong?

But the "better thing" scolded her, "What are you doing?" ”

So, before - and before before, what is it?

The next day, Zhu Fang left the mentor's house.

There are not many things, just a box, and the vermilion foil is sorted out in the evening. Leaving in such a hurry, how can the master explain there? But she couldn't manage that much. What will the mentor say afterwards? What would he say to Sun Anfu? Vermilion doesn't care. She can't control anything now.

When she went downstairs, there was no one in the living room. The mentor and the master are in the yard. The sky in Paris, clear blue, the cherry tree, turquoise and turquoise, the mentor was sitting in front of the turquoise tree, holding a book, with a navy blue bib tied around his neck, and the master stood behind him, bent over to help him cut his hair.

Is it okay to tilt your head slightly to the right?

The master mother is practicing the left sideburns of the teacher, and the master mother said that she likes to look at the teacher's sideburns the most, so every time she repairs it, it is as careful as embroidery.

The mentor's hair has always been cut at home by the teacher's mother. The master mother said that when they were in love, it was like this, the first date was in his apartment, and before the two could say a few words, the mentor asked her, will you get a haircut?

How can she get a haircut. She hadn't even cut her bangs at that time. Parisian haircuts are expensive, a simple trim, but also about twenty euros, she simply grew long hair, each time it grew to almost the waist, just click a scissors, cut back to the length of the shoulder, save trouble. But the mentor refused to grow long hair, she lobbied, "Don't men in China also have long hair?" "Am I a man from yesteryear?" "You look at those painters on the streets of Paris, don't they look very personable with long hair? Or a pigtail? "I'm a painter on the streets of Paris?" He was annoyed.

She burst out laughing at his annoyed look. Think about it, a university teacher who teaches physics, with a small braid in the back, is really not like words. She had to learn to cut her hair. Her craft was terrible at first, and every time the back of his neck was cut by her. She was never a skilful woman. But he didn't dislike it, so he went to class with his neck showing his jagged hair. Later, their economic conditions improved, and they no longer cared about the twenty euros, and he did not go outside, preferring to cut it at home, which he said he was used to. Of course, her later craftsmanship was also very good, after all, she had been cut for more than twenty years and had been practiced.

The master mother said that she was tired of her previous affairs, but Zhu Fang was tired of hearing it.

Is it okay to tilt your head slightly to the left?

The master mother began to cut the teacher's right sideburns again.

Zhu Fang wanted to step forward to say hello, just walked like this, how strange.

But after a pause, Zhu Fang still tiptoed away through the small door in the backyard.

Vermilion went to Su.

Aren't Su and the old beetle going back next week? Zhu Fang planned to rent their room. Although the rent is expensive, it doesn't matter, Zhu Foil at this moment is not in the mood to think about rent or something.

However, Théo, the porter who looked like a mourner, told her that Sue's room had long been rented out and was replaced by an Israeli man, a professor at an Israeli university, who would not come until next month. Two months before I came, I rented this "room with a view".

What about the other rooms? Even in Area C, Zhu Foil does not pick now.

But the room in Area C is not good, Zhu Fang knew that renting a university apartment in Paris must be applied for in advance, and all kinds of materials and guarantor materials must be prepared, and there is a long material review period. Zhu Fang wanted to move in right away, it was whimsical.

How about you stay with me these days? Sue said hesitantly.

But in a few days? Where to stay in a few days?

Zhu Fang suddenly wanted to cry.