
After the fourth failed suicide, he began to learn to cook | Homeless 03

After the fourth failed suicide, he began to learn to cook | Homeless 03

Monet entered [Wasteland] to look for Wang Duo unsuccessfully, but received a call from the police station: a player was seriously injured while playing [Wasteland], and his neck was bleeding while saying his personal name, Wang Duo.

After the fourth failed suicide, he began to learn to cook | Homeless 03

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Game Tip: There are also moral values in the [Wasteland] world. Attacks on other players for no reason, war in sanctuary areas, theft, etc. can all lead to a decrease in morality. When the morality value falls below a certain threshold, even if the player does not choose to change jobs [Bandit], he will be wanted by various regions. Taking on certain side quests can help restore morality.

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Game Tip: [Great Filter] erases all science and technology belonging to the previous era, so all weapons and equipment in the [Wasteland] world need to be assembled by the player. During the game, you will find [drawings] everywhere, according to which you can combine seemingly useless garbage into armor and weapons. Explore and collect more in addition to the battle, seemingly useless garbage may be turned into treasure~ (Of course, players can also obtain ready-made high-level equipment through in-app purchases, please log in to the [Wasteland] official website for specific in-app purchase details)

After the fourth failed suicide, he began to learn to cook | Homeless 03

Crossing a sloping embankment, Monet and Neurowanderer reached the battlefield.

Say that it is a battlefield, in fact, the battle has long been over. On the 100-square-meter river beach stand two tombstones, one of which is a pink dynamic tombstone that players can only get by topping up and opening the box, and the funny expression of a fat boy flashes above the tombstone.

The inexplicable interference continued, and Monet's vision kept flashing snowflakes, so when she saw the two corpses, she thought it was a bug caused by interference.

No, [Neurowanderer] said, jumping off the heavy locomotive and walking towards the body.

In order to reduce the consumption of game memory, corpses and blood stains generally disappear automatically within fifteen seconds. Tombstones will only last for four or five minutes, so that players can mark the location of death and retrieve lost equipment.

[Monet] silently counted fifteen seconds, the body was still there, and the blood was still flowing.

[Nerve Wanderer] reached out and touched the blood stains on the corpse, and the interference instantly aggravated. It shouldn't have this effect... He chanted: The effect of blood should not be so real...

Monet turned to look at the tombstone, the pink tombstone belonged to the player with the ID named [Fat Da], and the ID name on the black and white tombstone by default in the game system was displayed as [Wang Neng].

【Wang Neng】? [Monet] repositioned, and the system showed that the player who manipulated [Wang Neng] was offline.

These are two battles, [Neurowanderer] called up the internal flow data of the game, and the first battle involved three players, two of whom died. The second battle...

What happened to the second battle? [Monet] asked.

The second battle was not recorded. [Nerve Wanderer] raised his head, and a trace of doubt flashed in his calculated eyes.

At this moment, [Monet] suddenly felt the touch, and the sound in reality also reached her ears - it was the front desk in the company who removed her headphones.

Sister Mo, the police station called, saying that they wanted to find our person in charge.

Monet lifted his butt, and a power connector on the back of the helmet fell off, and the lush river and two corpses in front of him suddenly disappeared. The little girl at the front desk was startled and took a few steps back.

For some reason, Monet suddenly had an inexplicable foreboding - the call from the police department may be related to the two corpses he just saw in the game.

In the face of Monet's stern waiting, the policeman who called was a little vague, he said that his surname was Lu, Road Police Officer, and asked Monet if he could inquire about the player information of [Wasteland]. Monet was stunned and said: The player's information is strictly confidential, and we, as the designers of [Wasteland], have also signed a confidentiality agreement, under normal circumstances, it is impossible to disclose the player's personal information to anyone...

The road police officer interrupted Monet here and said: "It is not the general situation anymore."

Monet is still aggressive: Then ask the road police officer, what happened?

The road police officer spoke carefully, as if the conversation should have been sneaky and secretive. He sighed slightly and said: An hour ago, there was an injury case in the Chengnan Feixiang Internet Cafei, and a [Wasteland] gamer was seriously injured and is now being rescued.

Monet's mind flashed the picture from the game just now. She tried to adjust her emotions: So, what does the murder have to do with our game, the road police officer please make it clear at once.

The road police officer on the other end of the phone was silent for a while and asked: Do you know the player ID of [Wang Duo]?

After the fourth failed suicide, he began to learn to cook | Homeless 03

Putting down the call to the [Wasteland] game company, Lu Bei, standing at the door of the Feixiang Internet Cafe, was still a little trance.

Ten years later, he heard the name Wang Duo again from the mouth of a high school boy whose neck was wiped.

The Feixiang Internet Cafe is in his own jurisdiction, and Lu Bei received a call from his colleague Dong Ran downstairs at Wang Neng's house, and arrived at the scene at the first time. At that time, Dong Ran was standing at the door of the Internet café, holding a cigarette that was about to burn out, and his eyes were full of confusion when he looked at Lu Bei.

This bizarre case occurred in a newly remodeled virtual reality game box in an Internet café, and the injured person was a seventeen-year-old child named Jiang Tiantian, who was in the first year of high school. The surveillance in the box showed that he and his friend Wang Zida were playing "Wasteland" at the time of the crime. Everything was as usual, but Jiang Tiantian suddenly lowered his hand that was manipulating the game, and the gamepad fell to the ground. A minute later, Wang Jida took off his helmet and noticed Jiang Tiantian's abnormality. He ran out of the box for help, and the owner of the Internet café followed and ran in to check the situation - Jiang Tiantian's VR helmet had not yet been taken off, and a wound of more than ten centimeters was opened on his neck by a sharp object, which did not hurt the carotid artery, but cut to the trachea. There is still blood and silent screams in the final picture of the monitor, and the screen is full of confusion and confusion.

According to the owner of the Internet café, the door of the box was locked at the time of the crime. A fat boy suddenly pushed the door and came out, shouting for help. The fat boy Wang Zida, as the only witness and suspect in the case, has been taken back to the police station by the assistant police. The entire Internet café has been emptied at this time, and Lu Bei bypasses the rows of VR equipment, walks to the door of a row of boxes at the end of the Internet café, and pushes open the door that still has blood stains. He looked around, wondering sincerely, no one made a move, how did this neck wipe?

Dong Ran came up at this time and said: "It's a bit of an evil disciple." Lu Bei said: The evil door is a fart, what is the child like? Dong Ran said: Life is not in danger, but because of the damage to the vocal cords, he will be unable to speak for a while. I came early, when the child was still conscious, and he struggled to talk to me, his neck was leaking, and he said to me a personal name, Wang Duo.

Lu Bei didn't react for a while, and when he sorted out the meaning of Wang Duo's two words, the top of his head seemed to sweep over a flock of black birds, booming, and tearing the ceiling of the Internet café above his head.

Dong Ran asked Lu Bei: Who do you say this Wang Duo can be? Lu Bei said: Maybe he is confused, nonsense.

When Dong Ran walked out of the Internet café with his back, Lu Bei quickly found a computer that could connect to the Internet in the corner, typed the keywords [wasteland] and [Wang Duo], and countless complaint discussion posts instantly popped up on the page.

It seems that the game ID of [Wang Duo] has been appearing as an urban legend in the game for at least three months, and Lu Bei suddenly remembered Wang Neng and his strange request.

I think I'm going to find Wang Duo. On the night Wang could get the virtual reality device, he said to Lu Bei.

Wang Duo, Lu Bei silently read the name. On the night of dinner with Wang, he pondered whether the name still meant something to him. Wang Duo is a ghost who is gradually traveling far away, and he has already come to this conclusion that night. The ghost is no longer visible, but there is a thread still connected to his body. The connection point is a needle that has drilled into the flesh and skin, and every time the ghost wanders, it will hurt Lubei. But as of yesterday, Lu Bei felt that the pain had become weaker and weaker, and the needle seemed to be about to leave his flesh and skin. Today, when I heard Dong Ran say the name Wang Duo, the needle was violently pressed back into his body.

Even if it was just imagination, Lu Bei was still in pain, groaned, closed his eyes and didn't want to look at the [Wang Duo] that kept appearing on the monitor. In an instant, he seemed to have returned to that Christmas Eve ten years ago, and he was walking through the fireworks that bloomed at the top of the mountain steps, handing Wang Duo an apple wrapped in cheap wrapping paper that he bought at the entrance of the school. Wang Duo stood on a high place, at this time there seemed to be raindrops falling, Lu Bei half squinted, wanting to tell Wang Duo not to go home tonight, not to walk up that dark staircase, but he couldn't open his mouth anyway. Wang Duo seemed to smile and looked behind Lu Bei, and then his whole face gradually blurred. Lu Bei looked back in surprise and saw a bald figure standing silently under the dim yellow street lamp ten years ago.

Lu Bei suddenly felt terrified. He couldn't tell if the figure was really hidden in the memories of ten years ago, or if it had only invaded his mind at this moment. But either possibility is incomprehensible to him. The streets of Wang Duo and Pongshan had gradually disappeared, and the fireworks blooming in the sky were also wet. Soon only Lu Bei and the figure remained, the two people confronted, Lu Bei felt an overwhelming force, and he fell into complete fear.

Suddenly opening his eyes, Lu Bei suddenly saw a figure reflected on the sleeping monitor in front of him. He reflexively grabbed the man by the neck, grabbed one of his arms, and pressed him to the computer desk.

Eh, it hurts... Lu Bei heard a familiar voice, and at the same time saw melons, fruits and vegetables scattered all over the ground. There is also a carp that has been taken out of its stomach, slowly twitching its body on the dirty floor tiles of the Internet café.

After the fourth failed suicide, he began to learn to cook | Homeless 03

The frustration was like countless ants, starting from the tips of Wang Neng's toes and gnawing upwards. Wang was able to pinch out the cigarette and decided to use the usual old method to combat the despair caused by this loneliness—cooking.

It's almost seven o'clock, which is the time when the market is selling low prices. Wang put on a dark blue tracksuit and picked up a cloth bag full of logos that was given away free of charge in the supermarket. When he reached the entrance, he took one last look at the display still lit in the living room, where his red-striped 3D image slowly rotated in circles.

To take revenge, Wang can put on the strap of his leather sandals and set himself a goal for tonight: the two little cubs who ambushed him must pay the price.

Revenge is a life creed that Wang Neng has always adhered to, but cooking is a new habit, which began 8 years ago, after his fourth failed suicide attempt, he suddenly began to cook for himself, from nothing, from not being able to swallow to not so unable to swallow. Cooking became one of the reasons why Wang was able to stick to life.

It used to be Wang Duo cooking. Probably since junior high school, Wang Duo came home from school and took off her school uniform to tie her apron. She is dissatisfied, but does not dispute such a life, and only occasionally hides in the toilet and cries for a while. This reluctant attitude made Wang Duo's meal not taste good. In fact, Wang Neng felt that his cooking skills were about to catch up with Wang Duo.

Wang Neng squatted in front of a large jujube-red plastic basin and concentrated on picking a carp. The air in the farmer's market was humid, and the frustration that had disappeared appeared again, and they surrounded the long scar on Wang Neng's back, waiting for the opportunity.

The scar that has healed for more than ten years is so itchy. Wang Neng went to grab it with his back hand, but he caught a cold hand. Wang Neng turned around sharply and saw a panicked young man in a fat school uniform, about sixteen or seventeen years old. The young man wanted to break free, and the target of that hand was originally Wang Neng's waist bag full of change, but at this time, he was pinched by the owner of the waist bag halfway to the waist bag.

Wang Neng didn't squeak, dragged the teenager in front of him, and then slammed the teenager's mouth with his free left hand. A crisp snap. Everyone in the vegetable market was busy, and this mouth-beating sound quickly faded into the noise.

The pickpocket boy knew that he had encountered evil stubble, puffed up his cheeks and began to whistle, and the continuous and sharp whistle finally pierced the crowd in the vegetable market, Wang Neng did not talk nonsense, and gave the teenager another mouth, and the whistle stopped abruptly.

Wang Neng began to look around, and finally saw a few gangsters looking towards here under a sign of a wholesale seafood. Wang Neng dragged the boy towards them, and the teenager began to struggle, scolding Wang Neng: Fuck your mother, always force Deng, wait for your good fruit to eat. Wang Neng did not return his mouth, and backhanded again, and the boy's face was already swollen into some kind of fruit that was on the verge of festering at this time.

When he arrived in front of the gangsters, Wang Neng let go, and the young man suddenly ran behind the gangsters. Wang Neng spat on the ground, pointed to one of the older gangsters and said: Educate children with snacks, who should steal and who should not steal, a little count in his heart.

The older gangster lowered his eyebrows and replied pleasantly: Brother Neng, the child is not sensible. Calling back: Come and come, apologize to Brother Neng. Come on!

The boy grinded, didn't want to come out, and I don't know who gave him another mouth. The teenager who was beaten and scolded in turn began to cry, his eyes full of hatred. Wang Neng turned around and left, he didn't want to wait for that insincere apology. He was all too familiar with that hatred, he had been that teenager and he had been one of those gangsters.

There's a saying about what it's called. Wang Neng continued to pick fish, while thinking: the small tree is not repaired and does not slip straight. He remembered one night ten years ago, when he said this sentence and gave Wang Duo a mouthful. Wang Duo didn't cry, Wang Duo was much stronger than the thief just now.

It was dark, and the noise in the market began to slowly die. Wang Neng carried the carp he finally chose to his home, and when he passed the Feixiang Internet Cafei in the middle of the vegetable market and his home, he saw the blue-red lights of the ambulance swaying half of the dark street, and two policemen stood in front of the Internet café smoking, a string of inconspicuous blood dripping on the ground.

Wang Neng looked into the door curiously and saw Lu Bei, who was facing away from him to surf the Internet. To his right, a door to the VR box was open, and a policeman was taking pictures inside, flashing lights snapping.

Wang Neng didn't want to talk. The last time he came to this Internet café was to play an old game called "Legend of Sailing", a type of real-time strategy with rudimentary graphics. He sat alone with a cigarette in front of the old machine in the corner - this is a low-configuration computer left by the Internet café owner for Wang Neng, and he does not charge him money, and the only requirement is not to drink while playing, do not play drunk when drinking, and do not hit people.

But one day, Wang Neng still beat someone. A few high school students came out of the VR box and were passing by Wang Neng. Curious, they stopped behind Wang Neng and watched him play an ancient game that was rarely seen. The children watched and discussed a game called "Wasteland". One of the boys repeatedly stressed that he saw a girl with the ID "Wang Duo", and these two words slammed into Wang Neng's ears.

I almost caught up with her, but the game kept stuck. Damn it. The boy complained.

You just brag, what can you do if you catch up with her, and you are not abused by her. The other boy responded with a grin.

Abuse me? As far as my thirty-four-level equipment is concerned, see if I don't directly destroy her...

Wang Neng stood up abruptly and turned around and grabbed the neck collar of the boy who wanted to destroy Wang Duo. The rest of the children could not react and scattered with a bang. Wang Neng pushed the boy to the wall, put his hand around the boy's neck, and asked: What did you just say?

The owner of the Internet café came to persuade Wang Neng as if he was deaf, he could not hear other people's voices, he could only hear the word Wang Duo.

A group of people pulled Wang Neng apart hard, and the boy was frightened, and his anger was like a gossamer. The owner of the Internet café pushed Wang Neng back into the chair: Are you crazy? Why can't you get by with a child?

Wang Neng opened his eyes wide, and the sounds of the world flowed back into his ears at this time. He finally calmed down and asked the owner of the Internet café: [Wasteland], how to play?

At this moment, Lu Bei was sitting in front of the low-configuration old computer where Wang Neng had sat before, and the name of [Wang Duo] was slid on the web page. Wang Neng approached slowly and quietly looked at the page that Lu Bei browsed. Suddenly, he felt a pair of eyes fixed behind him. The owner of this gaze did not shy away, looking Wang Neng up and down. The gaze was like a sharp sword, and even penetrated Wang Neng's back, and finally fell on Lu Bei's body.

Wang Neng wanted to turn around to find the source of such a strange feeling, but was pushed down on the computer desk by Lu Bei, who suddenly got up. He tried to resist and saw Lu Bei's eyes full of fear.

To be continued...

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Author | Zhang Hanfu Editor | Sai Pear

Original link: "After the fourth suicide failure, start learning to cook | Homeless 03

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