
What dish is best served with rice? These 3 dishes that are often eaten by dry rice people have the answer, they are delicious and not expensive

author:A foodie who takes the lead in selling cuteness

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I shared with you once what dish mixed rice is the most difficult article, won the unanimous praise of many dry rice people, but due to limited space, only listed the 3 dishes with relatively high demand, the 3 dishes to be shared today are still a series of rice mixed rice very cooking, and there is no order, just because the 3 dishes of the first article do not represent the taste of the rice dry rice at all, so with today's sharing, today's second dish may be the collective childhood memory of many 70s, 80s, 90s, don't hesitate anymore, hurry up to like and follow and collect, This is the first time you can see the recipes I share every day.

What dish is best served with rice? These 3 dishes that are often eaten by dry rice people have the answer, they are delicious and not expensive

【Minced tofu】

Main ingredients: tender tofu, minced meat, black pepper, cooking wine, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, salt, starch, green onion, tofu in the mainland eating methods are varied, fried and stewed, all kinds of methods have their own unique advantages, to talk about mixed rice rice, tofu minced meat can definitely be called, then the last sauce added is the key, everyone must use.

What dish is best served with rice? These 3 dishes that are often eaten by dry rice people have the answer, they are delicious and not expensive

【Specific method】

1. First prepare the minced meat, put the minced meat in a bowl, add half a spoonful of black pepper, 1 spoonful of cooking wine, 1 spoonful of light soy sauce, a little salt and stir well. By the way, adjust the sauce, add 1 spoonful of light soy sauce, half a spoonful of dark soy sauce, a little salt, 1 spoonful of starch, clean water to look at the amount, a small amount of multiple times to stir can be all stirred is the best amount.

What dish is best served with rice? These 3 dishes that are often eaten by dry rice people have the answer, they are delicious and not expensive

2. Fry the chives in oil, if you think it is too vegetarian, you can add some bean paste to stir-fry the color together, then stir-fry minced meat for 2 rounds to color, add tender tofu, and pour in the prepared sauce.

What dish is best served with rice? These 3 dishes that are often eaten by dry rice people have the answer, they are delicious and not expensive

3. Simmer for 2-3 minutes over medium heat, turn off the heat and sprinkle with green onions to garnish and add flavor, get it, tender tofu can also be fried in advance, some people like fragrant tofu crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

What dish is best served with rice? These 3 dishes that are often eaten by dry rice people have the answer, they are delicious and not expensive


Main ingredients: lard, dark soy sauce, chopped green onion, white sesame seeds, steaming rice, put 1 spoonful of white flower lard, mix well with old soy sauce, did the forgotten childhood find you instantly? As far as I know, many places in the south eat like this, and the northern guys who read the article, did you eat like this in the past difficult years?

What dish is best served with rice? These 3 dishes that are often eaten by dry rice people have the answer, they are delicious and not expensive

【Specific method】

1. Cut the lard into large pieces and soak in cold water for about 2 hours, add a little water to the pot, add 1 spoonful of salt to cover the lid, and cook slowly over medium heat until the water in the pot is boiled dry, and start boiling the lard.

What dish is best served with rice? These 3 dishes that are often eaten by dry rice people have the answer, they are delicious and not expensive

2. After the lard is boiled until golden brown, the rest is lard residue, and when the lard temperature returns to room temperature, you can fill the lard in a ceramic jar.

What dish is best served with rice? These 3 dishes that are often eaten by dry rice people have the answer, they are delicious and not expensive

3. The rice should be hot, add 1 spoon of lard, 1 spoonful of old soy sauce, a little lard residue, 1 handful of chopped green onion, the previous conditions did not allow white sesame seeds, now you can add white sesame seeds, stir well and you can eat, so that simple rice can also eat 3 bowls.

What dish is best served with rice? These 3 dishes that are often eaten by dry rice people have the answer, they are delicious and not expensive

【Spicy seeds with oil】

Main ingredients: white sesame seeds, paprika, sugar, salt, onions, coriander, spring onions, star anise, fragrant leaves, peppercorns, oil poured spicy seeds The audience is mainly Yunguichuan and Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia guys, mixed with noodles and steamed buns, eating is a jar of existence in each person's hand, somewhat similar to the status of southern lard bibimbap.

What dish is best served with rice? These 3 dishes that are often eaten by dry rice people have the answer, they are delicious and not expensive

【Specific method】

1. Put an appropriate amount of white sesame seeds, chili powder, sugar and salt in the bowl to add up to 1 spoon, first pour 1 spoonful of clear oil and stir to prevent mush when frying.

What dish is best served with rice? These 3 dishes that are often eaten by dry rice people have the answer, they are delicious and not expensive

2. Heat oil over low heat, put coriander, onion, green onion, fragrant leaves, cinnamon, star anise and other spices in the pot and fry until browned, then take out, and then sprinkle a handful of peppercorns into it and fry for about 30 seconds, in fact, you can eat spicy, you can put a little millet spicy into it and fry it together to fry golden.

What dish is best served with rice? These 3 dishes that are often eaten by dry rice people have the answer, they are delicious and not expensive

3. Take out all the spice residue and leave sesame oil, use a spoon to pour a small amount of pouring on the chili noodles many times, stir while pouring to do not let the chili noodles knot, seal the jar after sealing it to prevent it from being stored in a cool place, do not use a glass container Oh, easy to burst.

What dish is best served with rice? These 3 dishes that are often eaten by dry rice people have the answer, they are delicious and not expensive

That's it for today's sharing, which dish is your favorite? It's not easy to create, if today's content is helpful to you, I hope you will raise your noble hand and press like and follow to share it with your family Oh, give people roses with a lingering fragrance, if you like to eat, leave the word like in the comment area, I will continue to share your favorite food.