
(Crescent Moon Wish) October 6, 2021 Libra Crescent Wish Description

author:Star Translation Agency

Please note the star translation agency and the author Wang Xiaoya.

[Author's Note: The times mentioned below are all Beijing time, please convert the time difference between china and China if you are overseas]

The Impact of the Libra New Moon:

The Libra New Moon occurs in Libra, which symbolizes relationships, which means that soon after the new moon, some new relationships may be established, or existing relationships enter a new stage (including union, separation, conflict, etc. for better or worse). But at the same time, Libra is in harmony with the falling Mars, and perhaps these changes in human relations will be accompanied by some strife, or it will take courage to break through. For example, pluck up the courage to break up, the existing problems in the relationship erupt, or establish some cooperative relationships and create a breakthrough together, make a breakthrough, and so on.

In either case, since the New Moon, Sun, and Mars all arch in harmony with Saturn in Aquarius, this new phase will be more likely to be a continuous, long-lasting, and stable state. Mercury, which is retrograde in Libra, is also gradually approaching this new moon, and it is possible that the changes in those relationships are about some existing conditions, or have been in contact and negotiation before.

This New Moon occurs when:

This new moon occurs at 13 degrees 24 minutes in Libra.

◆Beijing time: October 6, 19:05

Wishes can be made within 48 hours of the new moon. The best time is within 8 hours after the exact conjunction occurs, but avoid the "moon death time".

The lunar eclipse time period (the time period to avoid making a wish):

◆Beijing time: October 7, 13:03AM - 22:22 on the same day

Therefore, your best time to make a wish:

October 6, 7:05 p.m. - October 7 at 3:04 AM

Therefore, your effective wishing time:

October 6th 7th 19:05 - October 7th 13:03

October 7, 22:23 - October 8, 7:04 p.m.

Number and method of making wishes:

A maximum of ten wishes are allowed, which must be written down on paper to be fulfilled. Then collect it

The content of the Libra Crescent Wish (of course, it must be practical):

Libra Crescent Wish Content: In addition to those wishes that you repeat every month, you can make some Libra-related content this month.

Such as: marriage, sharing, cooperation, diplomatic skills, beauty, fairness, understanding others, etc

◆ Libra is in charge of body parts and diseases (can be used to make health wishes):

Kidneys, adrenal glands, paraneals, lower back, lumbar spine, endotropic organs, ovaries, fallopian tubes, inner ear.

Kidney disease, low back pain, venereal disease, ovarian and fallopian tube disease, ear disease or hearing impairment.

◆ Character characteristics of Libra symbolism:

(You can make a wish to change your personality, such as hoping that you or others will correct the following shortcomings, cultivate the following advantages, etc.)

Positive characteristics: cooperative, persuasive, communicative, peace-loving, elegant, impartial, art-loving, diplomatic, social, sleek.

Negative characteristics: more flashy, indifferent, scheming, unscrupulous to reconcile, hesitant, easy to gamble, easy to give up.

◆ Libra's living field:

Libra rules the 7th house. Representing the interaction between people, it also shows marriage, partnership, partnership, so from the 7th house can also see a person's relationship with a spouse. It also represents the open enemy (the 12th house is the hidden enemy).

Some simple examples of wishes:

"I want to be able to easily attract, find the right marriage partner for me, and start a happy and committed relationship"

"I want to be able to easily share with others in a way that is at ease, trusts and depends on each other."

"I want to be able to easily work with others in a mutually beneficial way."

"I wish I could easily and consciously use sleek diplomacy in all relationships."

"I want to be able to exude beauty from the inside out."

"I want to be fair to others and balance what I give and what I gain."

The scope of this special blessing for each constellation:

(Reference Sun and Rising Signs)

Aries: All one-on-one relationships, including partners, partners, objects of transactions/contracts, and open enemies

Taurus: Health, wellness, lifestyle habits, specific matters at work and in life, working environment, subordinates, colleagues, pets

Gemini: love, entertainment, children, creativity, creation

Cancer: family, real estate, home environment, family

Lions: Study, exams, various forms of communication and expression, communication, ideas, community/neighborhood/classmate/sibling relationships, (short distance) outings, means of transportation, documents/contracts

Virgin: Wealth, assets

Libra: Everything about yourself (such as being more confident and smarter)

Scorpion: Subconscious, thought, secret, lurking enemy

Shooter: Social, group, interpersonal

Capricorn: career, life goals, status, fame, public image

Aquarius: Study, Exams, Going Out, Alien/Exotic Related, Philosophy/Religion/Spirituality, Outlook on Life, Legal Affairs, Media

Pisces: Resources/wealth associated with others (e.g. borrowing, partner's money, trading money, partial wealth, winning the lottery), health, illness, sexuality, secrets

(Crescent Moon Wish) October 6, 2021 Libra Crescent Wish Description

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