
#Entertainment Awards#Wang Wang and Maria in Armenia's next plan According to the plan, Wang Wang will take his parents and Maria to Armenia for a wedding. This time is very well chosen

author:A warrior in the world of Internet celebrities

#娱评大赏 #

The next plan of Wang and Maria in Armenia

According to the plan, Wang Wang will take his parents and Maria to Armenia for a wedding. This time is very well chosen, it is the season of spring blossoms, and Armenians also like to hold weddings in this season.

It's not too long until May. During this period, it is also necessary to obtain a passport for Wang's father. Wang's mother has a passport. In addition to your passport, you need to apply for a few other things. It is estimated that during this time, Wang Wang and Maria should have been busy. And Wang's parents, this time abroad, the main purpose is to participate in the wedding held by Wang Wang and Maria in Armenia, as parents, they will definitely make some private preparations.

To be honest, every time I see the feelings of home and country in the video shot by Wang Wang in Armenia, I am very moved.

#Entertainment Awards#Wang Wang and Maria in Armenia's next plan According to the plan, Wang Wang will take his parents and Maria to Armenia for a wedding. This time is very well chosen
#Entertainment Awards#Wang Wang and Maria in Armenia's next plan According to the plan, Wang Wang will take his parents and Maria to Armenia for a wedding. This time is very well chosen
#Entertainment Awards#Wang Wang and Maria in Armenia's next plan According to the plan, Wang Wang will take his parents and Maria to Armenia for a wedding. This time is very well chosen
#Entertainment Awards#Wang Wang and Maria in Armenia's next plan According to the plan, Wang Wang will take his parents and Maria to Armenia for a wedding. This time is very well chosen

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