
Who played Lu Su the most impressed you?

author:Mao Sai shield open

Lu Su is a very important figure in the Eastern Wu regime in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and Lu Su's role is particularly prominent in the Battle of Chibi, second only to Zhou Yu. It can be said that Lu Su was the key figure in promoting the alliance between Sun and Liu.

Although Lu Su can not be regarded as the absolute main character in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", in the TV series and film versions of different periods, Lu Su has been interpreted to varying degrees, and some have left a deep impression on the audience.

First, Cao Li's version of Lu Su

Who played Lu Su the most impressed you?

In the old version of the TV series "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Lu Su played by three actors, of which the early lu Su image played by Cao Li was the most impressive to the audience. Cao Li's own comedic appearance makes the role of Lu Su played by him full of funny feelings, and further highlights the image of a loyal, honest and good old man who is good at pretending to be confused. Especially sandwiched between zhuge liang and Zhou Yu, two extremely intelligent strategists in the world, Lu Su's personality design actually shows his great wisdom and foolishness. It was precisely because Lu Su understood the importance of Sun Liu's alliance against Cao Cao's strong strength that he tried every means to maintain the harmony and decency of the two families again and again, and this was also an important reason why Zhuge Liang skillfully used it to protect himself.

Second, Hou Yong's version of Lu Su

Who played Lu Su the most impressed you?

In the "Chibi" film directed by Wu Yusen, Lu Su is played by the old drama bone Hou Yong. And Hou Yong's interpretation in the movie continues the style of Lu Su played by Cao Li, that is, thick, real, and a bit of old and good people thinking, liking and thin mud, so Lu Su, played by Hou Yong, is also full of joy, becoming one of the few funny bridges in the "Chibi" movie. However, Cao Li's sense of comedy is innate, and Hou Yong's humor is supported by acting skills.

Third, Huo Qing's version of Lu Su

Who played Lu Su the most impressed you?

Huo Qing is a late-blooming actor, who has long been middle-aged, and it is only in recent years that he has begun to be recognized by the audience with some classic screen images. Among them, in Gao Xixi's version of "Three Kingdoms", Lu Su, played by him, is a screen image recognized by the audience.

Lu Su, played by Huo Qing, is relatively close to the image of Lu Su in real history. In the real history of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms, Lu Su was actually a very talented military and strategist whose ability was not weaker than Zhou Yu's, and was not only valued by Sun Quan, but also respected by the Shu Han side. Huo Qing's slender figure, clean face, with a kind of elegant temperament, and his eyes are full of wisdom, completely interpreting the characteristics of Lu Su, a wise man of the Three Kingdoms, very well. If Zhou Yu is a military commander with a flamboyant personality and a competitive competitiveness, then Lu Su is the complete opposite, with an introverted personality, calm thinking, and a quite big picture view.

Huo Qing's interpretation of Lu Su allows us to see an image of Lu Su that is completely different from the past and even from the novel. We have reason to believe that the reason why Eastern Wu was able to maintain the hegemony of Jiangdong for a long time was that in addition to Zhou Yu's credit, it was also inseparable from Lu Su's efforts to support it.

Fourth, Wang Kun's version of Lu Su

Who played Lu Su the most impressed you?

In "Martial God Zhao Zilong", Lu Su, played by the old drama bone Wang Kun, is also remarkable. Wang Kun's melancholy and handsome appearance made Lu Su's image also become vivid and plump. Even the popularity is better than Zhou Yu.

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