
The seminar on the construction of smart hospitals to help the high-quality development of hospitals was held in Beijing

author:Overseas network

Source: People's Daily News

"The construction of smart hospitals has provided important support for the high-quality development of public hospitals." On October 9th, the "Seminar on Smart Hospital Construction to Help Hospital High-quality Development" jointly organized by People's Daily and People's Health and Beijing Medical Reward Foundation was held in Beijing, and many guests conducted in-depth discussions on the development of smart hospitals.

"The construction of smart hospitals is a project, and we must use the concept of engineering governance to build a smart hospital system." Shu Ting, Institute of Hospital Management of the National Health Commission, said that the president of the hospital, as the main leader in the construction of smart hospitals, should determine the development goals, clarify the responsible persons, control the construction costs of smart hospitals, do solid basic work, refine the construction process of smart hospitals, and select breakthrough points for smart hospital construction according to the characteristics of hospital development. In addition, in the process of smart hospital construction, consultation between different departments of the hospital should be strengthened, so that wisdom can penetrate into all aspects of clinical, service and management.

Jin Changxiao, secretary of the Party Committee of peking university third hospital, believes that medical institutions, especially tertiary hospitals, use information technology to provide patients with related medical services such as appointment diagnosis and treatment, waiting for diagnosis reminders, and inquiries of examination and inspection results, so that the "medical services at the fingertips" become a reality, and at the same time, the medical level and management level of the hospital are improved.

Ouyang Wen, vice president of the Third Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, said that the information center is the central nervous system of the hospital and the brain running in the hospital. In terms of smart services, the hospital systematically designs according to the key links such as outpatient, inpatient, discharge and health management, and carries out information diagnosis and treatment services and health management around patients. The Third Xiangya Hospital of Central South University has realized the intelligent medical treatment and intelligent service with paperless electronic medical records to enhance high-quality development, which not only improves work efficiency through the combination of intelligent quality control and intelligent diagnosis and treatment, but also facilitates the intelligent medical services of the whole life cycle of patients; at the same time, the scientific use of various data, through the combination of knowledge graph and machine learning to achieve intelligent analysis of big data, improve the level of hospital management and discipline construction, and help the great cause of healthy Hunan and healthy China.

Bai Feng, vice president of the Second Hospital of Lanzhou University, introduced that the Second Hospital of Lanzhou University implements the whole process of intelligent management through information construction, and has built a quality system, management system, physician evaluation system and decision-making system with patients as the core. Through the intelligent management of "one center and four systems", the hospital has achieved good results in the performance appraisal of public hospitals. In addition, in order to facilitate patients to seek medical treatment, the hospital carries out time-based registration appointments and implements inter-clinic payment to reduce the length of patient queuing. At the same time, physicians and pharmacists can serve patients 24 hours a day through the information system and strengthen rational drug use.

"The design concept of the smart hospital not only provides patients with a new feeling of medical treatment, but also provides a new experience of intelligent work for medical workers in the hospital, and also brings new vitality to the sustainable development of the hospital." Hou Xumin, vice president of Shanghai Chest Hospital, believes that there are three major directions for the construction of smart medical care, including the wisdom of clinical services, the refinement of clinical management and the assetization of medical data. Shanghai Chest Hospital has built an interconnected standard data platform, and the future wisdom service will further empower patient services, provide patients with convenient and comfortable medical services, and improve patient stickiness.

Zhang Xiaoyu, consultant of the Beijing Medical Reward Foundation, said that at present, China's public hospitals are at a key node from informatization to intelligence, and the construction of smart hospitals will help improve the quality of medical treatment, improve the medical experience of the people, and optimize the allocation of regional medical resources.

At the meeting site, Li Jia, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University, Cao Li, vice president of the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University, Zhao Da, vice president of the First Hospital of Lanzhou University, Wang Jingtong, director of the Medical Affairs Department of Peking University People's Hospital, Li Kasa, director of the Medical Affairs Department of Beijing Jishuitan Hospital, Zheng Xianzhao, vice president of Jiaozuo People's Hospital, and Duan Hongzhen, director of the Department of Pharmacy of Linfen People's Hospital, respectively focused on the theme of "smart medical and disciplinary integration development" and "wisdom hospital 'trinity' construction experience sharing". Combined with the practice of the hospital, he shared the experience and achievements of the construction of smart hospitals.