
Taixing Dome Lin Baiguang suffered from sleep apnea, wore a ventilator for up to a month, and his wife was worried

author:Good look thai drama recommended

Sawadika, Dome Lin Baiguang's wife Metal revealed in a previous interview that the wife who did Dome was very happy, but the husband had apnea symptoms when he went to sleep at night, seemed to hear the drowning man's voice, and his breathing stopped for a few seconds, so he felt very worried.

Taixing Dome Lin Baiguang suffered from sleep apnea, wore a ventilator for up to a month, and his wife was worried

Dome also told Metal that it had been before but the symptoms were mild and did not stop breathing like this, which may be due to age. When going to the hospital for examination, the doctor said that these symptoms are very dangerous, which is a sleep breathing disease of unknown etiology, clinical manifestations of night sleep snoring with apnea and daytime sleepiness, at night due to apnea can lead to hypoxia, and then cause hypertension, coronary heart disease and other diseases, must wear a respiratory mask for treatment.

Taixing Dome Lin Baiguang suffered from sleep apnea, wore a ventilator for up to a month, and his wife was worried

In addition, Metal also revealed that the mask had to be worn at first, which Dome could hardly accept. Because he felt that the device was too tight, causing the whole person to be uncomfortable, he threw the device away. But he calmly told him not to complain every time and insist, until now he is more and more accepting and familiar with this device.

Dome has been on a ventilator for treatment, and his wife Metal has also caused concern among fans after revealing her concerns about her husband. Dome said the longest stopping breathing time was about 51 seconds, which caused oxygen levels in the blood to drop and masks were now mandatory every night.

Taixing Dome Lin Baiguang suffered from sleep apnea, wore a ventilator for up to a month, and his wife was worried

While I don't want to wear my device while I sleep, there's currently no cure for this symptom other than wearing it. At first, I was not used to it, but after a month I got used to it, as if I was one with it, and I couldn't sleep without wearing it.

Taixing Dome Lin Baiguang suffered from sleep apnea, wore a ventilator for up to a month, and his wife was worried

Ask me if I'm worried about this? Really, feel scared, this kind of thing is beyond my control, but have to do my best. I'm a person who exercises all the time, but the doctor says it has nothing to do with exercise, and some people may be overly obese or because of genetic factors. Imported equipment is used, which is not very scary but expensive to treat. I don't know why this is the case, but I think a big part of the reason is that I started working since I was a child, when I rarely slept and was caused by chronic fatigue.

Taixing Dome Lin Baiguang suffered from sleep apnea, wore a ventilator for up to a month, and his wife was worried

Dome also said the illness does not affect work. When working abroad or in other provinces, it is also necessary to carry the machine with you, and the machine is easy to carry. As for the heir issue, Dome said that he and his wife also want to have it, but said that they have no plans this year and may plan to have children next year.

Taixing Dome Lin Baiguang suffered from sleep apnea, wore a ventilator for up to a month, and his wife was worried

Dome, Chinese lin baiguang. Once an advertising child star, when he was a child, he shot more than 50 advertisements, once because he was too busy at work to study in high school for four years, and the Thai drama works that are well known to fans include "true love does not die", "dawn", "love-hate covenant" and so on. After 7 years in love with his wife, Metala, he held an engagement ceremony in early August last year, and then held a wedding shortly afterwards, hoping that he would recover soon and bring more and better works to fans who liked him!

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