
What are the symptoms of tics? How can parents tell if a child has tics?

author:Pediatrician Meng Qing

Childhood tics' disorder is a neurological disorder characterized by frequent involuntary repetitive muscle contractions or brief tic movements, such as frequent eye blinking and facial twitching. Although these symptoms do not affect the patient's perception and cognitive abilities, they can negatively affect the patient's daily life and social interactions. #抽动症 #

In general, boys are more likely to develop the disease than girls. Its specific etiology is not fully understood, but it is initially thought to be an interaction of a variety of genetic and environmental factors.

What are the symptoms of tics? How can parents tell if a child has tics?

What are the symptoms of tics?

Tic syndrome refers to sudden, aimless, rapid, stereotyped muscle contractions, divided into motor tics and vocal tics.

What are the symptoms of tics?

  1. Eye symptoms include blinking, frowning, raising eyebrows, and eye rotation.
  2. Facial symptoms include sticking out the tongue, pouting, crooked mouth, licking the lips, wrinkling the nose, and grimace.
  3. Head symptoms include nodding, looking up, shaking the head, tilting the neck, and shrugging.
  4. Upper extremity symptoms include finger picking, hand claps, hand rubbing, fist clenching, arm shaking, hand shaking, and chest slapping.
  5. Lower extremity symptoms include squatting, kicking, shaking the legs, straightening the legs, bending the knees, kicking, and stomping.
  6. Trunk symptoms include chest straightening, tummy tummy tuck in, body twisting, and waist twisting
  7. Symptoms of laryngeal vocalization include sniffling, throat clearing, dry coughing, spit, shouting, repeatedly saying the same thing (words, phrases, or even whole sentences), unconsciously cursing and swearing.
What are the symptoms of tics? How can parents tell if a child has tics?

Any of these symptoms recur, mild and severe, and may resolve on their own, temporarily or for a long time, or from one form to another, or to new forms of tics.

How can parents tell if a child has tics?

Tics is a common neurological disorder that can adversely affect a child's life. How can parents tell if a child has tics?

What are the symptoms of tics? How can parents tell if a child has tics?

Tics typically manifest as involuntary muscle movements such as blinking, coughing, convulsions, shaking the head, twisting fingers, etc., which usually occur when the child is unconsciously performing daily activities. If the child frequently exhibits the above behaviors, parents should be alert to whether the child has tics.

Tics are usually exacerbated by emotions such as nervousness, anxiety, etc., so when the child is in a state of emotional stress, the tics symptoms can also worsen. Parents can pay attention to observe their children's emotional changes in daily life, and communicate with their children so that children can better express their emotions.

What are the symptoms of tics? How can parents tell if a child has tics?

The following provides a clinical screening scale for children commonly used in tics, parents fill in and submit according to the actual situation of their children to see if the child has a potential risk of tics↓↓↓

—Assessment Instructions——

This assessment is suitable for ages 3-24

It is mainly evaluated for the child's frequent blinking, throat clearing, shoulder shrugging, etc

In order to evaluate the results objectively and accurately, please check the box according to the actual situation of the child

What are the symptoms of tics? How can parents tell if a child has tics?

Doctors can confirm the diagnosis through a detailed history, physical examination, and necessary auxiliary examinations to develop an effective treatment plan. Parents can also help their children better cope with the disease by understanding the relevant knowledge of tics, family rehabilitation and psychological counseling.