
Education Bureau: Launched the "Learning Model Zhang Guimei Lide Tree People Shine Youth" teacher morality publicity activities

author:Market Weekly
Education Bureau: Launched the "Learning Model Zhang Guimei Lide Tree People Shine Youth" teacher morality publicity activities
Education Bureau: Launched the "Learning Model Zhang Guimei Lide Tree People Shine Youth" teacher morality publicity activities

On the afternoon of October 22, sponsored by the Education Working Committee of the District Party Committee and the District Education Bureau, the "Learning Model Zhang Gui Mei Lide Shu ren Yao Youth" teacher morality publicity activity was held in the Third Junior High School, and the deputy principals in charge of moral education, young and middle-aged class teachers and outstanding teacher representatives of the primary and secondary schools in Jintan District attended the activity, and Lin Houcong, deputy secretary of the Education Working Committee of the District Committee, attended the event and spoke.

At the event, the two members of the "Study Model Zhang Guimei" DivisionAlde Pacesetter Propaganda Group gave keynote speeches respectively. Sun Chengyu, deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee of Changzhou Tourism, Commerce and Trade Higher Vocational and Technical School, led everyone to learn the advanced deeds of Zhang Guimei, the winner of the "July 1st Medal" - "Principal of the Burning Lamp"; Li Linlin, director of the student office of Changzhou Lihua Middle School, told the touching experience of how she entered the hearts of children and became a teacher with temperature with three window stories: "A tree shakes another tree", "a cloud pushes another cloud", and "a soul awakens another soul".

Subsequently, Mr. Wu Lianghui, the special class teacher of Changzhou City and the leader of the first batch of famous class teacher studios in Jintan District, combined with Zhang Guimei, Yin Xuemei, Wu Fanzhen and other teacher moral examples, touched everyone present with the story of him and special student Deng. Deng suffered from leg diseases and eye diseases since childhood, only his mother took care of him, teacher Wu Lianghui took the initiative to let her sit in a position near the podium after understanding the situation, organized classmates to accompany each other between classes, and carefully tutored after class. In order to cultivate Deng's self-confidence, Teacher Wu encouraged her to participate in the story contest of Jintan TV and lead the children to move forward with the love of the teacher. Deng, who was already working, learned of this activity and also rushed to the scene, and when she told her inspirational education story with tears and sincerely bowed to Teacher Wu to thank her, there was a warm applause in the venue.

Lin Houcong pointed out in his speech that the theme of this teacher morality propaganda activity is focused, the content is rich, and the deeds are touching, and he hopes that the teachers can more deeply understand the important significance of Teacher Zhang Guimei, a model of the learning era, see the wise and the wise in the future education and teaching work, feel the power of example, further establish a benchmark for learning, strive to be an advanced consciousness, and use the spirit of dedication, responsibility, self-innovation and lofty realm to implement the fundamental task of Lide tree people.

(Source: Jintan District People's Government website) [Submissions, regional cooperation, please send a private message or send a 3613378752 within 24 hours to reply. 】