
Hiding around to "replenish the kidney and fierce general", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat once every three to five, full of energy

author:Rong Kitchen

"Kidney qi is enough, all diseases are eliminated"! The importance of tonifying the kidney is self-evident, it is not only for men, but also for women. When it comes to tonifying the kidney, the first thing that comes to most people's minds is male fertility. In fact, tonifying kidney is not only this effect, kidney qi and foot, but also help us relieve fatigue, improve mental state, prevent hair loss, protect the skin, etc.

Hiding around to "replenish the kidney and fierce general", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat once every three to five, full of energy

1. Black beans

Black beans are a very good food for kidney tonics, it is rich in nutrients, including protein, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and so on. In addition, Chinese medicine pays attention to the shape of complement, and the shape of black beans is similar to that of the kidney, and black beans are still black food, which can also play a good role in tonifying the kidney and invigorating qi.

Hiding around to "replenish the kidney and fierce general", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat once every three to five, full of energy

Recommended Recipe 【Black Bean Rib Soup】

Hiding around to "replenish the kidney and fierce general", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat once every three to five, full of energy

Ingredients: 50g black beans, 200g ribs, 2 pears, 1 carrot, 1 yam, 1 handful of goji berries, a pinch of salt

1. Prepare 50 grams of black beans first, add water to soak for more than 3 hours in advance, or soak overnight in advance, the soaked beans will be better cooked after absorbing enough water, and put aside for later use after controlling the moisture.

Hiding around to "replenish the kidney and fierce general", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat once every three to five, full of energy

2. Then prepare 200 grams of ribs, rinse them with clean water, then put cold water into the pot, add ginger slices and cooking wine to blanch the fishy water, skim the foam after boiling in the pot, and then fish out the ribs and put them aside.

Hiding around to "replenish the kidney and fierce general", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat once every three to five, full of energy

3. Prepare another yam, peel it and cut it into large pieces, then soak it in clean water.

Hiding around to "replenish the kidney and fierce general", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat once every three to five, full of energy

4. Then prepare 2 pears and 1 carrot, peel the pears first, then cut them into chunks and remove the cores, and add water to soak them after cutting to avoid oxidation and blackening.

Hiding around to "replenish the kidney and fierce general", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat once every three to five, full of energy

5. There is no need to peel the carrots, just cut them into large pieces after washing, and soak them in water.

Hiding around to "replenish the kidney and fierce general", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat once every three to five, full of energy

6. Boil water in a casserole, first add ribs and black beans, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to medium heat and simmer for 30 minutes, first cook the black beans.

Hiding around to "replenish the kidney and fierce general", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat once every three to five, full of energy

7. Then add carrots, yams and pears and continue to cook for 20 minutes, until the soup becomes slightly sweet and the yam becomes soft. Finally, add 1 small handful of goji berries and a little salt, the salt here is mainly to better highlight the sweetness of the soup, and the super delicious Sydney black bean rib soup is ready.

Hiding around to "replenish the kidney and fierce general", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat once every three to five, full of energy

The yam is soft, the snow pear is sweet, and it tastes good without sugar. This soup is not only nourishing and moisturizing the lungs, but also very warm, Liqiu can be cooked more for the family to drink, and the method is also simple.

Hiding around to "replenish the kidney and fierce general", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat once every three to five, full of energy

2. Mulberries

When I was a child, my favorite fruit was mulberries, and every time I ate mulberries, the two mulberry trees in front of the door always attracted many friends. Mulberries are sweet when they are ripe, and if they are not fully ripe, they are slightly sour, and everyone likes to eat them very much. Later, listening to my parents, I learned that mulberries are also a kind of medicinal herbs, which belong to the same source of medicine and food.

Hiding around to "replenish the kidney and fierce general", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat once every three to five, full of energy

Mulberries are rich in fatty acids, vitamin C, iron, amino acids, and other nutrients, which have the effect of nourishing yin and kidney, nourishing blood and beauty, promoting digestion, and strengthening the spleen and stomach; At the same time, mulberries also contain a large amount of vitamin C and anthocyanins, which have a strong antioxidant effect and play an auxiliary role in beauty and beauty.

Hiding around to "replenish the kidney and fierce general", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat once every three to five, full of energy

3. Chicken

Chicken is a good ingredient, it can help us supplement the nutrients needed by the body, but also can improve the body's immunity, eat some chicken appropriately, for kidney yin deficiency has a certain auxiliary effect.

Hiding around to "replenish the kidney and fierce general", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat once every three to five, full of energy

Recommended recipe【Mushroom chicken soup】

Hiding around to "replenish the kidney and fierce general", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat once every three to five, full of energy

Ingredients: 1 yellow chicken, 1 pack dried mushrooms, green onions, ginger, cooking wine, salt, red dates, goji berries

Hiding around to "replenish the kidney and fierce general", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat once every three to five, full of energy

1. First prepare a package of dried mushrooms, there are more mushrooms in this one, which are oyster mushrooms, seafood mushrooms, cordyceps flowers, Xiuzhen mushrooms, deer antler mushrooms, Ji Song mushrooms, morels.

2. After opening, soak in warm water for 30 minutes, and soak the dried mushrooms softer.

Hiding around to "replenish the kidney and fierce general", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat once every three to five, full of energy

3. Add a few more red dates and add water to soak for a while.

4. Then process the chicken, one yellow chicken, and clean it first.

Hiding around to "replenish the kidney and fierce general", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat once every three to five, full of energy

5. Then let's cut some green onion and ginger, cut the green onion into small pieces, and slice the ginger.

6. After cutting, heat the oil, a little oil is enough, then pour in green onions and ginger, stir-fry slightly, and serve it out after one minute.

Hiding around to "replenish the kidney and fierce general", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat once every three to five, full of energy

7. Then boil the water, open the water into the three yellow chickens, put the whole one in, then add the fried green onion and ginger, and then a spoonful of cooking wine to remove the fishy.

Hiding around to "replenish the kidney and fierce general", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat once every three to five, full of energy

8. Turn on medium heat and continue to cook, skim off the foam after boiling, then cover and turn to low heat and continue to cook for an hour.

Hiding around to "replenish the kidney and fierce general", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat once every three to five, full of energy

9. After simmering the chicken broth for half an hour, pour in the mushrooms, cover and turn to low heat and continue to cook for half an hour.

Hiding around to "replenish the kidney and fierce general", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat once every three to five, full of energy

10. After half an hour, pour in the red dates and goji berries, season and add salt, cover and continue to boil for 5 minutes to get out of the pot.

Hiding around to "replenish the kidney and fierce general", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat once every three to five, full of energy

Chicken soup does this, simple and delicious. When you open the lid, you can smell a particularly mellow fragrance wafting in, refreshing, fragrant, and delicious and sweet.

Hiding around to "replenish the kidney and fierce general", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat once every three to five, full of energy

4. Qianshi

Chicken head rice, also known as chicken head rice, is the fruit of an aquatic plant. It can not only be used in vegetables, but also into medicine, and it is also one of the foods that belong to the same source of medicine and food. It has a very good effect on tonifying kidney and fixing color, replenishing the spleen and stopping diarrhea. Usually can be used to cook porridge, or boil soup to drink, can play a role in tonifying the kidney.

Hiding around to "replenish the kidney and fierce general", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat once every three to five, full of energy

Recommended Recipe 【Sweet Potato Soup】

Hiding around to "replenish the kidney and fierce general", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat once every three to five, full of energy

Ingredients: 3 sweet potatoes, 100 grams of chicken head rice, 30 grams of rock sugar, dried osmanthus flowers

Hiding around to "replenish the kidney and fierce general", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat once every three to five, full of energy

1: 3 sweet potatoes, peeled first, then cut into hob pieces.

Hiding around to "replenish the kidney and fierce general", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat once every three to five, full of energy

2. Bring water to a boil, add sweet potatoes under cold water, and cook together with a handful of rock sugar.

Hiding around to "replenish the kidney and fierce general", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat once every three to five, full of energy

3. Boil the sweet potatoes and rock sugar first, then turn to medium-low heat and continue to cook for 20 minutes. Boil the sweet potatoes softly, and use chopsticks to gently insert them to cook. Sweet potatoes are not easy to cook, so we have to cook them in advance to ensure the taste of chicken head rice.

Hiding around to "replenish the kidney and fierce general", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat once every three to five, full of energy

4. At this time, we prepare 100 grams of chicken head rice, add water and clean it.

Hiding around to "replenish the kidney and fierce general", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat once every three to five, full of energy

5. Then pour the chicken head rice into the sweet potato, and cook for 1 minute on high heat. Chicken head rice is very easy to cook, generally put in last, the time can not be too long, no more than 1 minute is the best, eat the taste is delicious.

Hiding around to "replenish the kidney and fierce general", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat once every three to five, full of energy

6. After turning off the heat, sprinkle some dried osmanthus flowers to increase the fragrance, you can also leave it if you don't have it. Put it in a small bowl, and the delicious sugar water is ready.

Hiding around to "replenish the kidney and fierce general", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat once every three to five, full of energy

The sweet potatoes are sweet and soft, the chicken head rice is fresh and strong, and the fragrance of dried osmanthus flowers is really delicious. And the method is simple, completely zero difficulty, you can cook it whenever you want to drink it.

Hiding around to "replenish the kidney and fierce general", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat once every three to five, full of energy
Committed to using the simplest ingredients to share the most delicious dishes and snacks for you, I am Rong'er, share a delicacy for you every day, learn to eat like this, make your stomach healthier! Welcome to like, follow, retweet and favorite, thank you for your support! See you in the next issue.