
There is a way to recover and teach you to say goodbye to running groin pain

author:Sports rehabilitation Liu Nian

Rehabilitation for pain in the groin!

1. Dynamic warm-up This action can dynamically stretch the inner receptor muscle, activate the muscles around the hip joint, prevent secondary injury, release the scar adhesions of muscle fibers, and promote the recovery of damaged tissues. Do three groups of ten times each. Group breaks for 20s.

There is a way to recover and teach you to say goodbye to running groin pain
There is a way to recover and teach you to say goodbye to running groin pain

2. Hip bridge leg lift This action can enhance the muscle endurance on the back of the thigh, balance the muscle strength around the hip joint, improve the stability of the hip joint, and reduce the pain of the injured part. Do three sets, ten times each with the left and right legs. Group breaks for 20s.

There is a way to recover and teach you to say goodbye to running groin pain
There is a way to recover and teach you to say goodbye to running groin pain

3. Thread the needle and lead. This action can enhance the muscular endurance of the trunk spiral, improve the stability of the trunk and pelvis, strengthen the anti-rotation ability of the trunk, and reduce the pull of the adductor muscles. Do three groups of ten times each. Group breaks for 20s

There is a way to recover and teach you to say goodbye to running groin pain
There is a way to recover and teach you to say goodbye to running groin pain

4. Lateral mussel opening and closing This action can enhance the muscle endurance of the adductor muscle and the side of the trunk, promote blood circulation, improve the oxygen supply around the injured part, and improve the exercise performance of endurance exercise. Do three groups of ten times each. Group breaks for 20s.

There is a way to recover and teach you to say goodbye to running groin pain
There is a way to recover and teach you to say goodbye to running groin pain
There is a way to recover and teach you to say goodbye to running groin pain

5. Standing side skating This action can improve the stability of standing on one leg, strengthen the coordination of thigh muscles, optimize the movement mode, and improve the stability of the support legs in an unbalanced state. Do three groups, 20 times each, with a break of 20 seconds between groups.

There is a way to recover and teach you to say goodbye to running groin pain
There is a way to recover and teach you to say goodbye to running groin pain

6. Side receptive leg This action can enhance the centrifugal strength of the adductor muscles of the hip joint, improve muscle endurance, strengthen the toughness of the adductor muscles, prevent movement, and cause the adductor muscles to be damaged again. Do three groups, 20 times each, with a break of 20 seconds between groups.

There is a way to recover and teach you to say goodbye to running groin pain
There is a way to recover and teach you to say goodbye to running groin pain

7. Standing in one step This action can activate the stable muscles of the whole body, improve the lateral stability of the trunk, and strengthen the lateral balance ability of the trunk. Do three sets for 30 seconds each. Group breaks for 20s.

There is a way to recover and teach you to say goodbye to running groin pain
There is a way to recover and teach you to say goodbye to running groin pain

8. Sitting stretching This action can simultaneously stretch the adductor muscles and waist muscles, increase the mobility of the trunk and hip joints, reduce the fatigue after training, and relieve the pain. Do three groups of ten times each. Group breaks for 20s.

There is a way to recover and teach you to say goodbye to running groin pain
There is a way to recover and teach you to say goodbye to running groin pain

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