
Laugh and watch the peach blossoms blossom and walk the road of revitalization together

author:Jintai information

Source: People's Daily - Yunnan Channel Original draft

The spring breeze blew red the peach blossoms in the valley pile mountain group of Xincun Village, Haikou Town, Chengjiang City, Yuxi City, Yunnan Province, looking at it from afar, it was as bright as clouds and beautiful, satisfying the reverie of the city people for natural beauty.

Among the peach blossoms, 31-year-old villager Zhan Guodong is busy entertaining tourists. Previously, he returned to his hometown to start a business, registered a family farm, and used peach blossoms as a medium to develop rural tourism and help rural revitalization.

Laugh and watch the peach blossoms blossom and walk the road of revitalization together

Aerial photograph of Taoyuan. Photo by People's Daily Reporter Cheng Hao

At the rural work conference of the provincial party committee held at the end of January this year, the principal leaders of the Yunnan provincial party committee stressed the need to strengthen the building of a contingent of qualified personnel in rural areas and build a good contingent of grassroots cadres, scientific and technological talents, local talents, talents returning to their hometowns, and leaders who have become rich.

This spring, like in the eastern part of Zhanguo, in the vast land of Yunling, all kinds of returnees and leaders who have become rich are writing the story of spring in the field of hope.

Laugh and watch the peach blossoms blossom and walk the road of revitalization together

Champong picks blueberries. Photo by People's Daily Reporter Cheng Hao

I didn't listen to the "old man" and took the first step

The story of Chan Guodong has to be told 10 years ago.

In 2013, after graduating from a local vocational high school, he worked as a waiter in a hotel. At that time, my parents were working in the family farm, and whenever tobacco seedlings were transplanted and baked, Zhan Guodong often returned home to help. Watching his parents carry tobacco leaves home from the field to bake, he felt uncomfortable and thought that he would have to work hard to change the situation.

After working as a waiter for more than two years, Zhan Guodong followed relatives to do engineering. During this period, the village developed diversified industries, mobilized villagers to plant peach trees, and the Zhanguo owner followed and planted more than 10 acres.

Since then, every year the peach blossoms are in full bloom, and the fragrance of flowers is pervasive, and tourists wander around. But although the scenery is good, there is no food or fun in the village, tourists leave after enjoying peach blossoms and patting their butts, and the villagers cannot rely on flowers to increase their income. "What's the trick?" Zhan Guodong often asked himself.

It just so happened that in the 2018 peach blossom season, the village held the peach blossom festival for the first time, and Zhan Guodong volunteered, from publicity and promotion, cultural performances, and parent-child games, he participated in the whole process of program planning. The effect was quite good, six or seven thousand people came in two days. "This kid can do it!" The villagers praised him.

"If you can do it, why don't you put in the energy to do it!" In 2021, he registered his family farm, determined to use flowers as a medium to lead villagers to develop rural tourism.

The eight characters were not brushed aside, and the parents objected first, "What if you lose money?" It's better to find a secure job. ”

Zhan Guodong understood his parents, but he did not listen to the "old man's words": "I am still young, if I lose, I will lose, and I will earn it again." So he scraped together nearly one million yuan, opened farmhouses, rented land, made tent camps, set up barbecue grills, started family farms, and took the road of integration of agriculture and tourism.

Laugh and watch the peach blossoms blossom and walk the road of revitalization together

Tourists check in the peach orchard. Photo by People's Daily Reporter Cheng Hao

Talent can be retained, why worry about not revitalizing

To revitalize rural areas, industrial revitalization is the key. How to achieve industrial revitalization, it is necessary to develop the multiple functions of agriculture, tap the diversified value of rural areas, and integrate the development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, supplement the chain, develop business forms, and establish brands, and promote the upgrading of the whole chain of rural industries. From this point of view, the road to Champuo East is not wrong.

Reality did indeed go in the direction he had envisioned. In the first two years, during the peach blossom bloom season and picking season, the number of tourists per day was at least one or two hundred, and the farmhouses and tent camps of the Zhan Guojia continued to do business. In addition to inviting people from the village to work, he also sold local eggs, wild honey, and organic vegetables, so that everyone could work and earn money.

Seeing that his son's development is good, his parents' attitude has taken a 180-degree turn, encouraging Zhanguo to do it, and sometimes helping to do it.

One problem is that peach blossom viewing and peach picking are seasonal, and "I can't be idle in other seasons." Zhan Guodong broadened his thinking, planted blueberries, and also prepared to plant strawberries, expand mountain sports such as mountain biking and go-karting, break through seasonal barriers, and let tourists have fun in all seasons.

Nowadays, in the family farm in the east of Zhanguo, the momentum of agricultural and tourism integration development is getting better and better, and the year before last year, the gross income was 3.4 million yuan per year.

One person is not rich, but a hundred families are rich. During this time, some people in the village learned from Zhanguodong", and also wanted to become a family farm, he welcomed with both hands, "There are so many resources, everyone can work together to achieve things."

When talents like Zhan Guodong can be retained and done well, why will the countryside not be revitalized?

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