
Cold wave "trouble" spring equinox, recommend 10 home-cooked dishes for you, simple and easy to do to improve your immunity!

author:Splendid v Shandong

#Headline Creation Challenge#Hello everyone, welcome to my food self-media, I am the creator of the food field Jinxiu V Shandong: "Focus on food, make life more flavorful." "Today I bring you a few home-cooked dishes, which are also very popular and very common. Every day, ordinary ingredients are used to make the most delicious meals. At the same time, I hope that today's food can bring you happiness throughout the day.

Fried fungus with broccoli

Cold wave "trouble" spring equinox, recommend 10 home-cooked dishes for you, simple and easy to do to improve your immunity!

Ingredients: Broccoli, black fungus, carrot, minced garlic.

Practical steps:

1: Cut the broccoli into small flowers, soak in salt water for 10 minutes, and then wash well. Bring water to a boil in a pot, add salt and cooking oil, add broccoli and blanch for half a minute, then scoop up and drain for later use.

2. Soak the black fungus, add a little flour to grab it, and then wash and drain the water. Peel and wash the carrots and cut into slices.

3. Heat the oil, add minced garlic to stir-fry the aroma after the oil is hot, then add black fungus and carrot and stir-fry for a while, about two minutes, stir-fry until broken, and then add broccoli and stir-fry evenly.

4. Finally, add salt, light soy sauce, oyster sauce and pepper to taste, stir-fry evenly and then take it out of the pan and put it on a plate.

Toon tofu toss

Cold wave "trouble" spring equinox, recommend 10 home-cooked dishes for you, simple and easy to do to improve your immunity!

Ingredients: 1 tael toon, 1/2 piece of tofu, 1 spoonful of chili powder, 1 spoonful of light soy sauce, some peppercorns, 1 tablespoon of hot oil, 2g salt, sesame oil

1. After cutting the tofu into small pieces, put it in a cold pot with the toon, wait for the water in the pot to boil, and cook for about 3 minutes before you can fish it out

2. Then finely chop the scalded toons and pour them into a plate with the tofu cubes

3. Add chili powder, Sichuan peppercorns, sesame oil and salt to the plate, then drizzle with hot oil and light soy sauce, mix well and enjoy

Garlic oil wheat

Cold wave "trouble" spring equinox, recommend 10 home-cooked dishes for you, simple and easy to do to improve your immunity!


1 handful of oil wheat, 1 garlic rice, 1 spoonful of salt.


1. Wash the oil and wheat and cut it into sections, peel the garlic rice and chop it.

2. Start the pot, pour an appropriate amount of oil into the pot, turn on low heat and pour the garlic rice into it to fry until fragrant.

3. First pour the oil wheat root part into it and stir-fry together, and then pour the vegetable leaf part into it and stir-fry together.

4. Add a spoonful of salt to taste before leaving the pot, stir-fry evenly to get out of the pot.

Wild garlic custard

Cold wave "trouble" spring equinox, recommend 10 home-cooked dishes for you, simple and easy to do to improve your immunity!

Ingredients: 2 eggs (each shell weighs not less than 60 grams), an appropriate amount of garlic, 1 spoonful of lard, 2 spoons of steamed fish soy sauce, an appropriate amount of salt, 150 grams of water

1. After washing the wild garlic, drain the water and cut into small diced pieces

2. Then beat the eggs into a bowl, add an appropriate amount of salt, beat up, add water, stir well while pouring, and after all pouring, use a spoon to skim off the foam on the surface

3. Then pour in the previously chopped wild garlic, roughly stir well, cover the bowl with high-temperature plastic wrap, send it to the steamer, steam on high heat, turn to low heat and simmer for 13~15 minutes

4. Add lard and steamed fish soy sauce to the steamed wild garlic egg soup and enjoy

Tofu stew with crucian carp

Cold wave "trouble" spring equinox, recommend 10 home-cooked dishes for you, simple and easy to do to improve your immunity!


1 fresh crucian carp (about 1 pound), 1 piece of tofu, green onion and ginger, salt


1. Prepare a fresh crucian carp, dispose of the scales, internal organs and gills, and then wash the black film in the belly of the fish to control the moisture.

2: Cut the tofu into small pieces, cut the ginger and green onion and set aside.

3. Heat the pan with cold oil, add green onion and ginger to fry until fragrant, add crucian carp and fry both sides slightly, you can remove the fishy smell.

4. Add water that has not passed the body of the fish, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat and simmer for about 10 minutes until the soup turns milky white.

5. Add tofu, continue to simmer until the soup is thick, put in an appropriate amount of salt before leaving the pot, sprinkle some coriander to enhance the color and titian.

Chilled spinach

Cold wave "trouble" spring equinox, recommend 10 home-cooked dishes for you, simple and easy to do to improve your immunity!

Ingredients: spinach, 5g minced garlic, 3 millet peppers, a pinch of salt and sugar, 1 spoonful of light soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of balsamic vinegar, 1 spoonful of sesame oil


1: Wash the spinach, mince the garlic, and cut the chili into rings for later use.

2. Boil water in a pot, open the water with a little salt and a few drops of cooking oil, put spinach and blanch for 15 seconds to remove the control water.

3. Put salt, sugar, chili pepper and minced garlic in an empty bowl, boil sesame oil until piping hot, pour it over the chili seasoning bowl to bring out the garlic aroma and spicy aroma, put in light soy sauce, balsamic vinegar and mix well

4. Pour the seasoning sauce over the spinach and mix well.

5. Put on a plate, if there are sesame seeds or peanuts, add a little more fragrant.

Stir-fry bean sprouts

Cold wave "trouble" spring equinox, recommend 10 home-cooked dishes for you, simple and easy to do to improve your immunity!

Bean sprouts were called "seeds" by the ancients, and spring is the best time to eat them. Bean sprouts are rich in vitamin C and other nutrients, which are good for the human body, especially in spring, the wind and dry climate, and you need to eat more bean sprouts to replenish water, and at the same time clear heat and strengthen the spleen and stomach. Both mung bean sprouts and soybean sprouts have a lot of nutrients.

1. We first put the purchased bean sprouts into water to soak, you can add some baking soda, so that the residual pesticides in the bean sprouts can be dissolved and cleaned more cleanly;

2. Bring the water to a boil, put the cleaned bean sprouts into the water and blanch them, blanch for about 5 seconds to pick them up; Drain thoroughly;

3. Boiling oil, add some garlic paste to fragrant, then put the bean sprouts in the pot, stir-fry the pot quickly over high heat, and add an appropriate amount of salt to enhance the flavor before coming out of the pot.

Oyster mushroom camelina soup

Cold wave "trouble" spring equinox, recommend 10 home-cooked dishes for you, simple and easy to do to improve your immunity!

Ingredients: camelin, oyster mushrooms, eggs, spring onions, light soy sauce, cooking wine, salt, cooking oil,


1. Prepare all the ingredients, tear the oyster mushrooms into small pieces while washing, and wash the camelin. If it feels a bit long, you can wash it while rolling it into long segments.

2. Put two eggs in a bowl, add a spoonful of cooking wine and stir well, heat the oil in a hot pan, heat the oil, pour in the egg liquid and fry until the bottom is formed, then use a spatula to crush.

3. Add oil to another pan, first fry the shallots, then pour in the oyster mushrooms and fry for one minute, pour in the eggs and stir-fry evenly.

4: Pour in a large bowl of water, cover the pot and cook for 6 minutes, until the soup is milky white.

5. Finally, put the camelina into the pot and cook for one minute, put a spoonful of salt, and a spoonful of light soy sauce to taste. The simple and delicious oyster mushroom camelina soup is ready.

Fried meat 3 cho

Cold wave "trouble" spring equinox, recommend 10 home-cooked dishes for you, simple and easy to do to improve your immunity!

Production process:

Step 1: Dice the potatoes, soak in water to wash off the starch, control the dry water and set aside; Dice the lotus root, soak in water, and control the dry water for later use; Dice carrots; Mix the minced meat with minced green onion and ginger, cooking wine and water starch and marinate for 5 minutes

Step 2: Put vegetable oil in a wok, heat the oil temperature 4, add diced potatoes and stir-fry over medium heat, wait for the diced potatoes 8 to mature, the surface is slightly yellow, add lotus root and diced carrots and stir-fry together. Diced lotus root is ripe thoroughly, scoop out for later use

Step 3: Use the remaining oil in the pot, add the marinated minced meat and stir-fry, wait for the minced meat to change color, add a pint of fresh soy sauce and stir-fry well

Step 4: Add diced potatoes, lotus root, carrots and stir-fry well, add salt to taste, pour in a little water, stir-fry a few times, then turn off the heat and put on the plate

Sour and spicy shredded potatoes

Cold wave "trouble" spring equinox, recommend 10 home-cooked dishes for you, simple and easy to do to improve your immunity!

Ingredients: 2-3 potatoes, about 10 dried peppers, oil and salt, 1 green onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar,

Practical steps:

1. Peel and wash the potatoes. Cut the potatoes into two slices in length, and then lay the cut side flat on the cutting board, so that the potatoes can be placed steadily, so that you can cut out thick and even potato slices, and cut the potatoes into thick and even slices. Then cut the shredded potatoes into thick and even shreds, do not cut too fine, the shredded potatoes are cut too finely and easy to break when stir-frying.

2. Put the cut shredded potatoes in clean water and wash them 2 times, wash off the starch on the surface of the shredded potatoes, and then soak them in clean water for a few minutes, before frying, take out the drained water, so that the shredded potatoes will not oxidize and turn black, and it will not be easy to stick to the pan when stir-frying, and the fried shredded potatoes are refreshing and non-sticky. This is a small step to add before frying shredded potatoes, and it is also one of the tips for frying shredded potatoes.

3. Chop green onion, slice garlic, cut the dried pepper in half, do not do the pepper seeds, and then put the cut dried pepper in boiling water for a while, take out the drained water, when frying the dried pepper, there will be no fried pepper paste, there will be no bitterness, this is the second small step before frying shredded potatoes.

4. Heat oil in a pan and stir-fry dried chilies and chopped green onions until fragrant. Stir-fry the shredded potatoes over high heat, drizzle half of the balsamic vinegar and fry the shredded potatoes until broken.

5. Add salt and the remaining half of the balsamic vinegar, stir-fry evenly over high heat, add garlic slices to enhance the taste, stir-fry evenly over high heat, turn off the heat, and put on a plate. A simple, refreshing and delicious plate of spicy and sour potato shreds is ready.

I am the author of the field of gastronomy Splendid V Shandong, if you like my article, welcome to follow me! Follow me, cook every day without getting lost, and update the food every day. What's your favorite dish? Welcome to leave a message to tell the editor, everyone in the comment area to tell us which of the most memorable foods you have eaten. If you don't know what to eat every day, welcome to follow me and share delicious food with everyone every day. Daily update articles, see you and do not disperse, welcome to forward, so that more people who love food can share together.