
Li Yifeng re-acted in the ancient puppet drama: not the most handsome or "drama bone", but he worked very hard

author:Entertainment 18 trigrams

In 2014, a game adaptation of "Ancient Sword And Strange Tan" turned out to be full of doubts about the broadcast of the show. I didn't think that after the drama was broadcast, it exploded all the way, and the ratings report, under the blessing of Yang Mi and Li Xiaolu, brought fire to the actor Li Yifeng of "Hundred Mile Tu Su".

Li Yifeng re-acted in the ancient puppet drama: not the most handsome or "drama bone", but he worked very hard

At that time, Li Yifeng was still a newcomer, and with the "double-sided" personality of Baili Tusu, he harvested many fans for a while and became the "male god" in the hearts of many female fans. Since then, Li Yifeng has been among the first-line small students, and the film has continued to star in "Living Color", "Notes on tomb robbery", "Old Cannon", "Sparrow", etc., which can be described as a surprise in the department.

Five years later, he re-acted in an ancient puppet drama

In recent years, the rice circle may be "clear" or the increase in variety shows, and fans are shouting Li Yifeng that he has not seen his idols operate normally for a long time. In fact, Li Yifeng has been struggling in the crew, and he has come with his new drama "Mirror Twin Cities". After five years, Feng Feng's re-acting of ancient puppet drama fans are almost happy to be broken!

Li Yifeng re-acted in the ancient puppet drama: not the most handsome or "drama bone", but he worked very hard

It is reported that "Mirror Twin Cities" is a costume fantasy drama directed by You Dazhi and starring Li Yifeng and Chen Yuqi. It tells the story of the enthusiastic and cheerful Zhongzhou girl Na Sheng who travels a long way to find her dream home in order to escape the chaotic world. Judging from this plot alone, the pure ancient puppet drama Li Yifeng can be fired in the ancient puppet drama again.

Not the most handsome or "drama bone", but he works hard

Li Yifeng may not be the most handsome in the circle or the "drama bone" level of acting skills, but he must be the hardest actor. In 2007, he participated in the talent show debut, released albums, and acted in modern dramas, fairy tale dramas, period dramas, ancient puppet dramas, spy dramas and challenged the movie big screen.

Li Yifeng re-acted in the ancient puppet drama: not the most handsome or "drama bone", but he worked very hard
Li Yifeng re-acted in the ancient puppet drama: not the most handsome or "drama bone", but he worked very hard

Along the way, he did not stop like a traffic actor, but jumped out of his comfort zone to try more new roles to hone his acting skills and make his acting skills mature and solid. It is this spirit of hard work that has allowed him to win many awards such as the Hundred Flowers Award and the Huading Award. It is difficult for such actor fans not to love, and the fans of the new drama will of course support the peak.

Partner the new generation of heroines

The heroine of this play is Chen Yuqi, and the name is not familiar. But the audience must have seen the new version of "Splendid Wei Yang" starring her, "The Book of the Dragon Slayer in the Heavens". It is not surprising that she plays the heroine, after all, she is a signed artist of Tang Yan Studio, and Tang Yan and Li Yifeng are friends. Get such an opportunity, partner with the "elderly" actor Li Yifeng, the little girl to cheer!

Li Yifeng re-acted in the ancient puppet drama: not the most handsome or "drama bone", but he worked very hard

Such a CP may have fans who doubt the broadcast effect, but as far as the official stills are concerned, Chen Yuqi's appearance is still passable, and there is the appearance of the heroine. As for how the acting skills can only wait for the drama to be broadcast, the audience's evaluation. In terms of appearance, this cp absolutely passed, Li Yifeng Yushu Linfeng, the wind, the wind, fans directly called "Su Su" is back.

The "Red Face" lineup is amazing

In addition to the appearance of the male and female protagonists, the supporting characters are also beautiful and distinctive. Yang Zhiwen plays Na Sheng, although she is not very famous, but the costume is very stunning, quite a ghost horse elf feeling. The high-value Wang Yuan can play Ruyi, she has a blue costume, which makes people have a clear and gentle feeling, and the costume is full of charm. Tang Mengjia plays Bai Lin in a white coat, highlighting the sense of purity, which is very close to the role.

Li Yifeng re-acted in the ancient puppet drama: not the most handsome or "drama bone", but he worked very hard
Li Yifeng re-acted in the ancient puppet drama: not the most handsome or "drama bone", but he worked very hard
Li Yifeng re-acted in the ancient puppet drama: not the most handsome or "drama bone", but he worked very hard

With the help of these "red faces", this drama can be visually appropriate. So many beautiful women have joined, waiting for the start of the broadcast will definitely make the audience satisfied. In addition, there are Zheng Yecheng, Yue Yueli, Tan Kai and other familiar faces, and they are all powerful actors who joined this drama, and this drama should not be bad.

Now, the new drama "Mirror Twin Cities" is about to meet the audience. For Li Yifeng's favorite audience, they are full of words and are looking forward to his return to ancient puppet dramas. After all, this is his second appearance after a gap of five years, as for the heroine, the audience will quietly watch the drama to find the answer in the play! Looking forward to the broadcast of this drama, looking forward to the performance of Feng Feng and the strength of the red faces.

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