
Health and longevity depend on the knee! Reminder: The elderly can maintain knee health by doing 3 points

author:Raising Wuhai

 People all experience physical aging as they age, and joints also age.

  At this time, the disease of joint aging is degenerative arthritis. More specifically, it refers to the process of wear and tear of cartilage wrapped around bone.

  With the increase in the average life expectancy of residents now, the more so, the more important it is to walk on your own legs in old age. What is the point of not being able to move normally in old age, or living in a wheelchair, even if you live to be 100 years old?

  Therefore, knee health is very important.

Health and longevity depend on the knee! Reminder: The elderly can maintain knee health by doing 3 points

  First, health and longevity depend on the knee!

  After the age of 20, people lose 1% of muscle per year. If left unchecked, after 50 years, by the age of 70, the muscles will be weak, leaving only half (50%) of what they were at the age of 20. In old age, knee health is associated with mortality. According to a study by Seoul National University of Health, men over the age of 65 with healthy knees die about 1.5 times more than men with unhealthy knees. In general, weakening of the leg muscles not only slows down the speed of walking, but also increases the load on the knee and easily hurts the joints.

  Why is the knee more dangerous?

  Anatomically, the structure of the knee joint is more unstable than the hip or ankle joint.

  Judging by the extension of the knee joint, the shape of the circle rising in the plane, which means that the smaller the contact area between cartilages, the more likely it is for cartilage wear to occur.

Health and longevity depend on the knee! Reminder: The elderly can maintain knee health by doing 3 points

  To compensate for this unstable structure, the empty space is filled with cartilage plates, and when the cartilage plates rupture, the knee joint experiences rapid wear down of cartilage due to the shape of the bone itself.

  It is well known that most of the body's tissues are usually lined with dense cells. However, cartilage has no cells and no blood vessels, so it communicates very slowly with surrounding tissues through the bloodstream. Because cartilage is metabolized very slowly, once damaged, tissues are difficult to repair. Strictly speaking, it is almost impossible to completely repair damaged cartilage, whether it is medication, or surgery.

Health and longevity depend on the knee! Reminder: The elderly can maintain knee health by doing 3 points

Second, eat more of the 3 foods that are good for the knees

  Although older people need exercise, there are limits to just having exercise. In addition, everyone should develop the habit of eating healthily. Here I recommend 3 foods that are good for the knees.

  (1) Soy products

  Most of the soy products we like to eat, many of which are fermented from cooked beans, contain a lot of calcium and vitamin K, which are very helpful for muscle and bone health. Calcium is also high in dairy products such as milk and cheese, and in fish such as shrimp and fish.

  (2) Chicken breast

  If you want to use your lower body well, it is essential to strengthen your muscles in order to protect your knees, and chicken breast is also a good choice. Chicken breast is also a favorite use by bodybuilders, who must eat more protein rich in muscle if they want to create beautiful muscle. Chicken breast, on the other hand, contains a lot of "carnosine" that improves muscle endurance, and is low in fat, which is also good for weight loss.

Health and longevity depend on the knee! Reminder: The elderly can maintain knee health by doing 3 points

(3) Broccoli

  Broccoli is rich in sulfonamides (sulfonamides), which prevent inflammation by suppressing the production of unhealthy "pathological blood vessels". As we age, many thin, loose microvessels appear in the body, and this "pathological new blood vessel" has adverse effects on patients with deforming knee arthropathy and also promotes arthritis.

  Sulfonamides that prevent this are particularly abundant than cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, radish, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, rape, bok choy). In particular, cauliflower sprouts contain a lot, and it is best for knee arthritis sufferers to consciously consume it regularly.

Health and longevity depend on the knee! Reminder: The elderly can maintain knee health by doing 3 points

Third, the elderly do 2 points, or arthritis can be avoided

  Arthritis is a common disease. Knee arthritis is caused by degenerative (degenerative) changes, in about 80% of people over the age of 55 and most people over the age of 75. However, arthritis brings great inconvenience to daily life, and the pain is also very serious. Therefore, joint protection should start from a young age and be daily life.

  1. Correct posture

  Maintaining correct posture is fundamental. Stand up, sit, exercise, or keep your spine as flat as possible. Spend at least 5 minutes a day looking up at the sky. It is also important to stretch more than 10 times a day. Not only open your shoulders, but also open your arms as much as possible, extend your arms behind your ears, and try to increase your fingers, wrists, elbows, shoulder joints. The stimulation of the increased flanks should be felt.

Health and longevity depend on the knee! Reminder: The elderly can maintain knee health by doing 3 points

  2. Correct exercise

  Aerobic exercise refers to exercises that relax each joint and soften the muscles. Including static exercises such as single electric breathing, stretching, tai chi, yoga, etc. Oxidative movement refers to the dynamic movement that consumes oxygen. Includes walking, running, and running exercises. As long as oxidative exercise is performed, fatigue substances accumulate in the muscles.

  It is best to do aerobic exercises first to make the joints flexible, and then follow the order in which muscle strength is developed through oxidative exercises. At this time, antioxidant exercise and oxidation exercise are carried out in a 1:1 ratio. It must be emphasized that exercises that support the upright muscles of the spine and strengthen the abdominal muscles are a must.

  Because spinal health affects the whole body. Then do activities such as mountaineering, cycling, marathons, etc. to strengthen the arm and leg muscles. Table tennis, bowling, tennis, swimming, etc. strengthen the spine, arms, leg muscles, and then protect the joints.

Health and longevity depend on the knee! Reminder: The elderly can maintain knee health by doing 3 points

  3. Supplement protein correctly

  Protein supplementation is one of the ways to prevent muscle loss, which is more important for middle-aged and older adults than young people who exercise for the purpose of losing weight. While it also has an effect on muscle building, taking the recommended amount of protein daily can also reduce the risk of obesity.

  How much to eat per day?

  The recommended daily protein intake varies depending on individual body size. Generally, if you eat protein to maintain your body shape, you need at least 1.0-8 grams per kilogram of body weight. For an adult of 1 kg, it is recommended to consume at least 60 grams of protein per day.

  A balanced intake of animal-based, plant-based is ideal, and in order to meet the above recommended amounts, each meal should consume at least lean meat or 60 grams of fish or two or three eggs or a piece of tofu, with a standard of 100 kg for adults.

  Protein supplements can also be used for older adults who are burdened with chewing meat, or who are unable to get nutrition through diet for other health reasons. Finally, I would like to remind everyone that protein is not the more you eat, the better. Excessive protein intake can be toxic, so follow the recommended daily amount. If there is too much protein in the body, the liver will become irrational in order to break it down, and the kidneys will become irrational in order to deal with toxins that are the result of protein metabolism processes.

Source: Toutiao