
What fruits can't I eat more during confinement?

author:flower bud

1. Watermelon

What fruits can't I eat more during confinement?

After giving birth, pregnant women are weak and cannot eat raw and cold food, while watermelon is cold, so mothers cannot eat it.

Hazards: Eating watermelon during confinement can cause excessive cold and damage to the spleen and stomach. Symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and even uterine contractions can be affected, and may also leave sequelae.

2. Pears

What fruits can't I eat more during confinement?

Pears are cold fruits, so mothers should not eat more.

Harm: Pregnant women eat too much cold food, which is not conducive to the recovery of maternal body; In addition, it may cause diarrhea in your baby.

3. Persimmons

What fruits can't I eat more during confinement?

Persimmons are cold, so mothers cannot eat more.

Hazards: During confinement, pregnant women eat persimmons, which can easily lead to pregnant mothers returning milk; In addition, it is possible to cause eczema in the baby.

4. Raw hawthorn

What fruits can't I eat more during confinement?

Pregnant women should not eat raw hawthorn during confinement. The tannic acid contained in raw hawthorn combines with stomach acid to easily form gastrolithiasis and is difficult to digest.

Harm: Gastric stones that cannot be removed for a long time will cause ulcers, gastric bleeding and even perforation.

5. Bananas

What fruits can't I eat more during confinement?

Bananas are cold fruits, so mothers cannot eat more.

Hazard: It is not conducive to the recovery of the mother's body

6. Mango

What fruits can't I eat more during confinement?

Mango is cold, and the mother's constitution is relatively weak, so the mother cannot eat it.

Harm: Eating will cause the body to be too cold and damage the spleen and stomach.

7. Grapefruit

What fruits can't I eat more during confinement?

Grapefruit is cold, so mothers cannot eat more.

Harm: If the lactating mother eats too much grapefruit, it will also be passed to the baby through milk, causing the baby to have diarrhea.

8. Do not eat more lychees during lactation

What fruits can't I eat more during confinement?

We all know that the nutritional value of lychee is very high, can enhance the body's immune function, but lychee is a hot fruit, if lactating mothers eat a large amount of lychee will cause fire, causing constipation, blood in the stool and other problems.

Most importantly, the hot substances that the baby absorbs through milk can also catch fire, causing the baby to be easily irritable, not liking to breastfeed, and also induce eczema or exacerbate eczema.

What fruits can't I eat more during confinement?