
55-65 years old is the "golden period of life", find out 5 kinds of minor diseases early treatment, be sure to transfer to parents to see

author:Dr. Xiaowei said

Studies have shown that after the age of 50 is the outbreak period of many diseases, so middle-aged and elderly people must pay attention to health, care more about their bodies, and reduce the occurrence of diseases.

Studies have concluded that 55~65 years old is the golden period of life, during this period to do some things, can help prolong life, if the disease is detected during this period, it should be treated as soon as possible.

55-65 years old is the "golden period of life", find out 5 kinds of minor diseases early treatment, be sure to transfer to parents to see


Why is 55~65 years old the "golden period of life"?

Judging from the current situation in the mainland, the number of people over 60 years old has exceeded 270 million, and the aging phenomenon is even more serious. Although the policy of opening up three children and increasing the birth rate of babies has not fundamentally achieved the goal of reducing the rate of aging.

In January 2022, a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association followed middle-aged women of multiple races for 20 years. It was found that at age 55, about 20 percent of women experienced a significant decline in physical health, and the researchers noted that the decade between the ages of 55 and 65 will determine future health.

55-65 years old is the "golden period of life", find out 5 kinds of minor diseases early treatment, be sure to transfer to parents to see

During this time, the body's resistance will be reduced, the body's functions will decline, and it will be more susceptible to external stimuli, increasing the risk of various diseases.

Therefore, under such circumstances, if you want to better care for your health and prevent the body from being buried with the "root of the disease" and affecting your own lifespan, you need to actively adjust your life, diet and other habits, and pay attention to maintenance.


55-65 years old is the "golden period of life", find out 5 kinds of minor diseases early treatment, be sure to transfer to parents to see

1. Breast hyperplasia

Surveys have shown that the vast majority of women will have physiological breast hyperplasia in their lifetime, which is related to the changes in hormones in the female body, which is a normal physiological phenomenon and does not require special treatment.

However, if there is pathological breast hyperplasia, especially breast cystic hyperplasia, it should be paid attention to. Cystic hyperplasia of the breast is also clinically considered to be a precancerous lesion of breast cancer, once cystic hyperplasia is found, it should be treated in time to avoid cancer.

55-65 years old is the "golden period of life", find out 5 kinds of minor diseases early treatment, be sure to transfer to parents to see

2. Osteoporosis

One of the bone diseases in older people is osteoporosis, which makes your bones weak and prone to fractures. 55-65 years old is the high incidence of osteoporosis, remember to protect your bones, want to stay away from osteoporosis.

You can eat balanced and nutritious foods, eating more foods containing calcium, vitamin D and protein such as milk, soy products and seafood. Exercise, you can walk, jog, jump rope, etc., increase bone density. Don't drink too much, don't smoke, and start with a good habit. Check bone density regularly, detect and treat early, and prevent problems before they occur!

55-65 years old is the "golden period of life", find out 5 kinds of minor diseases early treatment, be sure to transfer to parents to see

3. Chronic atrophic gastritis

Chronic gastritis is very common in the elderly, and after the onset, it is mainly manifested as abdominal burning, dull pain, fullness after meals, acid reflux, nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss, anemia, etc. Once these uncomfortable symptoms appear, scientific treatment should be carried out according to the cause of chronic gastritis in the elderly, so as to eliminate the harm.

For recurrent chronic gastritis or chronic gastritis with obvious symptoms, if not actively treated, chronic gastritis may further develop, causing gastric mucosal atrophy, intestinal metaplasia, dysplasia, and even gastric cancer!

55-65 years old is the "golden period of life", find out 5 kinds of minor diseases early treatment, be sure to transfer to parents to see

4. Chronic hepatitis

The so-called chronic hepatitis refers to chronic hepatitis B and chronic hepatitis C, but the theory and view that hepatoprotective therapy is needed after the diagnosis of these two diseases is completely wrong. Common hepatitis Chronic hepatitis B and chronic hepatitis C are the main causes of liver cancer in mainland China, from chronic hepatitis to cirrhosis, and then develop into liver cancer is a common trilogy of liver cancer.

Chronic hepatitis B and chronic hepatitis C were detected, in addition to the need for hepatoprotective treatment, formal antiviral treatment is also required, if it is not properly treated for a long time, it may eventually develop into liver cancer, the consequences are more serious, and the risk of liver cancer in the elderly is relatively high, so it is necessary to prevent it in advance, and treat it early after diagnosis.

55-65 years old is the "golden period of life", find out 5 kinds of minor diseases early treatment, be sure to transfer to parents to see

5. Chronic cervicitis

Chronic cervicitis is a common disease in women, many patients will also be accompanied by cervical erosion, cervical polyps, cervical hypertrophy and other problems, chronic cervicitis may evolve into cervical cancer if not treated in time.

Therefore, when women are found to have chronic cervicitis, they must be treated as soon as possible, if not treated, they will have repeated attacks and eventually drag down the body, so it should be paid attention to.

55-65 years old is the "golden period of life", find out 5 kinds of minor diseases early treatment, be sure to transfer to parents to see


After the age of 55, do 3 things well and grow your physique

1. Get some sun often

When people reach the age of 55-65, the loss of calcium in the body is serious, and women at this age, estrogen is greatly reduced, calcium absorption is relatively slow, there is a risk of calcium deficiency. If calcium is not supplemented in time, people in this age group are prone to osteoporosis, resulting in bone damage, and severe fractures.

If you can often bask in the sun after the age of 55, it can not only enhance physical fitness, but also promote vitamin synthesis and accelerate the speed of calcium absorption, which has a good effect on longevity.

55-65 years old is the "golden period of life", find out 5 kinds of minor diseases early treatment, be sure to transfer to parents to see

2. Keep a good mindset

If you want to effectively prolong life, the most important thing is to maintain a good attitude. Many people are riddled with diseases, mainly related to regular negative emotions. The body cannot maintain emotional stability and maintain a good state of mind, and after the impact, the physical health will be threatened.

Therefore, in the process of maintaining good health, we should pay attention to mental stability and maintain an optimistic attitude every day. There is no stimulation of negative emotions, the endocrine level remains stable, and the mental state is also maintained well, which can naturally keep the disease away, which is a problem that needs to be paid attention to when prolonging life.

55-65 years old is the "golden period of life", find out 5 kinds of minor diseases early treatment, be sure to transfer to parents to see

3. Exercise properly

By age 65, moderate exercise is also possible, which brings greater benefits and will be more pronounced. Many people think that the elderly should not exercise in old age, in fact, the elderly over 65 years old can also do some sports, such as gymnastics, walking, etc.

This kind of exercise does not require much physical strength, and most people will, proper exercise can promote the body's blood circulation and enhance immunity. This strengthens people's physique and keeps people healthy. If you do not exercise for a long time, it is likely to cause physical discomfort.