
Symptoms of protein deficiency in the body


When the body is deficient in protein, a variety of symptoms may occur. Here are some possible manifestations:

Decreased immunity: Protein is an important raw material for immune substances, when protein is lacking, the immune system will be dysfunctional, and then immunity will decline.

Symptoms of protein deficiency in the body

Obvious fatigue: protein is an important substance that constitutes a variety of enzymes and coenzymes in the body, when the protein is reduced, the regulatory ability of the enzyme will decrease, and then affect the smooth progress of biochemical metabolism in the body, and finally manifested as obvious fatigue, weakness in limbs, and feeling very difficult to walk two steps.

Symptoms of protein deficiency in the body

Weight loss: Weight loss may occur when protein deficiency persists.

Symptoms of protein deficiency in the body

In addition, protein deficiency may also lead to symptoms of hypoproteinemia, such as edema, hypertension, lipid metabolism disorders, etc.

Symptoms of protein deficiency in the body

Therefore, it is important to consume enough protein in the daily diet, especially for those who need to exercise a lot or engage in high-intensity work.