
Children suffering from influenza A do not have to be afraid, Chinese medicine experts have a trick, easy to solve without suffering!

author:Dayu Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture

Recently, the number of children suffering from influenza A has increased greatly, and the major Western medicines have not been satisfactory, in fact, Chinese medicine has a good method for children suffering from influenza A, the treatment process is relatively mild, no crime, and the effect is good and not easy to recur.

Children suffering from influenza A do not have to be afraid, Chinese medicine experts have a trick, easy to solve without suffering!

What is A flu

Influenza A, Chinese medicine belongs to spring temperature disease, "Quasi-evidence treatment of temperature disease": "Wen is spring qi, and those who are sick with warmth, because of the warmth of the season, vent their reason, or trigger evil spirits, or feel strange qi at first glance, when spring occurs, it is spring temperature." Spring temperature is an acute fever caused by feeling the evil of spring warmth. Generally, the onset is acute, the disease is more severe, and there are more changes.

Most of the patients with the initial onset of influenza A disease are the same disease, with high fever and chills, headache and fatigue, muscle aches, sore throat, red moss on the tip of the tongue thin and white, pulse floating number as the main manifestations. Children are significantly more infected than adults during this period and need to be prevented.

Children suffering from influenza A do not have to be afraid, Chinese medicine experts have a trick, easy to solve without suffering!

Etiology & pathogenesis & treatment

The external cause of this disease is warm fever, and the internal cause is Yin Essence deficiency, insufficient righteous qi, and the disease occurs in the temperature disease. At the beginning of the illness, the fever was already strong, and the illness was both yin and rapid. The cause of the disease is that in winter, the essence of the body is lost in solidity, feeling the cold and evil, lurking inside, depressing the heat for a long time, venting until the spring sun, and the volt heat is out; Or the onset of fever caused by evil during resensing.

Children suffering from influenza A do not have to be afraid, Chinese medicine experts have a trick, easy to solve without suffering!

"Ye Xiangyan Three Times Fu Qi External Sensation Chapter" said: "Spring temperature is a proof..., bitter cold is straight clear and hot inside, heat is lurking in yin, bitter taste is firm yin, is the right rule.... If the external evil is the first to be affected, and the heat is induced in the inside, it must first work hard to relieve the new evil, and then enter the bitter cold to clear the heat inside. "Medical Heart Zhong Shen Xilu Chunwen" said: "Those who are both yin and void, when they are published, cleared, and lowered, they should be accompanied by products that nourish yin." ”

Zhonghua Guo Medical Center has a special treatment for children suffering from influenza nail, which can be easily solved, and the child will not suffer.

The main symptom of influenza A is that the fever does not subside, if the child is afraid of medicine and bitterness, or the high fever cannot be taken into medicine, the Chinese medicine enema can be performed first to reduce the fever, so as to control the condition.

Since rectal administration is not detoxified by the digestive tract and liver, after absorption through the intestinal mucosa, it directly enters the inferior vena cava, which is better than oral decoction.

Compared with Western drugs that reduce fever, not only have fewer side effects, but also Chinese medicine enema fever reduction is mild, long-lasting and stable, with the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, cooling blood and laxation, treating both the symptoms and the root cause, so it is not easy to rebound after the body temperature drops. Generally, after 1 irrigation once a day, after 1~3 times of enema, the body temperature of most children can be reduced to normal.

Children suffering from influenza A do not have to be afraid, Chinese medicine experts have a trick, easy to solve without suffering!

Pediatric Tuina can improve the state of blood circulation in the body, accelerate the degree of metabolism, strengthen the spleen and stomach, replenish qi and blood, clear heat and dampness, dissolve phlegm and stop vomiting, relieve spasm and pain, the child is comfortable and painless during the Tuina process, and can also improve immunity well.

At the same time, it can be combined with acupuncture, moxibustion and traditional Chinese medicine to ensure that the child's healthy qi is sufficient, enhance the resistance, and can also play a preventive role for children who are not infected.