
Namib Desert: A desert that has been arid for 80 million years, with sea water at hand

author:Ren dashing

Eighty million years, a long time, unimaginable. In the vast expanse of the Namib Desert, drought seems to have become an eternal theme. The hot sun watches the land day by day, and only the yellow sand dunes and withered grass make it difficult to find signs of life.

Namib Desert: A desert that has been arid for 80 million years, with sea water at hand

Here, the sun never stops, and the scorching heat makes the sea penetrate the depths of the sand, but even so, the fierce wind still runs on the desert, making the earth tumble.

Namib Desert: A desert that has been arid for 80 million years, with sea water at hand

In this silent land, there may be only one voice, it is the sound of the wind blowing through the dunes, and the sand rustles in the wind, as if telling the suffering of the desert and calling for the protection of the sea.

Namib Desert: A desert that has been arid for 80 million years, with sea water at hand

Time has been passing, 80 million years, the sea is still there, the desert is still the same, the sea is still the same, the only change is the drying of the land, the death of plants, and the sound of the wind is the only life.

Namib Desert: A desert that has been arid for 80 million years, with sea water at hand

However, on the edge of this barren land, is the blue sea and blue sky. The sea is close at hand, but like an indifferent bystander, silently watching the suffering of this continent.

Namib Desert: A desert that has been arid for 80 million years, with sea water at hand

In this barren land, there is also a unique beauty. The night in the desert is so clear and bright, the starry sky is high, the moonlight falls on the dunes, and the sand becomes shimmering, like jewels scattered on the ground, beautiful and mysterious.

Namib Desert: A desert that has been arid for 80 million years, with sea water at hand

In this beautiful but desolate land, we deeply feel the preciousness of life and the greatness of nature. Although it seems that there is no grass here, it has the meaning of the growth of all things: that is, even in such a difficult environment, the desert still has a strong life force.

Namib Desert: A desert that has been arid for 80 million years, with sea water at hand

Life in the desert can only survive by adapting to drought. The root system of the plants extends to a depth of tens of meters, in order to absorb the least amount of water; Some animals are active at night to avoid the intense heat of the day. In this wilderness, life can only burst out its strongest vitality in the most difficult environment.

Namib Desert: A desert that has been arid for 80 million years, with sea water at hand

A long drought has deprived the land of its former prosperity. The Kunene River, which once irrigated the Namib Desert, dried up hundreds of years ago. Countless vegetation and animals disappeared, followed by endless sands and storms.

Namib Desert: A desert that has been arid for 80 million years, with sea water at hand

Standing in this desert, human beings feel their own small powerlessness. However, the desert is still beautiful. In the last rays of the day, the Namib Desert takes on a golden and brown color, and the sun dyes every grain of sand with a golden glow. The evening breeze blows the sea-scented air from time to time, as if this was once a bustling coast.

Namib Desert: A desert that has been arid for 80 million years, with sea water at hand

Eighty million years of drought seem to be the never-separated companion of this land. However, a new sun rises in the Namib Desert, and the sunrise and sunset are intertwined into the history and story of the desert. In the endless years, this land has witnessed life and death, prosperity and desolation, leaving behind magnificence and beauty unimaginable to human beings.

Namib Desert: A desert that has been arid for 80 million years, with sea water at hand

In this strange and mysterious land, we have explored the true nature of nature and discovered the meaning of life. It is a generous and cold land, which has guarded its secrets and history for a long time, showing its unique and immortal charm to the world.

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