
Boiling water for cooking?

author:Xiaoye is fun

Cook, each of us will.

However, if you want to cook delicious rice without losing nutrients, you can learn a lot.

Master the correct water method, cooking will be more nutritious and delicious.

The method is: use boiling water to cook rice. Boiling rice can effectively protect vitamin B1 in rice and reduce the loss of nutrients!

Friends, have you learned?

Hello everyone, I am Xiaoye Fun Leisure, love life and love to share, please pay more attention to my works if you like it!

Boiling water for cooking?
Boiling water for cooking?
Boiling water for cooking?
Boiling water for cooking?
Boiling water for cooking?
Boiling water for cooking?
Boiling water for cooking?
Boiling water for cooking?

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