
The billionaire woman was abused by a small fresh meat and gave up everything to become a monk, what happened to Xu Chunmei

author:Sunshine Gossip Jun

Mention the name Xu Chunmei, perhaps most netizens do not have much impression now, and a few people who understand will definitely scorn her.

Although Xu Chunmei is not an artist, her fame is not lost to any diva and superstar, and when the heat is at its highest, it spreads all over the world in Taiwan, and even primary school students are competing to imitate her, plus her net worth of up to 10 billion yuan has also enhanced more topicality.

But I also have to say that Xu Chunmei, who has always called herself a "high-class person", is too exaggerated in both behavior and speech, and everyone understands that her popularity at that time was more just mixed with the "bad taste" of the outside world hunting her.

However, if you look back and analyze her life from the beginning, you may find that her experience is magnificent, and the complexity of the story is far beyond imagination.

The billionaire woman was abused by a small fresh meat and gave up everything to become a monk, what happened to Xu Chunmei


Hsu Chun-mi's story begins in 1957, when she was born into an ordinary family in Taipei's Shezi area.

The family was already poor, and the parents later gave birth to four children, which made Xu Chunmei's life even worse.

When I was a child, every time I ate lunch, my classmates had chicken legs and brine eggs, but Xu Chunmei could only eat dried spicy radish.

She had also complained about her parents, but once, after she saw her father, who was taking pictures of people at the zoo to make money, he was verbally abused in public and begged for forgiveness, and she secretly swore that she would become a rich man in the future.

The billionaire woman was abused by a small fresh meat and gave up everything to become a monk, what happened to Xu Chunmei

Ideals are always beautiful, but cruel reality is "bloody" after all.

At the age of 12, Xu Chunmei worked as a child laborer in the factory to supplement the family, and almost cut off her thumb when operating the machine.

A little older, she worked in a Western restaurant again, only to be falsely accused of stealing ice cream and resigning in tears.

The continuous twists and turns of life made Xu Chunmei begin to despair, and she couldn't help but think, will she be like this, doing nothing for a lifetime, and then silently leaving?

But unexpectedly, the appearance of a man at the age of 19 changed the trajectory of her life.

The billionaire woman was abused by a small fresh meat and gave up everything to become a monk, what happened to Xu Chunmei


This man's name is Li Wenqing, he is rich in wealth, has assets of over 100 million, and is also Xu Chunmei's first husband.

Don't think he's a good guy, though.

In fact, the reason why Xu Chunmei married him that year was completely forced by helplessness.

According to Xu Chunmei's early interview, Li Wenqing took the opportunity of the festival to invite her and several classmates to visit her mansion.

The young Xu Chunmei was defenseless, who knows, Li Wenqing, who had long coveted his beauty, found an opportunity to lock Xu Chunmei in a room, and then carried out "inhumane" behavior.

The billionaire woman was abused by a small fresh meat and gave up everything to become a monk, what happened to Xu Chunmei

Xu Chunmei never thought she would experience such a thing.

Even though Li Wenqing promised to marry her afterwards, the unspeakable shame made her full of hatred for Li Wenqing, but it was precisely at this time that Xu Chunmei found herself pregnant.

At that time, Li Wenqing was still pestering Xu Chunmei, and his parents gradually changed their concept that the other party had sincerity, so Xu Chunmei married Li Wenqing with five points of reluctance and five points of helplessness to reality.

The billionaire woman was abused by a small fresh meat and gave up everything to become a monk, what happened to Xu Chunmei

Xu Chunmei thought that marriage would change her life, but she did not expect that all this was just a nightmare.

In the two years after marriage, Xu Chunmei gave birth to two daughters for Li Wenqing, but on this basis, Li Wenqing repeatedly abused Xu Chunmei, and even once almost beat her to miscarriage.

The mother-in-law never gave Xu Chunmei a good face, and over time, Xu Chunmei finally had enough, and she thought that even if she returned to the previous poor days, she must be divorced.

The billionaire woman was abused by a small fresh meat and gave up everything to become a monk, what happened to Xu Chunmei


After the divorce, Xu Chunmei only received 100,000 yuan in alimony from Li Wenqing, just as she guessed, although she did not fall back to the previous days of poverty, it was definitely not enough for the future life.

But after experiencing a failed marriage, Xu Chunmei, who "grew up overnight", had more confidence in life, and Xu Chunmei at that time was only a girl in her early 20s.

Soon, Xu Chunmei went back to looking for a job and returned to normal life, it is worth mentioning here that during this period, Xu Chunmei also accepted the invitation of Wan Shalang, the original singer of "Love You for Ten Thousand Years", and filmed the MV for this song.

The billionaire woman was abused by a small fresh meat and gave up everything to become a monk, what happened to Xu Chunmei

Now it seems that the young Xu Chunmei is indeed extremely beautiful, no wonder that in order to get her, Li Wenqing will do whatever it takes.

During this period, Xu Chunmei met the most important man in her life, Zheng Qisong.

According to Xu Chunmei, the handsome and golden Zheng Qisong is not only a high-achieving student who graduated from Waseda in Tokyo, but also has a net worth of over 100 million yuan at a young age, buying 6 skyscrapers in Japan, more than 30 shops in Taiwan, and collecting more than 3 million rents every month.

Most importantly, Zheng Qisong is very obsessed with Xu Chunmei, not only does not mind her past, but also promises to be single-minded after marriage.

In this way, after several years of knowing the roots of love, in 1982, the 25-year-old Xu Chunmei married Zheng Qisong for the second time.

The billionaire woman was abused by a small fresh meat and gave up everything to become a monk, what happened to Xu Chunmei

After marriage, Zheng Qisong also loved Xu Chunmei as promised, and Xu Chunmei also became pregnant again soon after.

However, at this time, a small episode occurred, and during the pregnancy, Xu Chunmei accidentally discovered that Zheng Qisong had cheated on a female employee of the company.

Therefore, Xu Chunmei immediately rushed to the third party in a domineering manner, loudly reprimanding the other party, and making everyone know.

The billionaire woman was abused by a small fresh meat and gave up everything to become a monk, what happened to Xu Chunmei

Xu Chunmei originally wanted to let the third party leave her husband, but unexpectedly, the other party jumped into the river and committed suicide in shame...

Later, Xu Chunmei's daughter was born prematurely, and she was once worried about this incident, and then neurotically suspected that her daughter was reincarnated by a third party to seek revenge.

In this way, in the case of uneasy conscience, Xu Chunmei passed on this daughter to her cousin to raise, which also laid the groundwork for the story of her later fame.

The billionaire woman was abused by a small fresh meat and gave up everything to become a monk, what happened to Xu Chunmei

Zheng Qisong felt guilty after this incident, and he did not appear any more outrageous behavior.

There should have been more stories between Xu Chunmei and Zheng Qisong, but in 2001, Zheng Qisong died suddenly due to lung cancer, leaving nearly 10 billion assets to Xu Chunmei.

Xu Chunmei thus became a billionaire woman, but she has never been able to let go of Zheng Qisong's death.

In her heart, Zheng Qisong almost gave her a new life, and the feeling of missing her also made her always think of the good of the other party every night.

Since then, Xu Chunmei, who has been greatly affected, began to lose sleep, not only did she need to rely on a large number of sleeping pills to sleep, but then every time she thought of Zheng Qisong, she also had a light life.

The billionaire woman was abused by a small fresh meat and gave up everything to become a monk, what happened to Xu Chunmei

It was at this time that Xu Chunmei met Huang Haiming, a businessman who was 15 years younger than her.

Although Huang Haiming's conditions are mediocre, Xu Chunmei was saved by Huang Haiming when he committed suicide.

Perhaps in order to repay the favor, or perhaps it is also urgent to find a emotional sustenance, Xu Chunmei bought Huang Haiming a luxury car of 4.5 million yuan and promised to give him 50,000 yuan per month for living expenses, in this way, Xu Chunmei began his third marriage.

The billionaire woman was abused by a small fresh meat and gave up everything to become a monk, what happened to Xu Chunmei

In order to repay the life-saving grace of "making a promise to each other", Xu Chunmei thought simple, but underestimated his need for feelings, and soon, Xu Chunmei separated from Huang Haiming, but did not divorce.


Xu Chunmei's wonderful love history continues, but at this moment, the daughter who has long been passed on by Xu Chunmei to her cousin is suddenly exposed to a news of wandering in the hypermarket.

The billionaire woman was abused by a small fresh meat and gave up everything to become a monk, what happened to Xu Chunmei

After media reports, the outside world learned that the birth mother of this little girl named Xiaoyun was a rich woman.

Subsequently, after layers of rendering and investigation, Xu Chunmei's identity surfaced, and she also bluntly said in an interview that her daughter was "the reincarnation of the undead, the devil who seeks revenge on me."

The billionaire woman was abused by a small fresh meat and gave up everything to become a monk, what happened to Xu Chunmei

As a mother, but with such an evaluation of her daughter, Xu Chunmei's strange remarks instantly rushed to the headlines of major news sections.

In the process of interviewing and understanding the truth in the media, Xu Chunmei also showed extremely special abnormalities, including various adjectives of "high society", claiming to be more beautiful than Wang Zuxian, being pursued and proposed by Ni Qimin, Xiao Mainland and others, and being willing to spend billions of Bao to raise Dawn, etc. These news are more or less from Xu Chunmei's mouth.

Subsequently, Xu Chunmei quickly became famous, and the major program producers all rushed to invite her to the show, and for a time, the news of her daughter Xiaoyun's abandonment was completely forgotten by the outside world.

All that remained was Xu Chunmei, who wore a blue mascara and spoke non-standard Mandarin, and exaggerated remarks on one show after another.

The billionaire woman was abused by a small fresh meat and gave up everything to become a monk, what happened to Xu Chunmei

Even, at that time, Xu Chunmei's classic sayings, "Even wear horses and drink coffee" (I all wear riding boots and drink coffee), "Lun of even vegetarian monkeys" (I am a person who studies Buddhism), etc., also set off a "whirlwind of high-class beauty".

Not only are there people from all walks of life who talk about and imitate her, but there is also a TV station dedicated to her a news program "High Society News".

The billionaire woman was abused by a small fresh meat and gave up everything to become a monk, what happened to Xu Chunmei

Obviously, as stated at the beginning, Xu Chunmei's popularity is more to satisfy the audience's curiosity.

However, as Xu Chunmei said later, in fact, the reason why she has these behaviors is to enter the entertainment circle, and the final fundamental purpose is to find a handsome man who loves her.

The billionaire woman was abused by a small fresh meat and gave up everything to become a monk, what happened to Xu Chunmei


In the same way, the outside world has also found that Xu Chunmei's love history is extremely rich, so after a period of time, Xu Chunmei's news related is gradually no longer her "high-class" famous words, but related to feelings.

Especially after she became famous, she met Lin Zongyi, a "cowherd" who worked in a nightclub, because she looked very similar to her second husband, Zheng Qisong, and Xu Chunmei fell hopelessly in love with each other.

The billionaire woman was abused by a small fresh meat and gave up everything to become a monk, what happened to Xu Chunmei

But at that time, Xu Chunmei was nominally the wife of her third husband, Huang Haiming, and even though the two had long been separated, the infidelity was still unforgivable.

After that, the "divorce war" between Xu Chunmei and Huang Haiming received attention under the media reports, statistics show that the two sued each other at least more than 30 cases in that year, and finally at the insistence of Xu Chunmei, the two successfully divorced, but did not let the other party separate their property.

However, just when the outside world thought that Xu Chunmei had changed her former life like this, in 2006, Xu Chunmei, who was 49 years old at the time, reported that she was engaged to a 23-year-old male model Qiu Pinrui.

The billionaire woman was abused by a small fresh meat and gave up everything to become a monk, what happened to Xu Chunmei

During that time, the two were also very sweet, showing all kinds of love on variety shows, hugging and kissing in front of the camera, bold and explicit.

There is no doubt that the "little milk dog" Qiu Pinrui only looks at Xu Chunmei's money and fame, including when the two are engaged, showing off the 2 million dowry, 1.5 million diamond ring, 5 million diamond watches and so on.

The billionaire woman was abused by a small fresh meat and gave up everything to become a monk, what happened to Xu Chunmei

Moreover, like Qiu Pinrui's distinct purpose, his temper and personality are far from being controlled by Xu Chunmei.

During a video recording of the two together, Qiu Pinrui could not stand the "tongue kiss" process requested by the program group, and pointed to the camera on the spot to indicate a strike.

The billionaire woman was abused by a small fresh meat and gave up everything to become a monk, what happened to Xu Chunmei

Xu Chunmei did not expect that Qiu Pinrui's reaction would be so fierce, and she also repeatedly questioned that even the engagement had agreed, why even the "tongue kiss" could not be accepted?

Who knows, Qiu Pinrui was furious on the spot, and in the follow-up, he even said that if he must get to the point that he does not have a step, he would rather not want anything and go out from here on the spot.

The billionaire woman was abused by a small fresh meat and gave up everything to become a monk, what happened to Xu Chunmei

It is also because of this stubble that the outside world can see the relationship between the two people's "money transaction feelings" clearly.

However, after this incident, the two did not part ways, and under the insistence of Xu Chunmei, Qiu Pinrui agreed not to have another seizure and continued to maintain a loving relationship between the two to the outside world.

However, the final outcome of this relationship is that Qiu Pinrui subsequently broke out with Xu Chunmei because of a gambling debt of 1 million yuan, and in the case of Xu Chunmei's refusal to help him, the impulsive Qiu Pinrui moved on Xu Chunmei and even beat the bridge of his nose to a fracture.

The billionaire woman was abused by a small fresh meat and gave up everything to become a monk, what happened to Xu Chunmei

In this way, the two still came to the end of breaking up, and the engagement was naturally canceled.

After being discharged from the hospital, Xu Chunmei held a press conference with Qiu Pinrui, on the spot, Qiu Pinrui apologized for domestic violence, and Xu Chunmei tearfully said that the more than 5 million yuan she spent on him should be a reward for happiness, but at the same time, Xu Chunmei also said that she had thought she had found a second Zheng Qisong.

The billionaire woman was abused by a small fresh meat and gave up everything to become a monk, what happened to Xu Chunmei

Xu Chunmei's words not only revealed the fact that she had long thought clearly about "spending money to buy love", but also proved her remembrance of her second husband, Zheng Qisong.

She tries to buy a "sweet" marriage in disguise through money to numb her long-lost love.


Since Qiu Pinrui could not fulfill his wish, he would change to another one.

Soon after, Xu Chunmei hired a 25-year-old assistant named Jiang Qingquan, who not only resembled Zheng Qisong, but was also much more obedient than Qiu Pinrui.

The billionaire woman was abused by a small fresh meat and gave up everything to become a monk, what happened to Xu Chunmei

The two also successfully registered for marriage, before marriage, Xu Chunmei promised to give each other one million yuan, as well as fifty thousand yuan per month living expenses, after marriage, she purchased a diamond ring worth 5 million yuan to give to each other.

However, the marriage between the two only lasted for 18 days before it broke down, which was Xu Chunmei's fourth marriage and the shortest.

The billionaire woman was abused by a small fresh meat and gave up everything to become a monk, what happened to Xu Chunmei

After the divorce, Xu Chunmei did not give up her way of "spending money to buy love".

And this time, she simply found Lin Zongyi, the "cowherd" who once had a relationship, and directly prescribed conditions, married him for 20 million yuan, and gave 200,000 pocket money every month.

Lin Zongyi himself is engaged in the profession of "selling male color", and seeing Xu Chunmei so cheerful, the two quickly reached an agreement.

In this way, Xu Chunmei opened his fifth marriage, after which the two signed an agreement, Xu Chunmei no longer showed his face, Lin Zongyi also retired from the "cow lang" world, and the two began their married life in a low profile.

The billionaire woman was abused by a small fresh meat and gave up everything to become a monk, what happened to Xu Chunmei

However, Lin Zongyi is not a fuel-saving lamp.

In the eight years since his marriage in 2007, Lin Zongyi took more than 300 million yuan from Xu Chunmei in order to pay off gambling debts.

After Xu Chunmei was no longer willing to give him money, he patted his ass and disappeared.


In 2015, Xu Chunmei suddenly reappeared in front of the camera, this time, she took off her round hat, did not re-transform the iconic blue eyeshadow, black sea green clothes wrapped around her bony body, and the tragic white face also made her look haggard.

The billionaire woman was abused by a small fresh meat and gave up everything to become a monk, what happened to Xu Chunmei

Everyone was shocked by Xu Chunmei's appearance, but they were also curious about her experience during this time.

In an interview, Xu Chunmei's speech was not as smooth and clear as before, it looked like she had a strange disease, and after she told the story of her marriage to Lin Zongyi word by word, she also cried that she had been deceived by Lin Zongyi and abandoned by Lin Zongyi.

The billionaire woman was abused by a small fresh meat and gave up everything to become a monk, what happened to Xu Chunmei

In addition, it is worth mentioning that this incident made Xu Chunmei, who has believed in Buddhism for many years, choose to escape into the vacant seat, and revealed that her legal name is "Xu Chunmei Jushi", and she also swore: "If I Xu Chunmei has a boyfriend again, she will not die!" ”

The billionaire woman was abused by a small fresh meat and gave up everything to become a monk, what happened to Xu Chunmei

At this point, Xu Chunmei once again faded out of the camera and concentrated on studying Buddhism.

By 2017, some media posted photos of her, looking back at her single and dedicated to Buddhism, looking a little blessed and looking much healthier.

Then last year, her friend Tianwa posted a photo with her, once again received attention, and was asked about her physical condition, Xu Chunmei said that she is now in very good health, usually in addition to learning Buddhism, she will also go golf with her friends, and even revealed her biggest wish "I hope everyone will always read Amitabha Buddha!" ”

The billionaire woman was abused by a small fresh meat and gave up everything to become a monk, what happened to Xu Chunmei

I have to say that Xu Chunmei is synonymous with "jokes" in the eyes of most people.

Including her five marriages, the "spending money for love" with the puppy, and the final ending has evolved into a farce.

And from a rich woman with a wealth of tens of billions to a monk who is now devoted to Buddha, Xu Chunmei's magnificent life experience is even more lamentable, if she changes her way, will she live a better life?

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