
Wake up and stop being fooled by eight hours of sleep!

author:Polysaccharides are not sweet

We are indoctrinated from childhood to "the idea that we must sleep for eight hours", and not sleeping enough may be accompanied by problems such as low growth and poor mental condition.

Wake up and stop being fooled by eight hours of sleep!

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  However, with the increasing social pressure, the pace of life is getting faster and faster, especially young people unconsciously spend more and more time at work, more and more young people go to bed late, because there are more and more diseases caused by staying up late, and cardiovascular-related diseases and many chronic diseases are showing a younger and younger trend.

Wake up and stop being fooled by eight hours of sleep!

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  Too little sleep or poor sleep quality will have a certain impact on the nerves, which may bring problems such as reduced attention, memory loss, mood, depression and anxiety, and even impaired immunity, reduce human metabolism, and cause irreversible damage to the body.

Wake up and stop being fooled by eight hours of sleep!

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  However, now, we spend more and more time for work and play, sleep time is more and more occupied, "eight hours of sleep" has become a luxury in the eyes of young people, but also become the expectation of young people in the elderly. Getting eight hours of sleep is getting more and more difficult.

  Although many people can't get eight hours of sleep, most people believe in this theory very much, and generally assume that adults need to sleep enough for eight hours a day to have quality sleep.

Wake up and stop being fooled by eight hours of sleep!

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  Recently, however, this "eight-hour sleep" theory has been increasingly questioned.

  For example, experts released by CCTV remind that "the important thing is not to sleep eight hours, but to sleep enough for a sufficient cycle".

Wake up and stop being fooled by eight hours of sleep!

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  So, where did this "eight-hour sleep theory" come about? Is it reliable?

  It turns out that the origin of eight-hour sleep does not come from rigorous scientific research, nor is it completely based on the scientific explanation of the human body itself, in fact, eight-hour sleep is a life-work system triggered by "labor rights".

  In capitalist countries, workers are required to work long hours, workers have to work long hours a day, their sleep time is deprived, their quality of life has fallen sharply, and after a long period of forced labor, they are prone to accidents at work.

Wake up and stop being fooled by eight hours of sleep!

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  Therefore, in order to resist the exploitation of the capitalists, the workers at that time shouted the slogan of "eight hours of sleep, eight hours of work, eight hours of leisure", just to protect some of their basic personal rights.

  It can be seen that the eight-hour sleep theory is indeed not so scientifically based, so how do we ensure high-quality sleep?

  First of all, it needs to be understood that everyone's needs for sleep time are different, and there are great differences between individuals, so the theory of eight-hour insomnia cannot be discussed in one word.

  Secondly, and more importantly, what ensures sleep quality is not sleep time, but sleep cycle.

Wake up and stop being fooled by eight hours of sleep!

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  Generally speaking, 90 minutes is a sleep cycle, and only after sleeping enough for a certain period can the effect of repairing the body be achieved.

  Our sleep is a deep sleep, light sleep alternating process, the process of falling asleep from sleepiness to light sleep to deep sleep to rapid eye movement sleep, and finally wake up is a complete sleep cycle.

Wake up and stop being fooled by eight hours of sleep!

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  Therefore, it is best for each person to arrange their own sleep cycle according to their own individual needs.

  It is best to be able to specify your own getting up and going to bed, relax before going to bed, bathing and dark light is conducive to falling asleep quickly, try to reduce mental work before going to bed, and do not easily break your sleep cycle and sleep habits on weekends, whether it is going to bed late or going to bed early, you must abide by your biological clock and let the body follow your own instructions.

Wake up and stop being fooled by eight hours of sleep!

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  Sleep quality is more important than sleep duration, and we need to focus on sleep quality. It is best to measure your sleep cycle by yourself, gradually adjust your work and rest time and good sleep habits, and maintain a good mental state.

Wake up and stop being fooled by eight hours of sleep!

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