
Local snacks drowned in the "sea of food".

author:Huang Huang Miao 01

Walking into the major scenic spots, you will be greeted by tens of thousands of hot pot restaurants and barbecue stalls. It is difficult to find snack bars full of local specialties among the bustling stalls. Have they all disappeared? Only by walking into an inconspicuous farmhouse restaurant can you see their "face" and taste their unique delicacy.

Local snacks drowned in the "sea of food".

Local snacks are the essence of Chinese food culture and a food classic with local characteristics. The food of the north and south has its own local characteristics, and the south likes to eat rice, and they can use rice to make dozens of delicious foods with all colors and flavors. Such as rice noodles, tangyuan, Qingtuan, osmanthus pastries in Jiangxi...; steamed pork and dumplings from Hunan and Hubei...; Northerners mainly eat pasta, and a single "noodles" character can make thousands of local specialty snacks. Such as: ramen noodles in Lanzhou, braised noodles and pot noodles in Henan, and shanxi noodles, knife-cut noodles and other noodles. In addition, there are various kinds of confectionery made with noodles, cakes, breads, side dishes, instant noodles and other high-quality sweets.

Local snacks drowned in the "sea of food".

Nowadays, what is really popular is not the famous food of these places, but the barbecue and hot pot with bright colors and various names. In front of each stall, children and young people are surrounded by a long queue, which is a bit of a hard-to-find smell. This keeps the stall owners busy, and from noon to late at night, people gather and dine full.

Local snacks drowned in the "sea of food".

Only 5O, 6O, 7O, and 8O are concerned about local specialties. Because he and they are people who grew up eating these delicacies, they have an inexorable love for local snacks with national characteristics.

Local snacks drowned in the "sea of food".

During a trip, I witnessed several elderly aunts and grandparents hungry looking for local snacks in the vast sea of people because they did not like to eat fashionable "food" such as kebab hot pot. He and they ran through the most prosperous streets of the scenic area but did not get their wish, and finally found their favorite place in a remote farmhouse restaurant. An uncle sighed and said: "Old and backward!" I can't even find the food I want to eat when I go out!"

Local snacks drowned in the "sea of food".

The reality is exactly this, with the changes of the times, even the daily diet has undergone earth-shaking changes. In the past, people paid attention to the sense of food and affordability, but now young people value the color, aroma and taste of food, and businesses also cater to the sense of food to make a lot of money, no wonder today's life is better and sicker. Don't blindly condemn manufacturers, they also follow the trend and have to do it.

Without consumption, there is no market, and the source of repeated prohibitions of shoddy products is not in merchants but in consumers. If the majority of consumers pay attention to a healthy diet and are not so gluttonous, the fake and shoddy products produced by manufacturers cannot be sold, even if they have the ability to cover the sky, they can not do anything. Finally, I only hope that consumers will pay attention to a healthy diet, eat more natural five-desire grains, eat less or not eat fried barbecue "delicacies", and do not let those long-standing local names drown in the vast "food sea".

Local snacks drowned in the "sea of food".