
Take stock of the real people behind the 17 Titanic characters in history

author:Interest Jun small circle

I believe that everyone must be quite familiar with the picture of the classic movie "Titanic", whether it is the plot, dialogue, and even the theme song and characters are clearly remembered, and they must also know that there is really a ship "Titanic" in history, but the movie will adapt the plot. But this time to share with you, even if the plot has been modified and exaggerated, the characters in the film can really have their own people! Today, I have sorted out 17 real people in "Titanic", are you ready to see the real captain?

<h3 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >1. Margaret Brown</h3>

Take stock of the real people behind the 17 Titanic characters in history

Played by veteran actress Kathy Bates, Margaret. Brown, also known as "Unsinkable Molly Brown." She got the nickname because of her efforts at the time to call on the crew in charge of the lifeboat to return to the scene and rescue more helpless passengers. Accounts of whether the lifeboat will return or not vary, but Brown's story also has its own work, with the musical Eternal Molly Brown, which tells her story, which debuted in 1960.

<h3 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >2. </h3>

Take stock of the real people behind the 17 Titanic characters in history

Bernard Hill plays Edward James Smith, the captain of the Titanic, who chose to sink with the ship when it sank. His wife and daughters survived.

<h3 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >3. </h3>

Take stock of the real people behind the 17 Titanic characters in history

Joseph Bruce Ismay, played by Jonathan Hyde, serves as chairman and managing director of White Star Shipping. He survived the sinking of the Titanic and later went to the U.S. Senate to be questioned about the shipwreck. In the days after the sinking of the Titanic, the press severely criticized him for choosing to flee while the women and children were still on board.

<h3 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >4. John Jacob Astor IV. </h3>

Take stock of the real people behind the 17 Titanic characters in history

John Jacob Astor IV, played by Eric Braeden, was the richest passenger on board the Titanic and one of the richest in the world at the time of the sinking. Later, the rescue team recognized his cold body through the initials on the jacket sewn.

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Take stock of the real people behind the 17 Titanic characters in history

Madeleine Force is the second wife of John Jacob Astor IV and is played in the film by Charlotte Chatton. As shown in the movie, she was pregnant while sailing on the Titanic, when she and her husband were on their way back to the United States, so the baby would be born in the United States. She was lucky enough to survive the sinking, and the baby was born safely 4 months later.

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Take stock of the real people behind the 17 Titanic characters in history

Sir Cosmo Duff-Gordon, played by Martin Jarvis, the silver medalist in the Then Olympic fencing competition, survived the sinking. But like Bruce Ismay, who was criticized for violating the "women and children first" principle established by White Star, he died in 1931 at the age of 68.

<h3 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >7. </h3>

Take stock of the real people behind the 17 Titanic characters in history

Played by Rosalind Ayres, who is also the real-life wife of the upper actor Martin Jarvis, "Mrs. Duff Gordon", as the heroine Rose mentions in the Titanic, she is a fashion designer. However, she not only designs lingerie, but also writes fashion columns for many magazines.

<h3 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >8. </h3>

Take stock of the real people behind the 17 Titanic characters in history

Benjamin Guggenheim, played by Michael Ensign, is a wealthy American businessman who boards the ship with his mistress, Léontine Aubart. During the sinking, he was killed along with victor Giglio. His brother Solomon Guggenheim is the founder of New York's most famous Museum of Art.

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Take stock of the real people behind the 17 Titanic characters in history

Although there are not many scenes in the film, Countess of Rothes, played by Rochelle Rose, is actually the big hero in this shipwreck. She helped steer the lifeboat away from the sunken boat and sailed toward the rescue ship.

<h3 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >10. Thomas Andrews. </h3>

Take stock of the real people behind the 17 Titanic characters in history

Thomas Andrews, played by Victor Garber, is the shipbuilder responsible for building the Titanic. As shown in the film, the real Andrews distributed life jackets and worked hard to help with the safety of the passengers. He died when the ship sank, and his wife and daughter survived.

<h3 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >11. </h3>

Take stock of the real people behind the 17 Titanic characters in history

William Murdoch, played by Ewan Stewart, was the co-pilot of the Titanic. The film shows Murdoch committing suicide after the ship hits an iceberg, but whether the real Murdoch did it is still a matter of debate. So after the film was released, the Murdoch family demanded an apology from director James Cameron and the film company 20th Century Fox.

<h3 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >12. </h3>

Take stock of the real people behind the 17 Titanic characters in history

Scott Anderson's Frederick Fleet was the caretaker of the Titanic when it hit an iceberg. As played in the movie, he does shout "There's an iceberg ahead!" After the shipwreck, he survived and served in World War I and World War II, but chose to end his life in 1965.

<h3 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >13. </h3>

Take stock of the real people behind the 17 Titanic characters in history

John "Jack" Phillips, played by Gregory Cooke, is a veteran radio operator aboard the Titanic who also sent a distress signal after hitting an iceberg. However, when the ship sank, he was unfortunately killed.

<h3 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >14. </h3>

Take stock of the real people behind the 17 Titanic characters in history

Harold Bride, played by Craig Kelly, is a novice radio operator aboard the Titanic. He survived the shipwreck and testified during the Senate's questioning.

<h3 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >15. </h3>

Take stock of the real people behind the 17 Titanic characters in history

Charles Lightoller, played by Jonathan Phillips, served as a second-class officer aboard the Titanic. He survived the shipwreck and continued to serve the Ship's "White Star Shipyard", which later served in World War I. During World War II, he used a private yacht to help evacuate Dunkirk, and even appeared in a character similar to his in the 2017 film Dunkirk.

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Take stock of the real people behind the 17 Titanic characters in history

Henry Wilde, played by Mark Lindsay Chapman, was the Titan's first mate, who served on several white star ships before gradually climbing to the position of first mate. However, he died in the shipwreck.

<h3 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">17.</h3>

Take stock of the real people behind the 17 Titanic characters in history

Isidor Straus, played by Lew Palter, is a co-owner of Macy's. He married his wife Elda Raven in 1871. Ada reportedly refused to board the boat after finding out that her husband could not board the lifeboat, and both died in the sinking.

These are the archetypal characters in titanic, which character do you remember the most?

Small circle: Every time I see the last old couple, it is very sad.

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