
Is Liu Zen really happy? The real Liu Zen is not a Dou who cannot be supported

author:A bag classmate who loves history

In the eyes of the world, Liu Chan, he has always been the image of a comatose monarch who does not learn and has no skills, and is greedy for fun. In everyone's opinion, Liu Chan relied on Zhuge Liang to maintain the survival of Shu Han and Shu Han.

It is rumored that Liu Chan's mother, Mrs. Gan, swallowed the Big Dipper because of her dream, and then became pregnant, so Liu Chan's nickname "A Dou".

Is Liu Zen really happy? The real Liu Zen is not a Dou who cannot be supported

Mrs. Sweet Image

The image of A Dou, who is solidified by the world and cannot be supported, is closely related to an idiom. After Liu Chan's surrender, Shu Han destroyed Sima Zhao and invited Liu Chan and Shu Han's old ministers. During the banquet, in order to test Liu Chan, Sima Zhao deliberately asked people to arrange a song and dance performance in Shudi, and the old ministers of Shu Han all burst into tears when they heard it, remembering the ruined homeland and surging with the sadness of the fallen country. Sima Zhao looked at Liu Chan, but laughed at himself, and immediately asked An Le Gong (after surrender, Liu Chan's title was An Le Gong), Gong Si Shu or not, Liu Chan, replied, "Happy here, not Shu."

Gu Zheng, an old minister of the Shu Han Dynasty, said to Liu Chan, and he would find an opportunity to tell Sima Zhao that the ancestors were in Shu and did not think about it for a day. A moment sure enough, Sima Zhao asked again, Gongsi Shu no, Liu Chan replied, the ancestors are in Shu, all day without thinking, Sima Zhao asked this like Gu Zheng taught you to say, Liu Chan's surprised said, how do you know.

Is Liu Zen really happy? The real Liu Zen is not a Dou who cannot be supported

Stills from the banquet

Liu Chan's cleverness made Sima Zhao's banquet crisis, not a dou who could not be supported.

From this banquet, Liu Chan, on the surface, is a king of the dead country who is greedy for pleasure, but everyone carefully analyzes from two aspects to know that Liu Chan's is not a dou who can't be supported by pleasure. First, Liu Chan knew that Sima Zhao was testing whether he had ambitions to restore the country, so he replied without thinking about it, and what Gu Zheng taught him, he showed a look of ignorance, because he knew that Sima Zhao would ask him, and when asked about this, like what Gu Zheng taught you, Liu Chan said with a look of surprise, how do you know. Thus reassuring Sima Zhao, Liu Chan's mediocre image of greedy pleasure, unambitious and unassertive was portrayed dead in the hearts of those in power in the Wei state.

Is Liu Zen really happy? The real Liu Zen is not a Dou who cannot be supported

Stills of Liu Chan's image

Liu Chan, reform restricts each other, and economic development is not unsupportable.

After Zhuge Liang's death, Liu Chan ruled for 31 years, devoted himself to developing agriculture and trade in Shuzhong, so that the people of Shuzhong could live and work in peace and contentment. The central official system was reformed, separating powers and separating executive power from the military. Jiang Wan was ordered to be in charge of the administration and the military to prevent the excessive power of individuals from threatening their own status, and they could also check each other internally. The states of Wu and Wei both rebelled against the imperial throne, but the Shu Han did not rely on the reform of the official system to check each other.

The above two things can be seen that Liu Chan's not a dou that cannot be supported. Everyone knows about the Three Kingdoms, and most of them are familiar from "Romance of the Three Kingdoms". But after all, it is a novel, just like the historical Huaxiong was not cut by Guan Yu, and Zhuge Liang did not use the empty city plan, because of the plot effect had to be adapted.