
Why don't civil servants recommend using Apple but Android instead?

author:Digital Mobile Pass
Why don't civil servants recommend using Apple but Android instead?

In recent years, there has been a lot of controversy over the use of mobile phones by domestic civil servants. One of the points of contention is why domestic civil servants do not recommend using Apple phones, but Android phones. This issue involves government procurement, information security, localization and other aspects, and I will analyze them from these aspects.

Why don't civil servants recommend using Apple but Android instead?

First of all, government procurement is an important reason. Government procurement refers to the purchase activities carried out by government agencies, institutions and public institutions in order to complete the needs of public affairs. In government procurement, the government usually prioritizes domestic products to support domestic industrial development. Due to its openness and popularity, Android mobile phones produced by domestic manufacturers have a large number of Android mobile phones and relatively low prices, so they are easier to be selected in government procurement. Apple's mobile phone, on the other hand, is less popular in government procurement because of its closed and high price, and the number of Apple mobile phones produced by domestic manufacturers is smaller and the price is higher.

Why don't civil servants recommend using Apple but Android instead?

Secondly, information security is also an important reason. In China, the information security issue of government agencies and public institutions has always attracted much attention. Therefore, government agencies and public institutions will give priority to mobile phones with better security performance when choosing mobile phones. Android mobile phones have certain security risks due to their openness, but domestic manufacturers can customize and strengthen them to improve their security performance. Apple's mobile phone has good security performance due to its closed nature, but domestic manufacturers cannot customize and strengthen it, so there are certain risks in information security.

Why don't civil servants recommend using Apple but Android instead?

Finally, localization is also an important reason. Under the current international situation, localization has become an important strategic goal. In the field of mobile phones, domestic manufacturers have made great progress, but Apple mobile phones cannot be produced by domestic manufacturers due to their closed nature. Therefore, government agencies and public institutions will give priority to domestic mobile phones when choosing mobile phones to support the development of domestic industries.

Why don't civil servants recommend using Apple but Android instead?

In addition to the above reasons, there are other factors that also influence the choice of domestic civil servants to use mobile phones.

Why don't civil servants recommend using Apple but Android instead?

First of all, the price of Apple mobile phones is higher, which may be a big burden for some civil servants. Although the performance and user experience of Apple's mobile phone are very good, for some civil servants, they pay more attention to the practicality and price of mobile phones, so they are more inclined to choose more affordable Android phones.

Why don't civil servants recommend using Apple but Android instead?

Secondly, the operating system and app store of Apple's mobile phone are relatively closed, which may have certain restrictions for some civil servants. For example, some government agencies and public institutions need to use specific applications to process files and data, and these applications may only run on Android. Therefore, for these civil servants, it is more suitable to choose an Android phone.

Why don't civil servants recommend using Apple but Android instead?

Finally, the repair and maintenance of Apple mobile phones is also more troublesome. Since the parts and repair technology of Apple mobile phones are relatively professional, there may be certain difficulties in repair and maintenance. Android phones, on the other hand, are relatively easy to repair and maintain due to their popularity and openness.

Why don't civil servants recommend using Apple but Android instead?

In short, domestic civil servants do not recommend the use of Apple mobile phones, but recommend the use of Android mobile phones, due to the comprehensive impact of government procurement, information security, localization, price, operating system, app store, repair and maintenance and other factors. Of course, this does not mean that Apple phones are not suitable for civil servants, but in the context of actual needs and policy regulations, Android phones are more suitable.

Why don't civil servants recommend using Apple but Android instead?

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