
What kind of "Obu" will the DPP have? Will Han Hanyu have lost the election unjustly?

author:Strait Shinkansen
What kind of "Obu" will the DPP have? Will Han Hanyu have lost the election unjustly?

Han Kuo-yu, the KMT's mayoral candidate for Kaohsiung, came to Okayama Bridge to sweep the streets on the 22nd. "Treasure Island Song King" Ye Qitian quietly appeared, he frankly came to support Han Hanyu, not afraid of being labeled.

What kind of "Obu" will the DPP have? Will Han Hanyu have lost the election unjustly?

Support his ideals, Kaohsiung must have a person to lead, Han Hanyu is a genius, genius is not guilty, he wants to work hard for Kaohsiung City!

What kind of "Obu" will the DPP have? Will Han Hanyu have lost the election unjustly?

Ye Qitian came to the campaign site one step ahead of Han Hanyu, who said that Han Hanyu had sung "Love to fight to win" at so many momentum parties, and he sang this song live to support Han Hanyu.

What kind of "Obu" will the DPP have? Will Han Hanyu have lost the election unjustly?

Ye Qitian (right)

After the two were "in the same frame", they also predicted that the two would have an exciting chorus, just on the "night before the election on the 23rd".

Kaohsiung mayoral election is fierce, Han Hanyu began to ride a car on the 21st to sweep the street to pray for votes, hoping that the rest of the time, Kaohsiung 38 districts can sweep a few districts to count a few districts.

What kind of "Obu" will the DPP have? Will Han Hanyu have lost the election unjustly?
What kind of "Obu" will the DPP have? Will Han Hanyu have lost the election unjustly?

Han Hanyu came to Kaohsiung Drum Mountain last night, Yancheng area to sweep the streets, along the way enthusiastic fans followed along the road, the liveliness as if the temple will go around the border, Han Hanyu in the "chariot", along the road there have been people and shops shouting "Han Mayor good, Han Yu frozen garlic", many lanes around the driving stopped the car, with mobile phones to grab photos, suddenly also let the scene traffic was crowded.

What kind of "Obu" will the DPP have? Will Han Hanyu have lost the election unjustly?
What kind of "Obu" will the DPP have? Will Han Hanyu have lost the election unjustly?

The "Korean Wave" not only shook the dark green Kaohsiung City, but also made the Blue Camp soar. Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-che said bluntly on the 21st that the DPP "thought too much" about this election, which caused chaos in the election; otherwise, Han Hanyu, who was the general manager of "Beinong," did a good job, not only "pulled him out" and did not allow him to come to the Taipei City Government.

What kind of "Obu" will the DPP have? Will Han Hanyu have lost the election unjustly?


Han Hanyu has been the general manager of "Beinong" since 2012, which has almost faded out of the political arena, but in 2016, when the Tsai authorities came to power, the DPP rearranged its personnel to replace Han Hanyu, and finally although Han himself resigned first, during the Period Han Hanyu's "Green Camp General" Wang Shijian in the Taipei City Council War, the press conference requested and the DPP's "new department" Of the Democratic Representative Duan Yikang gambled on "swallowing hockey" and other deeds, giving Han Hanyu the opportunity to re-enter the political arena.

At this moment, since Taiwan's 2018 "nine-in-one" election voting has entered the countdown to the hour, Han Hanyu's super high momentum has also made many people worry about the recurrence of the "Olympic Step".

The citizens of Kaohsiung have seen the "walking worker incident" and the "gossip tapes", and they have all stolen "Taiwan democracy" at a critical moment.

When Hong Xiuzhu, former chairman of the Kuomintang, went to Kaohsiung yesterday to help the candidates of the Kaohsiung City Council of the same party to stand on the platform, she did not forget to call on everyone to pay attention to the DPP's "Obu", ostensibly "love and tolerance," but stabbed you in the back; in the final stage of the election, in addition to canvassing and urging votes, do not forget to vote and supervise votes.

A university teacher living in Kaohsiung and signed wenbo pointed out that the three incidents of "gossip tapes", "two bullets" and "walkers" also tell us a fact: "Obu" cannot increase a large number of votes, but can only "narrowly win". Therefore, the best way to fight the "Obu" is high voter turnout, if the turnout is low, the "Obu" is more likely to succeed. He called for:

If the citizens of Kaohsiung and the people of Taiwan are worried about the reappearance of the "Obu", then come out and vote for your candidate, and as soon as the voter turnout rate soars, the "Obu" will have no escape.