
Yin void, yang deficiency stupid can't tell the difference? Chinese medicine teaches you how to judge, and it hurts to make up for it indiscriminately

author:Yaodu and Asaheng

When many people feel that they are weak, they like to carry out some supplements, some are eating some tonics, nutritional soup, some are brewing some astragalus, dendrobium as tea to drink, and some will eat dihuang pills to tonify the kidney, but there are almost not many people who really benefit from it, why? The main thing is that the physique is not distinguished, the key is not locked, how to make up for it is useless, and even the lock may be broken.

Yin void, yang deficiency stupid can't tell the difference? Chinese medicine teaches you how to judge, and it hurts to make up for it indiscriminately

Chinese medicine teaches you two points, distinguish between kidney yin deficiency and yang deficiency

How to simply and accurately determine whether it is yin deficiency or yang deficiency? We can look at the symptoms and tongue image

The "Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic" says: "The scripture says that the yang deficiency is cold outside, and the yin deficiency is hot inside"

(1) From the symptoms

To put it simply, yang deficiency is the weakness of yang in the body, we will feel cold image, for example, in the same environment, you will be more afraid of cold, or cold limbs, it is difficult to warm up, and then, you will also easily feel fatigue, easy to sweat and other symptoms, often appear in the spleen and stomach bad, often work, or qi deficiency people, physically, slightly fat people, these are more likely to occur yang deficiency problems.

And yin deficiency, that is, internal heat, insufficient yin qi, our body fluids, body fluids, sperm and blood belong to yin, insufficient yin qi, it is easy to produce symptoms of internal heat, such as chest tightness, hot flashes and night sweats, hot palms and feet, bone steaming afraid of heat, then this yin deficiency problem, often occurs in the body of staying up late, thin, and not healed for a long time.

(2) From the tongue image

The yin tongue is usually reddish, the tongue is thin, and then, the tongue is less mossy, or looks like a lack of water

Yin void, yang deficiency stupid can't tell the difference? Chinese medicine teaches you how to judge, and it hurts to make up for it indiscriminately

Yang deficiency tongue like, the overall is relatively fat, the tongue moss is white, the tongue body is moist, and the color of the tongue is relatively light

Yin void, yang deficiency stupid can't tell the difference? Chinese medicine teaches you how to judge, and it hurts to make up for it indiscriminately

How to supplement for patients with yin deficiency and yang deficiency?

To put it simply, yin deficiency can refer to a six-flavor dihuang pill, then if your internal heat is more serious, you can refer to a Zhibai dihuang pill, then if the kidney deficiency is slightly more, you can refer to a large tonic yin pill, usually, you can also rub the Fuchu point and Taixi point on our feet

What about patients with yang deficiency, if it is more cold like, you can refer to a Gui attached Dihuang pill, then if it causes part of the white phlegm, edema, such as eye puffiness, lower limb yang deficiency edema, at this time you can refer to a gold kidney qi pill, then if the deficiency is more ruthless, yang decay and childless, premature aging of the body, you can refer to a five-son Yanzong pill, usually, you can moxibustion our Guan Yuan Cave and Meimen Acupoint.