
Yu Minhong: I haven't played ChatGPT, so I'm not qualified to talk about high technology

Per editor: Zhang Jinhe

Recently, at the 2023 Yabuli Annual Conference, ChatGPT became a hot topic of discussion.

At the opening ceremony on March 17, Robin Li said in his speech that the price of ChatGPT calls, the price of each token call, was reduced by an order of magnitude in one or two months, which shows that its innovation speed is very fast. This phenomenon will be more common in the era of artificial intelligence. The rapid evolution of artificial intelligence technology will bring us a very different world.

Yu Minhong said in his speech on the 17th that ChatGPT has been discussed for two months, how many entrepreneurs have played ChatGPT? In his opinion, entrepreneurs who have not played ChatGPT are not qualified to talk about high-tech and the future direction of enterprises.

On March 18, Liu Yonghao said in his speech that as a practitioner in the agricultural field, he has paid attention to the development of ChatGPT and organized relevant personnel to conduct research and discussion.

On March 19, the closing forum will be themed "The Road to General Artificial Intelligence: Future Challenges and Opportunities of ChatGPT".

Liu Yonghao: As a practitioner in the field of agriculture, I have paid attention to the development of ChatGPT

According to First Finance and Economics, on March 18, Liu Yonghao, chairman of New Hope Group, said in a speech at the 2023 Yabuli annual meeting that just now the media specifically asked themselves, now that AI is so developed, GPT is coming again, intelligence is becoming more and more powerful, and there are even reports that Liu Yonghao and Baidu Li Yanhong are talking about something, do you want to cooperate?

Image source: Yicai video screenshot

"I said yes, I was asking him about smart technology, and he was talking about what they do, and I said we can do it in agriculture, and he said of course, we can discuss it." As a result today, as a blockbuster news, New Hope and Baidu may want to do smart technology and do what China does. This imagination is too powerful. I don't think there's anything wrong with that, in fact, we're just studying, discussing, learning, hundreds of students here are researching, discussing, everyone wants to do it, there's nothing wrong with that. This is the new pattern, the new era. ”

In addition, The Paper reported that he once discussed with Baidu CEO Robin Li how intelligence can be combined with agriculture. As a practitioner in the field of agriculture, he has followed the development of ChatGPT and organized research and discussion with relevant personnel.

He believes that although there is still a gap between the products launched by China and the United States, over time, Chinese companies will keep up with the pace and intelligent development will also keep up.

Minhong Yu: Entrepreneurs who haven't played ChatGPT are not qualified to talk about high technology

In his speech on March 17, Yu Minhong mentioned the hot ChatGPT, "ChatGPT has been discussed for two months, how many entrepreneurs have played ChatGPT? In his opinion, entrepreneurs who have not played ChatGPT are not qualified to talk about high-tech and the future of enterprises.

Image source: Yabuli Entrepreneur Forum official WeChat

On March 18, he mentioned artificial intelligence again. At present, artificial intelligence plus education has become a trend, but I don't think it will bring disruptive impact in nature. For the growth of children, not only the instillation of knowledge, artificial intelligence may help a lot in the instillation of knowledge, but the all-round growth of individuals requires intimate contact between people and the power of role models, which is irreplaceable by artificial intelligence.

Robin Li: Artificial intelligence will bring us a very different world

According to the public account of Yabuli Forum, Li Yanhong responded to why the trial Wen Xin Yiyan was recorded in his speech on the 17th, saying that "Wen Xin Yiyan" is a new generation of large language models and generative AI products. This is a very typical model that relies on "feedback" to continuously improve, which is why I would like to send it out early.

Image source: Yabuli Forum public number

After yesterday's press conference, many people said why don't you go to the demonstration live, do you want to demonstrate it to everyone at Yabuli today, my team asked me to demonstrate it live, but a total of 15 minutes, and I have also sent out a lot of invitation codes, you can try it yourself. Why do so many people care about it? Why is it such a big deal? Because the technology behind it is generally called "natural language understanding", or in other words, the computer has the ability to understand human natural language, has the ability to clearly express human meaning, and has good logical reasoning ability.

Imagine that when a machine has the ability to understand, express, and reason, it is very much like a "human", but the machine's memory and calculation ability are far stronger than that of a human. With this ability, machines will indeed change every industry. I judge that this technology can bring every business closer to its customers. For example, if you are Coca-Cola and billions of customers around the world are buying your products, is it possible for each of these billions of people to have a dedicated customer service staff 24/7 for each of them? It is certainly impossible to be human, and it is not economically possible, but when the machine has such capabilities, then nature becomes possible. That's where growth comes from. What was impossible in the past is not impossible many times, but because it is too expensive. Now because of the rapid decline in costs and the rapid increase in efficiency due to the advancement of technology, many "impossible" have become "possible", and therefore growth.

In addition, Li Yanhong said that in the era of artificial intelligence, the IT technology stack will become four layers. The bottom layer is still a chip, but the chip will become an artificial intelligence accelerator based on GPUs, and Baidu's Kunlun chip is a chip at this level. The frame layer is the framework of artificial intelligence, Facebook or MATA are this framework, and the domestic leader is Baidu's flying paddle. Above the framework is the model, and the Wen Xin released yesterday belongs to the big model. Models can include language models, visual models and auditory models, and according to the industry, there can also be transportation models, energy models, financial models, medical models, and so on.

On top of the big model, is the application of the era of artificial intelligence, Baidu's search, intelligent information control, or energy, electricity, etc., is an intelligent scheduling system. These are more typical applications of the era of artificial intelligence. These layers feedback each other, so that the efficiency of the entire application continues to improve. The price of ChatGPT calls, the price of each token call is reduced by an order of magnitude in a month or two, which shows that it innovates very quickly. This phenomenon will be more common in the era of artificial intelligence. The rapid evolution of artificial intelligence technology will bring us a very different world. So what Baidu really believes in is to use technology to make complex worlds simpler.

Closing Theme: Challenges and Opportunities for the Future of ChatGPT

On the 19th, the annual meeting of Yabuli China Entrepreneurs Forum closed, with the closing theme of "The Road to General Artificial Intelligence: Future Challenges and Opportunities of ChatGPT".

The birth of ChatGPT has sparked a big discussion about artificial intelligence around the world. Bill Gates commented on the significance of the birth of ChatGPT, saying that it is no less than the birth of the Internet. ChatGPT has once again ignited people's enthusiasm for science and technology, and also given thousands of industries more space for reverie, undoubtedly, as one of the important technologies in the field of natural language processing, it will have a wide range of application scenarios and important value and significance. But at the same time, ethics and law, data privacy and security are also constraining the next development of ChatGPT. With the continuous development and application of artificial intelligence technology, ChatGPT will usher in more challenges and opportunities, how will people choose to work with ChatGPT to create greater benefits?

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