
After Qin Shi Huang died, where did his descendants go? Why are so few people with the surname "嬴" today?

author:Jujiu History
"The long rainbow hangs like a seal word, and the sky is like a picture screen." The origin of Chinese characters is early, after the cleansing of history, Qin Shi Huang destroyed the unified script of the six countries, the text simplified after the New Culture Movement, and the Chinese characters we are familiar with have been changed many times, which also contains many vivid stories.
After Qin Shi Huang died, where did his descendants go? Why are so few people with the surname "嬴" today?

The name has become an iconic code for our daily travel, no matter which country we go to, we must show our corresponding identification, such as ID card, passport, etc. In ancient times, the code name of the emperor was also unique, and if someone's name collided with the name of the emperor, it was necessary to change the name. There are many people who are very puzzled, after the death of Qin Shi Huang Huan Zheng, where did his descendants go, and why are so few people surnamed "Huan" today?

When it comes to Qin Shi Huang, there is more controversy surrounding him. Every historical figure has a lot of controversy around him, and if they can create a great cause, they will definitely choose to sacrifice the interests of a few, and as a monarch, they are also prone to indiscriminate killing. Qin Shi Huang destroyed the six kingdoms, unified the world, and established the title of "emperor", so that they continued in the feudal system. He really took history a big step forward. However, there are also some people who think that he is authoritarian and tyrannical, and unkind.

After Qin Shi Huang died, where did his descendants go? Why are so few people with the surname "嬴" today?

The name of Qin Shi Huang that we can know is generally the version of Yingzheng. People think that Qin Shi Huang's surname is Ying, but in daily life, it seems that he has never heard anyone with the surname Win, so they can't help but wonder. Feudal ruling monarchs like Qin Shi Huang often hope that their feudal royal power can continue forever, so they will use the method of selecting multiple draft women and extending the imperial heirs to fight for a broader future for their dynasty.

However, there are no people with winning surnames in real life, so people have conducted some research for this. In the investigation, it was found that Qin Shi Huang did not necessarily have the surname Huan. In ancient times, a country often had many forces, and these forces were the respective separatist forces of the princes, and within these separatist spheres of influence, all people's surnames should be the same. For example, King Zhou You's favorite concubine Zhao Jiao is a beautiful woman of the country.

After Qin Shi Huang died, where did his descendants go? Why are so few people with the surname "嬴" today?

Therefore, according to the fact that Qin Shi Huang was born in the State of Zhao, some people also believe that Qin Shi Huang's real name should be Zhao Zheng. Moreover, in ancient times, the surname in the name and the modern meaning were completely different. During the period when Qin Shi Huang unified the whole country, people's surnames were still in a period of distinguishing different blood relations, and the names in the surnames were only a symbol of status. Therefore, in that feudal society where men were inferior to women, men could often call themselves by their names, so that they could show their superiority, and women could only call themselves by their surnames, because women's status in social life was lower than that of men.

Therefore, after making a detailed summary and combing according to the origin of ancient surnames, people came to a conclusion about the surname of Qin Shi Huang. That is, Qin Shi Huang is not actually called Ying Zheng, but Zhao Zheng, and the reason why people call him Ying Zheng is because he belongs to the Zhao family in the surname Win. Because men have always had a relatively high status in social life, men can always call themselves by their names, and the surname Win is forgotten by word of mouth.

After Qin Shi Huang died, where did his descendants go? Why are so few people with the surname "嬴" today?

When it comes to the descendants of Qin Shi Huang, there are actually many controversies. Some scholars believe that the descendants of Qin Shi Huang still exist, but they are incognito and unknown to the world. After all, many people in ancient times, if they want to avoid being hunted down, will change their surnames in the people, ancient surname statistics are not like modern society, unified in the national information network center for registration, if in ancient times to change the name, there will be a chance to really disappear, to achieve a secluded life.

Others believe that Qin Shi Huang's descendants have actually died. After all, after the death of Qin Shi Huang, Qin II carried out a brutal killing of Qin Shi Huang's descendants, which can be described as a bloody storm. Moreover, the Qin Dynasty royal family in the Afang Palace was also wiped out by Xiang Yu in one fell swoop, even if Qin Shi Huang really had the surname Win, then the probability of his descendants wanting to live was minimal, and it was reasonable that we could not see his descendants.

After Qin Shi Huang died, where did his descendants go? Why are so few people with the surname "嬴" today?

Qin Shi Huang had many achievements, although he unified the written language himself, but his descendants may have changed their surnames in order to survive, and used the words to resolve the tragedy. In the feudal dynasty, the survival and destruction of the day and night are actually in the hands of the rulers themselves, and only those monarchs who can capture the wind and grass of the previous dynasty and the changing harem can sit on the emperor's throne for a long time.

Perhaps their descendants can continue forever, just like the family in the High Tang Dynasty, but they may also end up incognito. It is already difficult for people to find the descendants of Qin Shi Huang, perhaps even they themselves have lost their family tree in the process of fleeing, and the descendants do not know their identity.