
Engineers devote themselves to nuclear power How did Wang Xin build "Hualong No. 1"?

author:People's Daily News

Editor's note: In 2021, the enterprising China will embark on a new journey, and the struggling Communist Party of China will usher in its centennial anniversary. In order to record the great cause of history and show the glory of the past century, the People's Network and the China Association for Science and Technology jointly launched the "Same Open Class - The Dream of a Century-old Science and Technology Power" series of interviews with the media to tell the public about the scientific research dreams, research processes and feelings of the family and the country, so as to show the unremitting struggle and brilliant achievements of the centennial party.

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"Have you been to our nuclear power plant?" In Shenzhen, it's beautiful there. Wang Xin, chief designer of China General Nuclear Power Group's "Hualong No. 1", looks a little shy, but when he talks about nuclear power, he talks endlessly.

At the recording site of the People's Network's "Dream of a Century-old Science and Technology Power", Wang Xin felt a sense of emotion: "The development of our country's nuclear industry is not easy. The older generation of nuclear industry workers, who have been incognito for decades, independently developed atomic and hydrogen bombs under extremely difficult conditions, laying a solid foundation for New China to gain a firm foothold on the world stage and not be bullied by others. ”

Talking about why he devoted himself to the field of nuclear power from the mechanical profession, Wang Xin said that he was impressed by the original intention and persistence of the older generation of nuclear industry people. "I started my nuclear power career with admiration for the spirit of 'two bombs and one satellite'."

In 1978, the domestic nuclear power industry entered a new period of development, and the preparations for the first large-scale commercial nuclear power plant in Chinese mainland, the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant, began to start.

Wang Xin said that because the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant was a technology imported from France, their work at that time could only be carried out with the support of foreign technical experts, and the key core technologies were in the hands of foreigners.

"At that time, CGN sent some personnel to France for training and study, do you know how much we paid for the training to the French side?" Wang Xin said, "The training fee for one person is as high as 1.3 million francs, and the technology is so valuable." This is still a technology that can be bought, but there are more critical and important technologies that cannot be bought. ”

"Since then, the development of China's independent three-generation nuclear power technology and becoming the world's nuclear power power has become a lingering dream and belief in my heart." Wang Xin firmly said that nuclear-related technologies are core control technologies in the world, and they cannot be bought, bought, or bought. Only by mastering the key core technologies in their own hands can we fundamentally ensure national economic security and national defense security, and can we solve the problem of "stuck neck".

After the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan in 2011, the state demanded the development of nuclear power with the highest safety standards and the safety of people's lives. "Without independent and advanced nuclear power technology, the development of the nuclear power industry will be subject to people." Hualong No.1' as China's independent research and development of nuclear power technology with independent intellectual property rights, came into being in this context at that time. Wang Xin said.

"Only the more we do it, the more confident we will be." There is no shortcut to the basic work, so it must be done honestly and steadily. In his view, the excellent work style handed down by the older generation of nuclear industry workers is the cultural foundation for us to guard nuclear safety.

"Nuclear safety-related matters must not be sloppy." Wang Xin frankly said that the emphasis on safety is sometimes like "obsessive-compulsive disorder", and he often stresses to the team members that it is necessary to "boldly assume and carefully verify" in scientific research, and always maintain a sense of reverence for nuclear safety, be strict and meticulous, cautious and cautious, and carefully consider every detail. "Everyone is a barrier, and nuclear safety must always be the first priority."

In May 2018, the nuclear island dome of Unit 3 entered the key link of hoisting, marking the construction of the nuclear power plant from the civil construction stage to the equipment installation stage, which is of great significance.

In order to successfully achieve the engineering goal of dome hoisting, Wang Xin led the team to work day and night to discuss every possible detail, repeatedly deliberate and demonstrate before hoisting, and conduct a comprehensive inspection of the construction tools to ensure that every detail is considered and foolproof. At the same time, it also innovatively adopted 3D virtual simulation technology to conduct a comprehensive drill on dome hoisting to identify possible risks.

"Because every detail was fully prepared in advance, our dome took less than 3 hours to successfully lift, and we hoisted and installed a 'behemoth' with a diameter of 45 meters and a weight of 260 tons, with an error of less than 2 millimeters." Wang Xin said that no matter what kind of work, as long as the work is done in detail and in a down-to-earth manner, success will become a natural result.

Wang Xin, who is low-key and modest, rarely talks about his contributions, and always talks about "Hualong No. 1", in his view, he is just trying to do his job well.

In recent years, Hualong No.1 has also gained more and more attention in the international market and has become a shining business card in the field of high technology in our country. Wang Xin said: "From the beginning of the research and development work, 'Hualong No. 1' was based on creating a stack with independent intellectual property rights, and made full preparations for 'going out'. ”

Wang Xin said that although the competition in the international nuclear power market is very fierce, nuclear power is a civilian industry after all, and the ultimate benefit of nuclear power development is reflected in providing safe, environmentally friendly and cheap electricity for the people. In addition, in the context of "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality", the carbon emission reduction effect of "Hualong One" provides new opportunities for its sustainable development.

"I hope that everyone can join in, contribute to the development of China's nuclear energy industry, and jointly compose the dream of a nuclear power power." Wang Xin said.

(Editor-in-charge: Xiao Congcong, He Yingchun)

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